Friday, October 12, 2012

Diavolo´s Podcast

Butch Diavolo, my buddy, has now gotten his own place on SoundCloud. Enjoy his first posting!

...and now I am crawling back to my warm and wonderful bed... ;)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Two Turtle Doves

My parents are - finally - reunited again after my fathers short stint at the local hospital.

When I saw my father yesterday he was despondent, feeling abandoned and talking about how he was going to die in the hospital bed where he had been since September 29.

"Everyone else goes home after a day or two here, but they keep me. They will never send me home! I am bored to death and I worry about mother. She doesn't like to be alone, you know, and I don't like to leave her alone either. I miss her."

The two met when my father was 15 and my mother was 16. They married in april 1950 and since then have never been much away from each other, except for their various hospital stays in recent years.

As far as I can remember my parents have always shown their love for each other in an unassuming but highly visible way, except for a short period nearly thirty years ago when I was in my early teens.

As far as I and my older sister (who was married and had moved away by then) have been able to piece together from what we remember and overheard, my father must have had a short romantic fling at the office. When my father broke it off after a few weeks the woman felt obliged to call my mother to inform her of what had been going on.

I remember my mother crying a lot and my father going around and looking like a whipped dog. At the time it felt like this went on for an eternity, but in hindsight it cannot have been for longer than two months until they found their way back to each other. At first very tentatively and carefully but soon their love flowed again and filled the whole family with joy and reassurance that everything was still well in the world.

I remembered that time when I saw them together today. Both radiating with happiness at seeing and touching each other and for being together again.

For some reason I started singing a rewritten stanza from The twelve days of Christmas to myself in the car on my way home, again and again and again... "two turtle doves and a son in a virtual reality" (Yeah, I know the words don´t fit the music well - but I did not receive the Nobel Prize in Literature this year either.)

The Yadkin Valley Festival

My ex-missus and friend Iendi Laville and my friend Gittrika Mint have joined forces and with the help of a few more friends organized an autumn festival.

The program

FRIDAY (times below are CET until I take the time to change the to SLT)
20:30 Inauguration of the stage next to Bounce Bar
20:30 Rola Hykova on the same stage
22:00 DJ Apollon at the Bounce Bar

10:00 Melodikrysset (a Swedish radio crossword puzzle program not recommended for International guests) at the campsite. It is of course good to just come and hang out also
11:00 Festival Radio. Rattle and music with Iendi and her guests
13:00 aake Roffo will be in place at the Yadkin Exhibition to show the current exhibition. One of the artists may be in place.
17:00 Festival radio transmits Aake´s fairy tale "The Princess and the Frog". You should expect a discussion after the program. The fairy tale will also be broadcast after the events on Friday and Saturday.
19:00 DJ Betty at La Grenouille
21:00 DJ Ikaros at La Grenouille
22:00 AM Quar at Gitts Club
23:00 DJ Kicki on the deck

12:00 Bright Oh on stage at La Grenouille
13:00 Discs with coffee at the campsite
15:00 Festival radio broadcast replay of interviews with Rola Hykova and Bara Jonson
19:00 Bara Jonson & Free Balan at Gitt´s Club
20:00 Torben Asp on stage at La Grenouille
21:00 DJ Rultan at "The Mushroom"
23:00 Urban Harvy on stage at La Grenouille
24.00 Talk into the night at the campsite. If you hear someone snoring in separate tents it will be Gitt and Iendi. (Wouldn't it be even more interesting if we could hear the two girls snoring from the same tent, my comment)

Iendi and Gitt welcome you all to have a fun weekend with them!

For updates or changes in programming please check The Yadkin Post

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Il Ritorno Del Laird

The Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm and prince of Cascade Falls, having visited Stockholm to descend upon his royal cousins and to lobby the Nobel Committee (to ensure an invitation) for two days has now returned home again.

While in Stockholm the laird thought of his retirement from official duties in the far off future. It is true he has made plans with his sister Millimina Salamander that they would join households when that time comes, but they have not been able to agree on where yet. Bock emphatically refuses to move north and Millimina is hesitant about moving to the south of Sweden.

Well, during his visit in the northern city his mind cleared on where they should eventually retire after partaking of a delicious dinner at the wonderful restaurant The Trattoria by the waters on the quay at Norr Mälarstrand in Stockholm.

"It has to be Italy of course, nowhere else will do! Preferably Tuscany. in Florence, Siena, San Gimignano or any of the many other medieval towns there, The food is excellent, the climate is mild and warm and the men are beautiful. Guyke and Janttu could move into a villa, or apartment, nearby and see to it that we are well taken care of. It´s perfect and I am sure she will love the idea also!"

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Murder Mystery

I always knew that my brother in-law Dejerrity Mycron had a temper, but I never imagined it could result in this. Of course I also knew that his relationship to his sister was a bit strained but not that it was this bad.

But perhaps it isn't his sister? If it isn't who can it be? I did not think he was into guys in high heels but he could have been very drunk - or maybe just desperate one lonely night...?

Why didn't he bury her/him better? He must have known I would spot those legs with ruby heels sticking out from under the building? Could he have been in a hurry or was there an unexpected interruption? 

Friday, October 5, 2012

"Doing A Bock"

When I walked into the lunchroom at work today I overheard two co-workers talking.
- "Yesterday I did a Bock!"
- "Oh, what do you mean?"
- "Well, I went to bed when I came home and slept until midnight. Then I got up went to the bathroom. ate a little, drank a little, watched television a little and went back to bed again two hours later to sleep until it was time to get up for work."

The word of my strange habits seem to be spreading. Actually I have done two Bock´s in a row this week, yesterday and the day before, and still i feel tired. I am blaming the arrival of autumn and the darned continuous raining.

After work most days I check in with my dad at the hospital, then over to my mother to see that she is OK too and then home to hit the bed after taking two painkillers for my more or less permanent headache. Anyway my father is getting better and my mother is doing well, so all is well in the world!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Four Years Ago

"Family Gathering" by Haakon Meads
This picture was taken by Haakon Meads on Saturday October 12, 2008, at 06:35:54 AM SLT and shows (from left to right) Haakon Meads, Martial Eisenhart (in the tree), Guyke Lundquist, Ars Northmead and myself on the back deck of Ars´s and my home at Southern Charm. I must have been to a themed party the night before and was too lazy to change out of the outfit.

The rug must´ve only had four poses so ingenious Martial planted a tree on the deck to get a good seat. Did we have ground sits in our AO´s (Animation Overrides) those days? I cannot remember...

Martial was gracious enough to give it to me when we talked last time. I should have it my Inventory somewhere, but have not been able to find it.

I still remember the evening well and am amazed at how long ago it is even if it still feels so close. So much has changed and so much is still the same. Good memories help us maintain stability in a forever changing world.