Saturday, March 31, 2012

Squeezing Iendi

After first having spent the better part of the day with Iendi Laville I was very happy when she teleported me to the party at Kicki´s Jetty.

We danced quite a few close dances and chatted away in IM so much that I hardly noticed what was said in local chat. It was wonderful to be close to her again even if I am feeling a great deal of confusion!

Anton Shakes His Ass

Anton Hysén and Sigrid Bernson dance together in Let's dance 2012
So our favorite young and out footballer Anton Hysén is in the Swedish version of the television show  "Dancing With The Stars", which in Sweden is called "Let´s Dance 2012". (SIC!!! The new name is soooo much more Swedish sounding that the need for this inscrutable meddlesomeness is fully warranted - NOT).

See Anton practicing his moves and shaking his cute ass in a very winning way at his website Anton Hysén; "Dancing With The Stars".

Unfortunately we have learned Anton will not be dancing with another man because, according to the British judge Tony Irving (gay as a three dollar bill himself) on; "This Is Why Anton Isn´t Dancing With A Man", "firstly he did not ask for a male dance partner (... and if he had it would have caused problems...) because the rules of couples dancing are very heteronormative and it would have made it more difficult to judge."

This season sees the participation of among others Marcus Schenkenberg (male model) and Camilla Henemark (self-proclaimed ex-mistress of his majesty Carl XIV Gustaf, King of Sweden).

The show is broadcast on Friday evenings, 12 PM SLT, on Swedish TV 4 (my assistant - me, myself, I - was sloppy and failed to inform me about this in time).

UPDATE: I found a clip of last nights premier show which I hope you all can watch on TV 4 Play, Let´s Dance (only until April 6, 2012), Anton enters at 1:08:58 and is followed by the ex-mistress.

Anton Shakes His Ass

Anton Hysén and Sigrid Bernson dance together in Let's dance 2012
So our favorite young and out footballer Anton Hysén is in the Swedish version of the television show  "Dancing With The Stars", which in Sweden is called "Let´s Dance 2012". (SIC!!! The new name is soooo much more Swedish sounding that the need for this inscrutable meddlesomeness is fully warranted - NOT).

See Anton practicing his moves and shaking his cute ass in a very winning way at his website Anton Hysén; "Dancing With The Stars".

Unfortunately we have learned Anton will not be dancing with another man because, according to the British judge Tony Irving (gay as a three dollar bill himself) on; "This Is Why Anton Isn´t Dancing With A Man", "firstly he did not ask for a male dance partner (... and if he had it would have caused problems...) because the rules of couples dancing are very heteronormative and it would have made it more difficult to judge."

This season sees the participation of among others Marcus Schenkenberg (male model) and Camilla Henemark (self-proclaimed ex-mistress of his majesty Carl XIV Gustaf, King of Sweden).

The show is broadcast on Friday evenings, 12 PM SLT, on Swedish TV 4 (my assistant - me, myself, I - was sloppy and failed to inform me about this in time).

UPDATE: I found a clip of last nights premier show which I hope you all can watch on TV 4 Play, Let´s Dance (only until April 6, 2012), Anton enters at 1:08:58 and is followed by the ex-mistress.

Friday, March 30, 2012

An Invitation from Alizarin

"Space, will open my build "Acquarella: After the Apocalypse (Chapters 1 & 2)" to the public on Sunday, April 1, 12 am PDT, at Split Screen. All are cordially invited to drop in anytime. 

 The Reception Party will be Sunday, April 8, 1 - 2 pm PDT . I hope you can come!", says Alizarin Goldflake in an invitation.

Alizarin continues "Acquarella: After the Apocalypse (Chapters 1 &  2)"  is a metamorphosis of the first half of an InWorldz installation hosted by virtual art patron Jeri Rahja.  The story is the same:  the goddess Acquarella sets out to repopulate the dead ocean after the human race wipes out life on earth, but she makes a big mistake along the way.  The story may be the same but the "set" has a fresh look.  Although the Disaster chapter still sparkles with particle flames, the following new things have been added: the balcony entrance, the path of hot coals, the flaming lilypad stems, the thick black cloud, a totally different more allegorical soundscape, and the shape of the chapter container itself.  The Perfection chapter has some new plants, a different layout, and now includes a spying monster named Homeland Security, which enhances the original idea that attempts at perfection carry the seeds of their own destruction within them."

Alizarin concludes the invitation with the following "Also showing: "Adagio" a beautiful and poignant piece by Blue Tsuki.  Both installations will be open throughout the month of April."

Alizarin Goldflake & Blue Tsuki @ Split Screen, April 1-30

Friday Evening

Iendi & DJ Apollon
Getting back home from the conference today, the only thing on my mind was to get some sleep. I was tired from an almost sleepless night being kept awake by quacking ducks and geese trying to find partners or fighting for territory.

After my four hour nap I was halfway fit for fight again and logged into SecondLife to check out that everything was well on the home sim, which it was. When I was about to log into first life there was an invitation in the Swedish group chat to come and listen to DJ Apollon. I have always liked Apollon and his mixes even if I may not enjoy some of the music as much. Somehow Apollon always succeeds in creating good humor at his sets.

I really hadn't planned on staying very long but it was just as easy to relax with Apollon and the others as would have in first life so I stayed a couple of hours until the Friday coma started setting in.

As some of you may remember Apollon is the winner of this blogs contest "Naked Avatars in SecondLife" ("Nakna avatarer i SL")

For the wining photoes please look at my previous posts "The Winner" and Apollon Allen´s contributions "Nakna avatarer i SL 46"

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Missed You!

Hey darlings, !´m so sorry I forgot to tell you all I was going away on Thursday. I didn't realize my mistake until in the morning but then I was already a bit late and could not take the time to leave a message.

I have missed you all and am happy to be back!