Showing posts with label ledsen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ledsen. Show all posts

Friday, December 3, 2010

Multiple Lucia Pageants in SecondLife

It saddens me greatly to see that so many of the other Scandinavian SecondLife blogs are pretending that the Swedish Embassy´s Lucia pageant does not exist by calling it "another event" or even "another possible event".

I will rise above this childish and petty rivalry and tell you about them all (as I have done before).

If there are any more that I do not know about yet please inform me and I will be happy to mention those also. I have no qualms about mentioning other pageants and wish them all the best of luck!

As I have told you early on the Swedish Embassy in SecondLife will for the fifth consecutive year have its traditional Lucia pageant on Sunday December 12th, 2010, at 11 am and 1 pm, this year under the leadership of yours truly.

This is the official and oldest Lucia pageant in SecondLife.

There will also be a Lucia pageant by the Swedish group at Tara Hill the same day at 1:30 pm.

Our Scandinavian friends in Second Norway will have a Lucia pageant - on the correct date - Monday December 13th, 2010, at 11 am.

The more the merrier, I say, just as in real life!