Monday, January 28, 2013


The day had come for the most fabulous event of the year in SecondLife, the annual Miss Wigstock contest at Gay Riviera.

For some crazy reason I had rather hastily declared that I would go to the event in drag, but when I took a look at what I had of drag-outfits I started feeling like Cinderella, dreary and not fit to go anywhere in. In short I had a-b-s-o-l-u-t-e-l-y nothing decent to wear among guys dressed up to kill.

Action was needed and action was taken, I went out to shop for fantastic and amazing outfits despite my double-payment problems.

If Kahvy Sands had not forcibly enrolled BM Oh to assist me, I would still have been out there looking. My newest friend is a "diva assoluta" herself and of course knew all the best shops where I could find everything I needed. Halfway through we were joined by my friends Diana and Carol for added - and valued - consultation.

Do any of you know how many things any decent woman needs just to get out of bed, even in SecondLife? Well, there is nail-polish (both fingers and toes), lipstick, eye-shadow, mascara, eye-lashes, blush, heels, gowns, jewelry (earrings, necklace, rings and bracelets) and much, much more.

Did you even know that since the tattoo-layer came to SecondLife it no longer matters which eye-shadow your skin has? You just put an optional eye-shadow over it and whammo you have a whole different make-up!

Well, we had many busy and fun hours but when we were ready I was dressed to slaughter the competition even if I was not in The Miss Wigstock contest.

Thank you so much BM, Diana and Carol, I could not have done it without you! I looked absolutely fabulous even if I have to say so myself!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Teaser from Miss Wigstock 2013

This was not one of the contestants, but great legs huh? More tomorrow, it is too late now to write a post and edit pictures. 

Miss Wigstock 2013 (LM added)

Prepare yourselves for the event of the season! Today is the day for Glamour, Bling & 'Cha-Ching'.

The 5th Annual Miss Wigstock contest is being held today, 12 PM (noon) SLT, at The Theater on the Hill (SLurl) at Gay Archipelago.

I am going in elegant, award winning at OrmDricka 2010 or 2011. drag attire with a few minor adjustments (but I cannot find the post I did on that victory) and I am looking forward to seeing you all there.

Rumor has it that the SLebrity Mr. Eddi Haskell is going to be one of the judges at the event... so if for nothing else you should come to take a look at that sexy piece of man meat!

...shit, only 8 hours to get ready why am I wasting my time talking with ya´ll?

P.S. Guyke, ma´ buoy, get your ass in gear! I need high-heeled shoes that fit my feet!

P.P.S. I went wild and crazy and have created a completely new look with the help of my new friend BM Oh and Diana and Carol!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Support Ticket #01587329 XVI (Updated)

Well I took the dear noob Cruella for a spin today to get the screenshots for dear Theresa Linden and my other friends at Linden Lab.

I have sent these pictures today.(As always, you can click the pictures to enlarge them!)
1. Bock speaking in local chat at Southern Charm
2. Cruella speaking in local chat at Sothern Charm
3. Bock in IM with brother in-law Dej at Southern Charm
4. Bock in local with Dej at Southern Charm
5. Bock at KMADD in IM with son Guyke Lundquist
6. Cruella at KMADD receives IM from Bock at KMADD
7. Bock at KMADD in IM with Dej
8. Cruella at KMADD in IM with Guyke
9. Cruella receiving IM from Bock at KMADD
10. Bock in local chat at KMADD
11. Cruella in local chat at KMADD
12. Bock buys a shape demo for 0 lindens at KMADD
(and please note in upper right corner that he pays 0 LD twice)
13. Cruella buys the same demos at KMADD and only pays once (see upper right corner)
When I went to my email to send the screenshots, there was a pleasant message from Theresa waiting.

"A comment has been added to your Case..

Case: 01587329
Avatar: Bock McMillan
Type: Other Inworld Issues
Status: Information Requested
Hi Bock,

You are such a lovely person and I adore you. Thanks for working with me, and take your time. I look forward to hearing back from you.

Theresa Linden

To reply to this case, either Reply to this email, or visit :

(To view the Case online, you will need to log into with this Avatar: Bock McMillan)"

I think I am in love but I played cool and sent her this message with the pictures in three batches.

"Hello again dear Theresa,

I am sending you 13 screenshots I took today with the help of Guyke and Dej. I could not recreate the double teleport thing that I have sent you a picture of earlier. As it seems I can only send you six pictures at a time I will send the other 7 after this.

Please tell me if you need a screenshot of something else, my brain is still a bit mushy LOL


Update, late Sunday morning (CET)
When I woke up on Sunday there was a new email from dear Theresa Linden waiting for me.

"A comment has been added to your Case..

Case: 01587329
Avatar: Bock McMillan
Type: Other Inworld Issues
Status: Information Requested
  Hi Bock,

I know you are sleeping so I will be quiet...shhhhh... lol!

I just have one more question for you before we move your info on to the developers.  I will gladly create a Jira or add your information to the existing Jira related to this issue.  The only problem with that is since public JIRA went internal only back last September, residents are only able to submit and see their own Jira. If I create it, you will not be able to get the updates and communicate directly with Alexa or the developer investigating it. I would be the middle man between you and them and that can may delay some of the process if you aren't speaking with them directly.  I would highly recommend you submit your own Jira ONLY for this reason, and if you need help I can gladly help you with it.  But either way, I will help you.  Please let me know how you would like to proceed.

