Showing posts with label Kris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kris. Show all posts

Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Second Pride Memorial Chapel

This evening I made a visit to the interdenominational memorial chapel at Second Pride.

It is an extraordinarily beautiful building placed close to the waters and is surrounded by trees. The wonderful place is unexpectedly calm and serene, considering how busy the rest of the three sims are.
At the back of the chapel there are two small tables, one in each corner, with candles that can be lit for a lost friend or loved one.

I was very pleased to notice that there were three candles already lit for my Ars and I lit a fourth. It also made me happy to see that Kris Mounier was still loved and remembered by someone, Ars always had a great deal of affection for that kind man.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Bara Interviewed

This seems to be the evening when all my favorite men with connection to SecondLife seem to be up to something, all except Apmel, Ziggy and Eddi... but the day is not over yet!

First my favorite Philip Linden (maybe), then my favorite Butch Diavolo and just now I got an e-mail from the Bara Jonson´s Fan Group in SecondLife with the following message.
Bara as portrayed on Virtual Music Magazine
"Yesterday I was inteviewed for the Virtual Music Magazine here in SL and its already been published. 
Also I have to show this amazing blog from my sons favorite uncle.. Bock McMillan...(emboldened and underlined by this blogger)
See you on Friday 12.30 for this weeks only show!"

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Wonderful Bara

Yesterday I - for the first time in a long time- had the possibility to catch a set by my dear buddy Bara Jonson, SecondLife (and first life) singer/songwriter extraordinaire. It was bloody awesome!

Bara has a wonderful warm voice that goes straight into my heart and while there plays on all the strings it can find. Those of us who were there, also got to hear a new song by Bara - which was wonderful even if I have forgotten the title - and the splendid news that Bara, his new co-singer Free (whom I haven´t had a chance to listen to yet but have received excellent reports about) and his band now have a manager in first life.

During my post-set talk with Bara we talked about his family, Nickel and Kris (who are still in the U.S.) and Bara mentioned that they were both coming over to Sweden this summer. He also mentioned that Kris was going to be christened during his visit here and then said "As I have often told Nickel, there is only one person whom I can imagine as Kris´s godfather..."

A few years ago I was in a very small part instrumental in seeing to it that Bara got his ass over to the U.S., where he met up with Nickel in real life, shared some vodka with her and corrupted the beautiful innocent woman so badly with his charm and vodka that nine months later she gave birth to their beautiful son Kristoffer.

I was totally blown away and elated by being asked to perform this honor for my friends, even though I did not admit it at the time. Sadly, I had to tell Bara that "Even the Church of Sweden has a few standards and one is that the godparent belongs to the church and has the faith".

Alas, I no longer fulfill those small requirements so I had to decline with a broken heart - after I had quickly and quietly considered rejoining the church again.

Well Jonas and Elizabeth (Bara´s and Nickel´s first life names), even if I cannot be Kris´s godfather I will do my very best to be his guardian angel and/or partner in crime!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

When Strangers Click 2

On September 23rd I was very lucky! Although it had been widely publicized on some of the Swedish SecondLife blogs that the HBO documentary film "When Strangers Click" was going to be shown on the Swedish television channel SVT I had completely forgotten about it.

However, I must have remembered subconsciously or just had a bit of dumb luck because contrary to my usual habits the first thing I did when I came home from work was turn on the television set. And there it was, the film had just started running so I settled down in front of my set and watched it.

The film depicts five couples meeting and falling in love on the Internet, among them the SecondLife singer/songwriter Bara Jonson and his sweet wife Nickel Borrelly, who both are dear friends of mine.

Bock as Bara´s best man
Photography by Ika Cioc
It is in this film that The Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm and prince of Cascade Falls, makes his international television debut in the cameo role as Bara´s best man in the pictures from the sweet couples SecondLife marriage.

I liked the documentary, but most of all I loved watching my friends and Bara´s mother Malla all being charming, intelligent, honest and so sweet. I actually fell completely in platonic love with both the primatars of Nickel and Malla.

Nickel very forthrightly tells us that we owe gratitude to Vodka for the existence of their beautiful son  Kris, who was born nine months after Bara and Nickels first life meeting.

