Showing posts with label timeline. Show all posts
Showing posts with label timeline. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Tell Tomais I Love Him

I haven't seen much of my darling Tomais during the last two weeks, except for the weekend, due to the USA switching to Daylight Savings Time two weeks before Europe and our different work hours.
I am giving all my readers a mission on my behalf, please tell Tomais that I love him on his timeline on Facebook. Just a simple "Bock loves you, Tomais!" will do perfectly.

Don't worry if anyone else has already done it, you do it too! After all, he cannot get the message too many times can he? Not even 10,000 times is enough, but I don't have that many readers that are also friends with us both on Facebook so I will take as many as I get and be grateful for your help.

Sweden and the rest of Europe will switch to DST during the upcoming weekend and everything will be normalized again. Thank the Babylonians!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Visiting the OmWa Gallery

Today Tomais and I visited Om Feden's OmWa Gallery to, among other things, do the mandatory bicycle-picture.

Tomais took this beautiful photo that we can paste to Om's timeline on Facebook.

Sunday, May 18, 2014


For years now, I have desperately been trying to create an image of myself as a down-to-earth, rational man who only very occasionally is swept away by strong feeling of outrage, anger and disappointment with the human condition and social injustices in the world.

Then I get a picture like this pasted on my timeline on Facebook by my husband Tomais.
Seeing this I was immediately turned into a blubbering fool and was swept off my feet by mushy romantic feelings with tears of joy and relief in my eyes. At such moments I must secretly admit - at least to myself - that I am mostly ruled by my emotions although I try to give them a facade of rationality.

I don't mind getting tears in my eyes or weeping when I encounter strong and true emotions, but hate being manipulated to tears by heavy-handed sentimentality like in cheesy romantic movies or cute kittens. Or rather, I hate being manipulated full stop. Show me something true and honest and my emotions will come but don't try pushing me towards the edge.

There are two men in SecondLife whom I am heavily indebted too for conspiring to make a couple out of Tomais and me, without my knowing it of course. The excellent matchmaking team are Ziggy Starsmith and Rylan Sirnah, I highly recommend the two to anyone seeking a match made in heaven. How they got the idea of the wonderful Tomais and me as a couple I haven't fully learned yet, but I will always be grateful.

What I am wondering even more about is how they actually got us together, but the less I know the better maybe...