Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Idea for Masquerade

I found this great picture of a hot man in an amazing and exotic outfit on my friend Torro Spyker´s blog The Bullring a good awhile ago.
Outfit by Flondo
If you wish to see more stunning outfits on hot men look here Magical World of Flondo!

As Torro tells us in his post, "If you are planning a masquerade and you're in search of some exotic inspiration, there are few artists around today who deliver the oriental and the theatrical with anything like the flair (and kink!) of Flondo."

Next time I am going to a masquerade I will for sure try this look.

"Bock, You Are Such A Lens Bug"

As I reported yesterday, I left the Imagine peacefest at Solace Island on Sunday rather hastily.

This was because I received a call from my buddy Eddi Haskell, major SLebrity, blogger, fashionista, photographer, machinimista etc. etc., to come to the shooting of his appearance on The DJ Insyx Show. This show is a weekly show produced by the great people over at Gay-World News.

When I informed my sister Millimina Salamander that I was leaving and the reason for it she said, "Bock, you are such a lens bug!" (A "lens bug" (linslus) is a Swedish colloquial phrase referring to someone who very much likes to be photographed.)

The laird in a beautiful Pashmina shawl and a girly sit on the far left.
Fabrice Snook from Gay World News overseeing the taping and looking hot
Although I told her I was just going to be a part of the audience at the taping and would most likely not appear on camera, she just laughed me off. My sister is loving but sometimes I want to wring her neck!

The reason I went so fast to the taping was of course that I assumed he would tell the story about what happened to him in real life at the Hotel Mark Twain in San Francisco along with a hot blond. But no such luck this time. instead he went on and on about other interesting topics concerning his Secondlife experiences.

You can see the taped show on Eddi´s blog Eddi Haskell´s Second Life My Second Life Television Debut.... (Be careful with the sound level, start out low.)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Laird Inspects Installation Art

"No Name Yet" Installation art by Kandinsky Beaumont
The Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm and prince of Cascade Falls, deigned to honor the Imagine peacefest at Solace Island with his presence on Sunday evening.

During his unusually lengthy visit the laird took the time to inspect a piece of installation art that had been partly sponsored by The Bock McMillan Art Foundation (a part of the BMcM Corporation). The installation was made by Kandinsky Beaumont, hostess of the event, and met with the highest approval of the laird.

The peacefest was a great success with entertainment by the singer and songwriter POL Arida and the fabulous group DRUM.

All and sundry of the existing art mob in SecondLife passed through the party during the many hours that the laird was there, but he most appreciated the presence of his beloved sister Millimina Salamander whom he had not met with in a long while.

Extreme Makeover

As a blogger I feel I must - at least sometimes - allow myself to be influenced by complaints from my readers.

Although I will always maintain that this is my blog and I bloody hell right what I want to as long as stay well within the scope of the blog providers rules, the Swedish law and normal human decency.

Today I received a complaint from another blogger that my blog header was way too blurry and she kindly offered me a sharper image. I rejected the proposal and decided to try a new look without reverting to black, so I landed on this transparent-grey-white beehive look.

As a blog header I chose a picture that SecondLife photographer Kent Hutchinson took. I am still in my "dead eyes" in the picture, but you will have to live with that. Hope you like it because I am sticking with it until December!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Annoying SLebrity Takes A Stand

The famous - or perhaps even infamous - SecondLife performance artist and machinima creator extraordinaire SaveMe Oh today takes a stand against bullying on her weblog, "Stay With Your Filthy Hands Off Of My Swedish Friends".

I should think that SaveMe considers her whole SecondLife existence as an act of performing art because she usually creates uproar wherever she goes - usually somewhere in the SecondLife art community - by being as an agent provocateur. By her own admission she has been banned at more than 100 sims.

Admittedly SaveMe often annoys me but today she became my heroine and made my day by confronting one of the five leading Swedish bullies head on.

According to the opponents blog. she considers the conversation to be "threatening" and has now supposedly made an abuse report to Linden Lab, which shouldn't ´t lead to anything except a waste of valuable time.

From Second Life Wiki
Disclosing private Second Life conversations: Sharing or posting a conversation inworld or in the Second Life forums without consent of all involved Residents is a violation of the Terms of Service.
NOTE: This does not include posting of chat to social media sites or other websites. Posting such logs on web pages, emailing them, or printing them out and posting them on utility poles in the "real world" -- are all actions beyond the scope of the Second Life Terms of Service.; while that might be illegal, but those laws must be enforced by the proper law enforcement agencies."Conversation" means text that originally came from Second Life chat or Second Life instant messages. If it's totally unattributed, then it isn't considered disclosure. Additionally, Residents are not punished for sharing or posting a comment such as "Bob Resident said, 'You're the greatest!'" (My underlinings)

Treasure Found

My sister Millimina yesterday asked to see a picture of me when I was still a brunette in SecondLife. While I was rummaging through my Inventory I accidentally came across this picture showing my Ars, me, our son Guyke and my brother in-law Andrey relaxing together.

I cannot remember this particular occasion but I still intensely remember the feeling of belonging and of being together.

Ever since Ars passed away I have been meaning to go through all the snapshots, but the task feels overwhelming.