Showing posts with label Virtually Gorgeous. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Virtually Gorgeous. Show all posts

Thursday, May 24, 2012

My New Blogging Blanket

Working on my new blogging blanket
A few evenings ago my dear friend Carol Pixelmaid, proprietor and lead designer of *Virtually Gorgeous*™ in SecondLife, surprised me with a wonderful personalized gift.

As you can see on Carols blog Virtually Gorgeous (url) she is mainly a designer of women´s fashion, but occasionally her creative talents lead her into building cool stuff and beautiful furniture.

The gift I received is a blogging blanket with a laptop, coffee and cool animations. The special version Carol made for me has my blog on the screen of the laptop, which of course gave me a special thrill. I simply love it and sit on it all the time when I have nothing else to do.

The blogging blanket is now on sale in the vendor in Carol´s furniture store *Virtually Gorgeous* Main Store (SLurl) or on SecondLife Marketplace *VG* blogging blanket w laptop & animations (url). (The regular version is only L$350 but if you want the version with Bock in SecondLife on the screen it will set you back L$1,000,000 due to royalty fees to the McMillan Household, EU-taxes and tariffs surcharges etc. etc.)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Damn You, Google!

This weekend Google has decided to screw with bloggers outside the United States again it seems. They have now decided to chang the addresses to all the Blogger (a part of Google) blogs in your blogrolls.

I didn't understand that something was wrong or what was going on until I read this post on J.M.G. Joe Jervis´s readers are usually an extremely chatty crowd and the fact that I couldn't see a single comment in his last ten posts made me suspicious.

What you have to do to get your browser directing to
http://[blogname] instead of the http://[blogname].blogspot.[your country code].is to change to the correct address in your browser by changing the address to http://[blogname] Then click enter and the ncr will disappear while the .com will remain.

Once you have done this the original versions of the blog will remain in your browser. You do not need to change your blogroll (my wrong sorry). The change survives a restart, but I guess you have to do this every time you visit a new Blogger blog or change browsers or computers or anything else...

Please note:
1. Thankfully Google is only messing with its own Blogger blogs, the other blogging services remain unchanged.
2. Bloggers in the United States are not effected.

This is plain stupid, whatever lofty and high sounding reasons they may give for the change!

UPDATE Sunday March 18: If my own personal experience is true for everyone it seems we must perform the change to .com/ncr everyday.