The figure above is scary!
It shows the support for the fascist Swedish Democratic Party (SD) in the opinion polls.
The fact that SD seem to have gained support from more than 4 % (the entry threshold to the Swedish parliament, "the Riksdag") means that the fascists - for the first time ever in Swedish history - could get seats in the Riksdag.
For the love of democracy,
for the love of tolerance and
for the love of Sweden
Vote on Sunday September 19th, 2010!
There are three clear alternatives in this election, the RedGreen-coalition, the Alliance or SD. If you abstain from voting or cast a blank vote you - by default - vote for SD!
In my opinion, if you don´t see the alternatives you have just been too damned lazy. Use Saturday to check out the websites of the political parties and take a stand on Sunday.
Keep fascists out of our Riksdag!