An interesting fact that was presented in the program is the responses that women and men gave to the question "What are you most afraid of concerning Internet dating?"
Women: That they would meet a serial killer.
Men: That they would meet someone who is fat.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Bara´s Release Party

Bara on stage
The cloud is Chaplin Early. He doesn't like his picture taken.
as you may remember from my series "Naked avatars in SL"
A guy named Galen Spot (Great legs huh?)
My beautiful sister Millimina and I having a good time
Bara Jonson finally released his long awaited album "Lost in America... Somewhere" with a release party at the wonderful Gimle venue, owned and operated by Iendi Laville and Apollon Allen.

Bara sang and played his guitar to us who where there or listening in on the stream; some songs acoustically, some songs to back tracks from the new album and some even in duet with his son young son Kris. Let me tell you at once, this album was well worth waiting for!

You can buy the full album here.

The audience at the sim where mostly Scandinavians but we had a thoroughly great time.

(This post has been corrected according to the clarifications made by Bara Jonson in a comment)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Bock - the TV-star med förhinder

Så kom då dagen - äntligen - då jag blev upptäckt av den stora världen utanför SL. HBO, det amerikanska produktionsbolaget ville ha mig med i en kommande produktion.

Tyvärr visade det sig att de hela kvällen istället kom att fokusera på en divig sångare och gitarrklinkare i SL som heter Bara Jonson. Ni kan ha hört talas om honom tidigare men det är verkligen osäkert ... så djävla känd är han ju inte. 

Bara såg för övrigt bedrövlig ut, först i ett bedrövligt noob-hår som han visst hade haft våren 2002 eller något, senare i grått välklippt hår och ett skinn som fick honom att se ut som en bedagad sjuttiofem årig tangocharmör. Förresten Bara i välklippt hår skulle det vara trovärdigt???

Jag vet inte riktigt hur det gick till men plötsligt var HBO mer intresserad av honom och hans kärlekshistoria med en amerikansk skönhet som heter Nickel Borrelly, de hade visst fått träffats i SL och sedan fått barn i RL. En riktig godbit för det heteronormativa HBO...

Jag fick istället ägna mig åt att dansa och se vacker ut tillsammans med min urstilige styvson Guyke Lundquist - han brås verkligen efter min Ars och börjar nu bli en riktig snygging - och hans ursöte finländare Janttu Winkler. Ni lär väl se min axel i bild i tre sekunder om jag har tur med den mördande konkurrensen vad gäller testosteronstinn manlig skönhet, och då menar jag naturligtvis inte från Bara.

Nehej, allt ovan är lite förvängt.

HBO var naturligtvis i SL för att föreviga Nickels och Baras romans, som de förde vidare från SL till RL med det underbara resultatet Kris! Jag och pojkarna var där för att vara statister vid inspelingen, tyvärr visade det sig att de där filmmänniskorna inte vet hur man håller tider. Trots att filmmakarna hela tiden "älskade" vad de hade sett, skulle de "bara fånga det på bild fem gånger till" och sedan "bara tre gånger till" och sedan "bara tre gånger till från annan vinkel och med annan ljussättning"....

Det mest bestående minnet av kvällen var dock en "räpa" som var med som statist! Hon började i IM till mig gnälla om vilka bedrövliga danser Nickel hade. När jag berättade för henne att Nickel minsann dansade på min dans-HUD så skrev hon bara att hon "raises eyebrows". Jag frågade henne då var hon ansåg att man fick tag på de bästa danserna. På det svarade hon "Naturligtvis hos AKEYO och A&M". När jag efter detta upplyste henne om att alla mina danser var antingen från AKEYO eller A&M så blev hon tyst för resten av kvällen.

Nåväl, vid midnatt var jag tvungen att tacka för mig och pipa iväg till RL innan de hann säga "bara en gång till"! Jag vet ju att jag är den mest tålmodige avataren i SL, det säger alla till mig, men även jag måste dra gränsen någonstans.

Den underbara Starlight Gentil som anslöt lite senare under kvällen

Det var kul att vara med, även om det blev lite tradigt mellan varven. Mina uppriktigaste ursäkter går till den underbara Kay Uggla, som jag hade lovat dansa med på den fantastiska Colonial BalOrmDricka. Vi får göra det en annan gång istället Kay!