Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year 2012

I wish all of my first and second life family, friends. friends-to-be, ex-friends and all strangers but especially all my readers and followers a happy ending of 2011 and a wonderful, fresh, new 2012!

May all our hopes and wishes be fulfilled and may harm stay out of our way. I hope to see you all next year. Together we will make this the best year ever!

Misandry and Zlatan

It´s been an exciting morning.

First of all, I learned a new word, misandry. (Take the link to Wikipedia to learn the meaning of the word.)

Secondly, I read a comment directed at me on a Swedish blog where the blogger herself referred to me as "the Zlatan of self-pitying". The selfsame blogger also honored me with a blogroll of my own, with the reason given that she didn't read my blog herself but that she wished to perform a public service to her readers.

For those of you who do not know of Zlatan Ibrahimović let me tell you he is the best Swedish professional soccer player ever. (Again, if you wish to learn more about Zlatan take the Wiki-link)

Even if I know I should have ignored her baiting, I could not resist so I dropped her a reply (here translated to English):

Well, (bloggers first name), it is normally not considered pleasant to kick on someone who is already down on the ground, but perhaps there are other standards on the West Coast? No for sure, I know that there aren´t, because I have lived there myself for five years.
If you are tired of my self-pitying, I can honestly say that it most likely is a slight breeze compared to how I feel myself. Unlike me, however, you have the privilege to surf on with a snort; I have to live my way through the crap.
When I began blogging, I promised myself that the blog would be a true, honest and open account of my experiences or else I should not do it. Of course I do not write about everything concerning my dealings with others, but in regard to myself, I am completely open. If this does not suit you obviously you should not read it - and most definitely not give it a blogroll of it´s own on your blog.
December 31, 2011 14:42
Enough of this bullshit, now I am getting ready for this evening. Have fun everyone! 

Friday, December 30, 2011

Bock: "2012 Will Be Wonderful!"

"Farm in fog", photography by Gary Hamburgh
OK, I felt the pressure building up inside me as the end of the year came closer.

Just as we watch the fogs slowly lifting over the farmhouse in Gary Hamburgh´s beautiful picture, here are my predictions for 2012.

  1. The universe as we know it will still be here
  2. We will have made contact with an extraterrestrial intelligence. However, they decline any further contact because they think we are dumb asses.
  3. The answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything will remain 42.
  1. The Arab spring will continue with baby-steps and a few set backs, it will eventually also turn into a Persian spring. There will still be no Chinese spring in sight
  2. The Internet will remain free, power mongers must realize you cannot put the genie back in the can once it is set free.
  3. Barack Obama will be reelected for a second term as President of the United States of America
  1. SecondLife will still be here, things will improve inworld when Viewer 1 has been dropped
  2. Linden Lab will remain as owners of SecondLife and their financial situation will slowly improve
  3. Mesh will...  ugh lets wait and see, my answer on this one is 42
  1. The blog "Tinas universum" (Tina´s Universe) will be up and running again, the oldest Swedish avatar known to man cannot hold back long
  2. "Bock in SecondLife" will most likely still be here, lets say 42 on this one
  3. As for the rest - 42
  1. I will be 42 and Bock will be 5, but we will still look like 32 and act like 12
  2. I and Bock will have had sex again with another human being and/or avatar. Finally!
  3. I will still be on antidepressants but vastly improved

That´s it folks! All in all, we have a wonderful and marvelous year waiting for us. Enjoy 2012!

Childish Tantrum

Someone else´s hissy fit has placed me in a state of yearning for payback.

I am almost certain I will remove all the stuff I have been moving around when I wake up later today, but anyway I am going with my vindictive urge for now.

I already feel foolish and childish enough for doing this so bare with me please and don´t judge me to hard for answering to my basest instincts - for a while.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Second Pride Has A New Website

Second Pride has a new website! Make sure to add this url to your favorites

Second Pride was born around 2005 and in small gathering of LGBT groups in the LGBT region of Province Town in Second Life. Back then the participants were almost all from the same few groups and it is only later that it grew when they decided to make their celebration event available to all of SL by making it much bigger.

Beginning in 2007, the Second Pride Committee has chosen a Real or 1st Life charity to designate as the recipient of proceeds raised above and beyond those required for the “business” of organizing events leading up to the annual Second Pride Festival as well as the Festival itself. Over the years, Second Pride has raised thousands of dollars in support of these Real World organizations whose mission and goals dovetail with our own. As Second Pride moves into a new era we will be supporting “in-world” Second Life groups and organizations that share our interest and concern and further LGBT causes.

Why Do I Blog?

This is essentially a reposting of an old post I did once to explain to myself - and others - my intentions with my blogging. The original post "Varför bloggar jag?" was in Swedish so I have rewritten the relevant parts of it in English here and removed some references to a conflict that was going on at that time.
My blogging is not at all professional or journalistic; it is rather impressionistic or possibly expressionistic.

I blog about things about myself, what moves me, what concerns me, what bothers me and what upsets me mostly in SecondLife but also in real life. I react to my own personal experiences, impressions and adventures, but this I have clearly stated already in the header of this blog.

I do not claim to tell the complete truth. However, I try to tell my truth as honestly and well as I can and only of the things I know of and have witnessed myself. I am not an investigative journalist; I have not done extensive research and gone through all the blogs that may be involved. Nevertheless I always allow others to give their versions of the truth and listen with respect to what they have to say.

Overall, I would define myself as a rather kind soul. I am rarely seeking battle, but rather dialogue, for that sake I do not avoid conflict when I believe it is necessary. My purpose is never to get at, hurt or harm any of my fellow human beings or fellow avatars. However, I sometimes think there are benefits to airing dirty laundry in a conflict.

I will continue to blog about what moves, concerns, disturbs and upsets me. Not so much for the sake of others as for my own benefit. Of course it is gratifying to know that others also read what I write and react to it, but honestly, this is essentially a form of safety valve, self-therapy or masturbation to which I have become dependent. I hope no blood, saliva or other bodily fluids ever splash onto you.

Have a nice day!

Music Maestro, Please!

Its time for some good music to break my irritation. Here come CockNBullKid with Asthma Attack, enjoy!