Thursday, June 28, 2012

When In Doubt, Take A Quiz

As a non-American citizen I will - to many of my American friends relief - have no say in the upcoming presidential election, but it was still a relief to see the outcome of this quiz.

You can take the quiz at I Side With...(url)

Gay Anthems for Second Pride 7

Donna Summer & Westlife - Enough Is Enough

Repost: Remember Stonewall

This is essentially a repost of a post I did last year, with a minor correction and an addition.


Let us always be proud and thankful to the trannies who finally had had enough of the harassment and fought back 43 years ago on June 28, 1969, at the Stonewall Inn. We owe you, guys and girls!

Read more on Wikipedia Stonewall riots.

Before Stonewall
  • a person with homosexual inclinations was considered to be mentally ill, 
  • a person taking part in homosexual sexual activity was considered to be a criminal, 
  • a person suspected of being homosexual could be abused or harassed without risk of penalty - except in the most extreme cases, 
  • a homosexual parent was considered unfit to take care of his/her own children, 
  • Civil unions or same-sex marriages were unthinkable. 
  • etc., etc. 
All of us should always remember the gratitude we owe the trannies.

This important historical event and the birth of the movement for gay liberation and gay rights will be commemorated at the Second Pride Festival this evening with a special party. Please come back for information about this later today, meanwhile check out this post for some info about it Bock in SecondLife; Advance Notice - Second Pride Remembers Stonewall (url).

We should also remember that many of our brothers and sisters worldwide still live with the very real risk of
  • being murdered, incarcerated or hospitalized, abused & harassed
  • losing custody of their children 
  • losing their employment 
simply for being homosexual.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Covering Up an Indiscretion

Thank you for the heads-up, Ziggy buddy!

Simmering Down at The Whim

Yesterday I was frustrated about some problems I had with my viewer and some other shit. However, I decided to drop in at my buddy Butch Diavolo´s new club Whim (SLurl), on Tuesdays there is a regular four hour set of the best trance DJ´s in SecondLife.

Arcangelo "DJ Arcy" Hellman managed to cool me down and in a matter of two hours I was feeling mellow, sleepy and cool.
Shorty and Nutch dancing

Visiting With Apmel in Cloud Party

My buddy Apmel Goosson, also has an account on that social network called Facebook. When ever I think of Facebook, I always remember this sentence. "If you do not pay for a service, the main reason usually is that you are the product."

Lately Apmel has posted a lot about a new feature on Facebook called "Cloud Party" so today I decided to try it out and pay him a surprise visit. I do like to check things out closely. Apmel has a link you can try at the end of this post Lennart aka [explicit] Apmel (url)

You are given the option to log in with your Facebook account or as an anonymous user, as I deleted my account there a long time ago I used the latter.

Bock drops in for a vis it in Cloud Party
I rezzed into Cloud Party close to Apmel´s home and art gallery in there. It was easy to learn the fundamentals with previous experience from SecondLife or any other virtual world.

Well as Apmel wasn't home I didn't stay long, after clicking around the other "clouds worlds" floating around in the skies for a short while - they were all much the same - I logged off. I am sure this thing will develop and get consumer directed shops and other stuff soon, Facebook is after all a huge marketplace.

Gay Anthems for Second Pride 6

Gloria Gaynor - I Will Survive