Warm regards,

Theresa Linden"

To reply to this case, either Reply to this email, or visit :

(To view the Case online, you will need to log into with this Avatar: Bock McMillan)

I have just sent Theresa the following answer.

"Hello Theresa,

I would very much prefer to have you as the middle man even if it should mean a little delay. I am not fluent in IT-nese (That is actually one of the reasons my brain had turned to mashed potatoes on Friday, I have become involved in two projects at work which forces me to communicate with our IT/personnel and they speak the most atrocious IT–Swenglish, i.e. a mixture of IT terms and vocabulary in both Swedish and English that becomes totally confusing to me). You and I communicate well, so I would prefer to keep it like that, if that is OK with you and Linden Lab.

I have been thinking a lot on the problems and will probably send you something soon to be relayed on to the developers, if I think it's worthy of your and their attention. I am after all only a rational man and not well-versed in the workings of any programs or computers.

So in summary, please, please stick by me in this until the end!

Linden Lab® Acquires Blocksworld

Linden Lab announced in a press release on Thursday January 24, 2013, that they have acquired the Blocksworld building toy from the Swedish company Boldai.

Blocksworld is a tool created for iPad "in which players use cubes, wedges, rockets, wheels, motors and more to easily create 3D models of anything they can imagine - from race cars to animals to robots and more. These models come alive with realistic physics simulation, and users can play, interact with, or even explode their creations."

“Blocksworld is a great fit with what we do at Linden Lab,” said Rod Humble, CEO of Linden Lab. “It’s a very user-friendly complement to our portfolio of shared creative spaces. We’re happy to have the Blocksworld team join Linden Lab and are looking forward to bringing Blocksworld to the App Store worldwide soon!”

It will be interesting to see what this leads up to. Will my darling Lindens integrate it in someway into their flagship SecondLife, I cannot help wondering?

Support Ticket #01587329 XV

I received an email from dear Theresa Linden on Friday morning:

"A comment has been added to your Case..

Case: 01587329
Avatar: Bock McMillan
Type: Other Inworld Issues
Status: Information Requested
Hugs Bock,

I am determined to get you some decent help resolving this! I am going to update Alexa and that Jira with your info. I have you computer specs (thank you very much!) a full description of the problem (of course) and the step by step on how you have reproduced them. All I need now to send this to her (or whichever developer will be investigating this) is some screenshots. Do you think you are able to provide me with one for each incident if possible? I would be very appreciative :)

Theresa Linden

To reply to this case, either Reply to this email, or visit :

(To view the Case online, you will need to log into with this Avatar: Bock McMillan)"


I sent Theresa this answer just a few mintes ago,

"Hello dear Theresa.

First of all I would like to ask your pardon for my delay in answering your message which I received on Friday morning. I had a rough week in first life and by Friday my brain had turned to mush, even if everything had gone much better than I had anticipated and been anxious about.

I will of course do as you ask me and take Bock and Cruella for a tour around SecondLife, at the same places on the same time, and get you screenshots of their experiences.

There are two other things I should inform you about.
1. Today I have reinstalled Windows 8 Pro on my computer; it was actually not the hassle I had feared.
2. I got an offline message from my friend Zigadena Gabardini, who as I have told you before has had a bout of the same problems. She told me that she had first yanked her bandwidth up to 5 000 as I had suggested to her and then too full speed and that seemed to have solved all her problems. That reminded me that I have always had my bandwidth on the viewers on full throttle until a few months ago when I was temporarily using the Firestorm viewer and was told that setting it to over 1 500 was useless. Thinking back, it could perhaps coincide in time with when my problems started, so I am going to try going full throttle on the bandwidth also and see it helps. I will get back to you on how that worked out.

I am so grateful for your time, interest and determination in helping me and hope we will get these issues solved. My confidence in you and Linden Lab remain undiminished! 


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Support Ticket #01587329 XIV

It´s the middle of the night here now and I woke up after a nightmare and needed to drink, so while I am airing out my bedroom and cooling it down I checked my email.

There was a new message from Theresa Linden at Linden Lab waiting for me:
Illustration from Gliffen Designs
"A comment has been added to your Case.. 

Case: 01587329
Avatar: Bock McMillan
Type: Other Inworld Issues
Status: Information Requested
Hi Bock!

Thanks again and again for the info. I love details! I hate that you had to delete your inventory to see if it were associated with this. Any new updates since this has happened? Or are you on a very well deserved hiatus? LOL!

Warm regards,

Theresa Linden

To reply to this case, either Reply to this email, or visit :

(To view the Case online, you will need to log into with this Avatar: Bock McMillan)"

I sent my dear tech support the following reply:

"Hello dear Theresa,

You´re most welcome, after all we are in this together and I must do my part!

No, nothing new to report really. As Bock I keep on repeating in local chat, IM and with payments on most venues except when at home on Southern Charm. The newly created alt (LadyCruellaMcMillan) doesn't have any problems at all. She is fine wherever they both go while he is a stuttering fool, although still very dashing and charming of course...

I have a Swedish friend Zigadena Gabardini, who had the same problems. After I had been on the Second Pride meeting on Sunday with my bandwidth set to 5000 and been free of any problems for two hours, I told her to yank up her bandwidth (which was set to 500) up to 5000. She tells me that she has had no problems with repeats in local chat, IM and payments since she pulled up the bandwidth. Bock of course, as I have already told you, was not so lucky.

Hugs (we Swedes hug a lot and all the time),