Friday, March 9, 2012

The Interview With Oz Linden

(via Treet.TV)

Jessica Lyon, from the Phoenix viewer, interviews Oz Linden of Linden Lab on the Labs policy changes on Third Party Viewers (TPV). (Unfortunately parts of the interview is silent or inaudible.)

Oz Linden (Scott Lawrence in first life) is the director of Open Development at Linden Lab.

This is my humble take on some of the issues discussed in the interview (and please remember I am not a programmer):

1. Privacy
The change has been put on hold indefinitely by Linden Lab to investigate more on legitimate uses, except concerning whether someone is shown to be online against the users consent.

2. Identifying viewers, operating systems, IP-addresses and other personal data about the users
I support the change in policy as I cannot see a legitimate reason for anyone to gather, store and display this information about users.

3. Altering "shared experience" (the rendering of the world itself)
I support the change as long as testing in small scale is allowed as the Lab says it will be. Most of the brouhaha on this issue seems to me like the usual psychotic Linden-bashing and mostly comes from "the usual suspects", i.e the high-strung prima donnas.

4. "Feature surprises" by Linden Lab
I don´t understand why the Lab shouldn't be allowed to develop new features in private, just like the TPV´s can.

5. Cooperation vs. Competition between Linden Lab and the TPV´s
I highly approve of the fact that Oz strongly stressed the Labs wishes to cooperate with the third party viewers in improving the user experience and SecondLife as a whole.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

It Ain't Cheap To Look Good

Bock as a noob dancing at Badboy Plaza
My buddy Eddi Haskell has a new poll running on his blog Eddi Haskell´s Second Life, asking How Much Do You Spend To Look Good in SecondLife?

Take the poll, please, I am so looking forward to see the final results.

I will not share with you how much I spend, but if you look at the picture above I am sure you can guess it took some hard work, many cosmetic surgeries (with shape and skin changes), AO´s to get rid of the "duckwalk" and a more than a few Lindens on a decent wardrobe and accessories to make that hideous noob look as halfway good as I do today.

The picture above shows me in my third or fourth month in SecondLife. I had just managed to buy the Pride Flag after about 25 hours of "camping". Soon afterwards I plugged in my credit card to SecondLife and the ugly duckling turned into the swan you see today, or close.

This is the only snapshot from my early days that I have found in my Inventory yet, I know there should be some more but I haven't taken the time to go through my 2,000+ snapshots and textures yet. Unfortunately I also remember how I at one point started deleting things from my early days (I will never do that again), but I am hoping there may still be some I overlooked

And the Struggle Continues...

After almost a century great strides in women´s equality have been taken in many ways and in many parts of the world. However, much more work remains before women achieve full and equal rights even in the countries where they have come the furthest. In other parts they still live in patriarchal slavery and are treated worse than cattle - and are more expendable - with hardly any human rights at all, if any.

Be strong, be determined and join forces among yourselves and with those other allies you can find. Hopefully you will not have to wait another hundred years.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A.B.B. Indicted For Terror and Murder

 Lise Aserud/AFP/Getty Images
"Norwegian prosecutors on Wednesday indicted (A.B.B.) on terror and murder charges for killing 77 people in a bomb and shooting rampage on 22 July 2011 but said the confessed mass killer was unlikely to go to prison for the country's worst peacetime massacre.
Prosecutors said they considered the 33-year-old rightwing extremist to be psychotic and would seek a sentence of involuntary commitment to psychiatric care instead of imprisonment unless new information about his mental health emerged during the trial, due to start in April.
As expected, they charged him under a paragraph in Norway's anti-terror law that refers to violent acts intended to disrupt key government functions or spread fears in the population.
(A.B.B.) has confessed to the attacks but denies criminal guilt, portraying the victims as "traitors" for embracing immigration policies he claims will result in an Islamic colonisation of Norway."
Read the whole article on here.

Please note that the question whether or not A.B.B. is indeed criminally insane is being reinvestigated by order of the Oslo District Court..

Oz Linden on TPV Policy Changes

"This Wednesday, March 7th at 3pm SLT. I, Jessica Lyon will be interviewing Oz Linden from Linden Lab about the third party viewer policy additions and related concerns. I will be representing the Third Party Viewer Community and the resident community during this interview, not specifically this project. This is not a Phoenix Office Hour and is very likely a one time thing.
During the first half hour of the show I will be asking Oz questions based on input I've received from third party viewer projects and the SL community. During the second half of the show I will ask Oz your questions providing they haven't already been answered.
The interview will take place in a private region that will not be open to the public, however you will all be able to participate and watch on the live stream here. Ask your questions on the live stream and they will be forwarded to me, then I will ask them for you to Oz during the second half of the show.
Director of Open Development at Linden Lab
(Scott Lawrence in first life) 
This is a very rare and in many ways historic event that will hopefully answer all your questions and concerns in regards to the new policy changes. The policy affects you! so be informed! Mark your calendars, invite your friends and spread the word.
Who: Jessica Lyon and Oz Linden
What: Interview with Oz linden for clarifications on the new policy additions and how they effect you and the Third Party Viewers you use.
When: Wednesday, March 7th, 3pm SLT
Where: Because it's important!

Hope to see you on the stream!
Jessica Lyon
Project Manager"
I found this on the Phoenix Viewer blog, it should be interesting, but I will have to watch it tomorrow.

Thought-of-the-day: Why do all the Linden men looks so awful? Linden Lab really should hire a stylist to help them look halfway decent even if they are heterosexually challenged. (If need be I will force my straight buddies Apmel Goosson or Frostland Beornssen - both fashionistas -  to show them how to do it!)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Meeting D R E Y

 Every meeting with my brother in-law D R E Y starts with a hug followed by declarations of love, Once those preliminaries are over my BIL and I can start talking.

The talk today started with hernias, went over lovers to life, straight mens fashion sense (Apmel excluded by mutual agreement, as the rumors about him are spreading outside the Swedish circles), day men, new shops that are worth a visit and special men, lieges and lairds and lairds souls saved by instructions from sweet vampire lieges.

We also made a sate to meet when D R E Y´s liege comes home from hist travels - he has gone to Transylvania on a business trip - and how nioce it would be to hang with him awhile. We also covered the usual topic about how many assholes one has to sift through to find the gold nuggets.

Meeting my BIL is always good!

Don´t Go There

My friends Zigadena Gabardini and Emarald Harvey have picked up an interesting video with recommendations on where NOT to go this summer or ever. See the video and the recommendation on their blog ZE Design SL.

Hey, why should we gays, or our straight allies, support undemocratic bigots with our tourist money anyway? If they do not want us, stuff them! There are so very many other locations to visit for a vacation.

In my mind, it is always good to do a bit of research before making travel plans, and not only on hotels and travel costs but also on political matters. Tourism is a huge industry and by spending our holiday money consciously and wisely we can make a significant difference in bringing about change.