Showing posts with label "someone". Show all posts
Showing posts with label "someone". Show all posts

Sunday, June 22, 2014

SP Members Fill Me With Pride

Like Tomais and myself, my buddy Eric Quimby and the commentator "someone" many other members seem to have been saddened by the sight of the many empty storefronts at the Pride sims.

"Where are some of the merchants, designers and creators whom we lavish our pink linden dollars on all year round? Why aren't they they here giving back a little to the LGBTQ-community that supports them throughout the year?", we asked ourselves I am sure.

I could mention some pretty large and well reputed brand names who are miserably invisible on the sims, but am choosing not to.

I am certain one reason for the empty stores is the fact that the seasoned Marketing Chair Merrick Genesis became sick and was hospitalized as we were getting close to the festival. The core duties of a Marketing Director had to divided between two of the other directors, who already have a full list of other responsibilities. I am certain the rest of the board had to step in and help too.

However, many members seem to have reacted like myself and Eric and have decided to take action by getting a store to fill out the empty holes and support our beloved Second Pride. Yesterday the Second Pride East sim looked much better although there were still some gaps. I was so proud to see this happening that my heart was filled with joy and pride and my eyes with tears. I love being a member of Second Pride!

I myself have set up a store for Bock in SecondLife. Just a small place for those who feel tired of walking and wish to take the weight of their feet for a while as they sip some strong Swedish coffee. (Today I will start serving freshly baked cup cakes every hour on the hour. Tomais darling, you better put your apron on!) You can also take a date there to cuddle up and have a good talk without the noisiness of a party surrounding you and your friends looking on.

When you hit the blog header on the back wall you get a link to "Bock in SecondLife" to have something to read while you rest. You can also - if you are daring enough and a true fashionista - collect my Pride 2014 Exclusive Version of my renowned The Jesters Hat. (Free/gratis/at absolutely no cost at all - AMAZING!)

Please come to The Bock in SecondLife Store @ Second Pride East (SLurl) and enjoy a quiet, relaxing, moment, I will be there from time to time to meet & greet with my readers too.

If you also wish to purchase a store take a look at the Festival Packages and follow the excellent instructions or get in touch with Karl Kalchek or Baz Ceawlin. (When contacting the board members please do remember that this is an extremely hectic time for them and do not expect immediate attention.)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Cleanliness is Next to Godliness, but... Updated

Ars was a good father and he taught our son well.

One of the things that really irritated my Ars the most was disorganization and untidiness and that is one of my main hang-ups too. But sometimes it is taken much too far...

The day after Andrey´s and my rezday party I discovered that "someone" - and mind you I am not mentioning names here - had been back at the party scene to clean up. Which was very good of them, but imagine my disappointment when "someone" - and I am still not mentioning any names - had carried their fastidiousness too far and also removed a small addition to the party scene that I really loved.

So I am sort of sending out a message here that should be interpreted something like this; "Drop your c**k and grab your socks and mosey your sweet li´l ass in-world to get that extra sign back up straight away or I´ll have to have a serious talk with you, dude!"

I hope my message was clear enough.

Thanks so much "someone"! Love you! xoxoxo