Showing posts with label Denmark. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Denmark. Show all posts

Saturday, December 13, 2014

The GA WinterFest is Here!

I am late to the party as I have been over in Copenhagen being soothed and commiserated upon by my BFF Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark. We share a mutual dislike for that other Scandinavian queen. So Margrethe invited me over to her digs at Amalienborg Castle for a few days.

We spent two wonderful days and a night together sharing horror stories and eating fast food and snacks in our pajamas only waited upon by a former who has gone completely deaf.

But I a dallying, on with the real subject of this post, the GA WinterFest that started yesterday and will continue until December 21st.
The theme of this years WinterFest is "Gay Archipelago 2034" and it will consist of 10 whole days of events around the clock.

For a schedule to all the events please visit the GA WeBlog. You will find the events of the day listed in the column to the left.

Take this ride to get to the GA WinterFest (SLurl).

Once you are there, please visit Tomais' and my booth which you will find here (This will only work once you are there.)

Don't forget to pick up your free gift from "Bock in SecondLife"!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Upcoming Events

My hometown in first life is Lund, located in the province of Scania, which consists of the peninsula in the far south of Sweden. It is believed to be one of the two oldest cities in present-day Sweden. Every fifty year or so there is a new stick, brick or piece of glass unearthed that predates the city's origin with another 100 or so years. At the moment it is believed that the city was settled in circa 990.

There have been few changes in the street system of the city since Middle Ages, although the old ramparts of clay that used to surround the city are mostly gone.

The city was made an episcopal see of the Roman Catholic church in 1048 and a cathedral was built here. Lund Cathedral School (Katedralskolan) was founded in 1085 and is considered to be the oldest school in Scandinavia and one of the oldest in Northern Europe. The school still exists and was indeed the senior high school of the laird himself.
The province of Scania formed part of the kingdom of Denmark up until 1658, when Denmark was forced to give it up to Sweden after a devastating defeat. Denmark didn't completely give up it's attempts to take the province back until 1710. The region did not become a part of Sweden proper until 1719, but had the status of conquered "foreign land" until that year.

Until the early 19th century, a ruthless policy of forced assimilation was employed by the Swedish government in what until then had been a linguistically Danish region. As part of the assimilation policy a university was founded here in 1666.

Lund University is today the largest in Sweden (and indubitably the best as it is the lairds alma mater) with more than 42,000 students, although not all of them live here. The 30,000-35,000 of them that do live here make out a big bulk of the cities population of 83,000 inhabitants. Every year we get a new influx of another 10,000 students as approximately the same amount leave to continue their lives somewhere else.

What the students do greatly effects the rest of us and mostly we love them for it.
Every fourth year since the late 19th century the students in Lund have a carnival (Lundakarnevalen) which usually brings a staggering number of visitors to the city. 2014 is another carnival year and it will be celebrated between May 16 through May 18. which means my small city is going to have circa 400,000 visitors during the three days, mainly on Saturday and Sunday when there is a carnival parade through the city center.

We will enjoy it, endure it and be happy to see the end of it - until we start longing for it to come along in four years time.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

ESC 2013 - The Winner

Huh, whats so good about this song? It's terribly boring in my opinion!

Congratulations to Denmark anyway, now I am going in-world to dance at Spurt! I hope to see you all there!

My favorites, Hungary ended in 10th place , Iceland in 17th and Malta in 8th.

Friday, May 17, 2013

IDAHO Day 2013 (Updated)

Today is the International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia (url).

In almost 80 countries around the world, loving someone of the same sex is still considered illegal, at times involving lifetime imprisonment and, in nine countries, it is even punishable by death!

And in many more countries still, citizens are denied their right to live according to their preferred gender identity.

As well as legal discrimination's  social homophobia and transphobia serve to daily deny millions of people across the world their basic human dignity.

The International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO) was created in 2004 to draw the attention of policymakers, opinion leaders, social movements, the public and the media to this issue.

It is not one centralized campaign; rather it is a moment that everyone can take advantage of to take action.

The date of May 17th was specifically chosen to commemorate the World Health Organization’s decision in 1990 to declassify homosexuality as a mental disorder.

Today is the day to take action in your local area, talk about it or simply mention it, just spread the word!

Update 1
The European Union´s Agency for Fundamental Rights today presented a report of a survey among 93 000 gay inhabitants in the EU and Croatia (read the summary here)

The lowest rate of discrimination occurs in the Netherlands followed by Denmark and Luxembourg, while the highest rate of discrimination occurs is in Lithuania followed by Croatia and Poland.

Update 2
Read my friend Garth Raleigh's suggestion in the comments below about how to take part in the manifestation in SecondLife today!