Showing posts with label recept. Show all posts
Showing posts with label recept. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Last Day of Gluttony

In Catholic times, "the Fat Tuesday" was the last day before the forty days of fasting until Easter started.

The purpose of Lent is the preparation of the believer for Easter through prayer, doing penance, repentance of sins, almsgiving, and self-denial. As the name suggests, one would eat ravenously - preferably seven meals a day - to stand firmly prepared for the 40-day fast. The traditions around the calorie-rich feast day remained even after the rules of fasting disappeared with the Protestant Reformation.

Since it was the last chance before the fast to eat milk, eggs, and white wheat flour, perhaps a dessert in the form of a fixed bun was on the menu.

That is why we Swedes to this day, in one of the most secular countries in the World, stuff ourselves with the delicacies in the picture. There are variations of semlor (sehm-lohr is plural, sehm-la is singular) throughout Scandinavia and in Sweden they go by several different names: 'semlor' in the north, 'fastlagsbullar' in the south, and 'hetvägg' if they are eaten with warm milk and sprinkled with cinnamon.

Here's a recipe for fastlagsbullar in English that I found on the (url)

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Då jag läste en diskussion på "Min avatar heter Apmel" reagerade jag reflexmässigt på samma sätt som Apmel gjorde. Vad fan är "jordgubbsmarmelad", det heter ju "jordgubbssylt", tänkte jag.

När jag googlade fick jag 25 700 träffar på "jordgubbsmarmelad" och 85 100 träffar på "jordgubbssylt".

Efter att ha läst recepten kom jag ändå fram till att det nog mest är fråga om dialektala skillnader. Vissa av recepten hade ju till och med rubriken "jordgubbsmarmelad/jordgubbssylt"