Friday, July 6, 2012

Gay Anthems for Second Pride 15

Village People

In the Navy
Go West 

No list of Gay Anthems would ever be complete without these three, but I was so furious with the bastards for disabling embedding that, for a while, I thought I should exclude them.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Good Boy!

Guyke really is a chip off the old block! Following in his fathers footsteps he takes the time to check in on me from time to time.

His attention is always appreciated!

The Six Wives of Henry VIII

On Sunday evening I had the great pleasure of seeing the musical play "The Six Wives of Henry VIII" at The Marduk Theatre at the Second Pride Festival.

The legendary Wesley Spengler, proved that he could clean up nicely and gave us a wonderful, helpful and humorous narration of the events that unfolded on the stage.

The music to illustrate the event was fabulously chosen to give a tongue-in-cheek interpretation of the lyrics so that they were elevated to a completely new level and meaning.

As could be expected, the audience participation was an added benefit. We all dove in with gusto and scathing remarks.
Catherine of Aragon, brilliantly interpreted by Van Auster showed us - albeit in pixelated form - that the reputation of the women from Aragon for being among the sexiest in the world is not false.
Anne Boleyn, played by MeatJockey Lederberg, and her sister Jane, played by Marcus Steeplechase,  arrive at the court after a few years abroad. Anne Boleyn successfully entices Henry VIII with her foreign talents and vices.
Archbishop Thomas Cromwell, elegantly played by Kharissa Indigo, awaits to escort queen Anne Boleyn to the scaffold after she has been convicted of all crimes possible and sentenced to death.
Queen Anne says farewell to the court and the world on the scaffold.
Jane Seymour, played by Callinet Dagostino, heats up the king and all his men and every other man she encounters during her short life.
King Henry, formidably played by Marcus Steeplechase, takes a moving farewell of Queen Jane before she is sent to the scaffold to get her head chopped off.
The king mourns the demise of Jane for three years, here seen passing time with his buddy archbishop Thomas. The archbishop is meanwhile scouring the protestant royal houses in search of a suitable new mate for the king.
Anne of Cleve, portrayed with flair by MJshotboy Skytower, arrives at the court of Saint James´s but turns out not to be to the liking of the king.
Queen Anne sings her goodbyes with the country classic D-I-V-O-R-C-E before being shipped back to Cleve by the king.
The kings former buddy archbishop Thomas is sentenced to death and beheaded for "lese majesté" (treason against his sovereign) for arranging the disastrous wedding with Anne of Cleve. CHOP IT OFF!
Catherine Howard, played by Peewee Musytari, arrives at court to screw with the king and everyone else with a pulse - and perhaps even without...
The court rejoices and celebrates at the upcoming beheading of Queen Catherine.
Queen Catherine prays for mercy and says her farewells.
Catherine Parr, performed with bravado by Philip Eubanks, comes to court to marry and nurse the aging king.
The king sings his final number, of course it could be nothing else than "My way".
Grand finale, the ensemble and the audience dance and applaud an excellent performance!

This was a definite success and was extremely entertaining. If you ever get a chance to catch the show, jump at it!