Bock in SecondLife is happy to invite all of it's readers and their friends to The McMillan Ball at Second Pride Festival, today between 2-4PM SLT.
The ball will be lead by DJ Kahvy and his host Garrett. Don't know the dances? No worries, just follow Kahvy's suggestions in local chat.
We suggest you come in formal attire - and tartans are highly encouraged - but no one will be kicked out for attending in jeans or beachwear.
The ball will take place at the main stage of Second Pride (SLurl).
The ball will be lead by DJ Kahvy and his host Garrett. Don't know the dances? No worries, just follow Kahvy's suggestions in local chat.
We suggest you come in formal attire - and tartans are highly encouraged - but no one will be kicked out for attending in jeans or beachwear.
The ball will take place at the main stage of Second Pride (SLurl).