Showing posts with label Stockholm Pride. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stockholm Pride. Show all posts

Friday, August 4, 2017

Announcing: Absolut Rainbow

The Swedish alcohol producer V&S Vin & Sprit AB (a subsidiary of Pernod Ricard) today announced a new product, read more about it here: Absolut Rainbow. I'm certain the launch is connected to the ongoing Stockholm Pride.
"Through the years, Absolut have done all kinds of proud activities, including the first spirits bottle ever to wear the rainbow flag, which was made in collaboration with Gilbert Baker, the designer behind the original flag. To us, the rainbow flag represents the diverse voices of the LGBTQ community coming together, celebrating difference in unity. Now, when the rainbow flag is about to turn 40, the time has come to give the rainbow a permanent place in our portfolio. This time with brush strokes, screen-printed on the glass, creating a strong connection to the creative artists that have been inspired by the Absolut bottle in the past. Absolut Rainbow Edition is limited in volume, but not in time. Consume what's on the inside moderately, but please be anything but moderate when spreading the message on the outside! Taking pride in diversity, is what the world needs, now more than ever."

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Monday, July 27, 2015

Stockholm Pride, July 27 - August 1, 2015

It's time again for my friend Apmel's neighbours to raise the Pride-flag.

Stockholm Pride, the largest Pride-festival in Scandinavia, started today and ends on Saturday.

For more information about this event, please visit the official website Stockholm Pride (English).

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Gays Are to Blame

To my own shame I must admit that I found this on the other side of the Atlantic even if it is from a Swedish television program. Joe Jervis and his Joe.My.God. rule once again!

This is from a very popular sing-along program that is aired on one of the Swedish (Public) Television channels and was sent during Stockholm Pride this year.

I particularly love the line, "We need to have enough morals for double-standards!"

If subtitles do not appear, click on the "CC" button at the bottom of the player.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Stockholm Pride 2011

On Monday August 1st, 2011, Apmel Goossons neighbor in real life will raise his Pride flag and keep it flying for a week, which is his tradition since many years during Stockholm Pride.
If you wish to read more about Stockholm Pride and see the program for this year, go to this website. 

"This summer Stockholm Pride invites you to a grand celebration of Human Rights and Equality. 

We take this opportunity to celebrate the progress that the LGTB-movement has already made. We are, as we should be, proud of these victories, but we cannot be satisfied with them. We still have a long way to go towards an open society and an open world. Therefore Stockholm Pride will have “Openness” as the theme for the 2011 festival. 

Openness, for us, describes how well a society can provide for the needs of all its members. This includes both legislation and the ability to tend to all the different needs that we have depending on our own personal life situation, as well as the un-written rules that exists in every society."

The Pride celebration in Stockholm is the largest in Scandinavia.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Partiledardebatten på Stockholm Pride 2010

Den underbara PetGirl Bergman har idag lagt upp en video från den av RFSLanordnade partiledardebatten på Stockholm Pride igår. Jag letade utan att finna, dronningen fann den!

Det är en spännande, rolig, tankeväckande och intressant debatt även för människor som inte har HBT-frågorna högt på sin agenda!

Se videon på "Tinas universum".

Monday, July 26, 2010

Idag flaggar Apmels granne i RL med regnbågsflaggan...

...för idag börjar

Stockholm Pride kommer att pågå under tiden 26 juli - 1 augusti 2010.

Jag är just nu för sur för att blogga om det som jag hade tänkt, så läs istället mer på "Tinas universum". Där finns även utmärkta länkar till både evenemanget och mer.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Göran Hägglund och KD väljer bort Stockholm Pride

Göran Hägglund (kd) är den enda partiledare som tackar nej till att delta i Stockholm Prides partiledardebatt. Enligt Hägglunds pressekreterare Petra Kjellarson kan han inte komma eftersom han håller sitt traditionella sommartal på Öland påföljande dag.

I Svenska Dagbladet beklagar RFSLs förbundsordförande Ulrika Westerlund Hägglunds beslut och hon säger att ”det är svårt för mig att se hur statsministern kan göra en lucka i kalendern men inte Hägglund”.

Kristdemokraterna kommer som enda parti inte heller att ha ett eget tält på festivalsområdet.

Stockholm Pride äger rum den 26 juli-1 augusti 2010. Debatten arrangeras av RFSL på temat HBT-frågor, det vill säga homosexuella, bisexuella och transpersoner.

Genom sina prioriteringar avslöjar man var man står, skulle man kunna säga om detta.