Tuesday, May 7, 2013

DJ Butch @ Zeus Gay Club

On my return to my wonderful home in SecondLife yesterday I was suddenly hailed in Instant Message by an obtrusive, insolent and cheeky dude who asked "Who are you?". My response was of course rapid and scathing "Who are you and why are you harassing me?".

The ox greeting me in this loving way was of course my buddy Butch Diavolo, owner of Club Whim and a Techno Trance music DJ.

Butch called to invite me to his set at Zeus Gay Club a bit later. I told him I would be happy to come, but little did I know that I had accepted an invitation to a closeted congregation of gay foot fetishists, myself and other weirdos.

Ziggy joined us after awhile, and he looked absolutely stunning in his new blond hairdo.

Spanki Moulliez was also at the club and was using all sorts of tricks and ruses to divert attention from the fact that he was almost nude, displaying a cute knob and looking gorgeous.
Just before I had to leave for bed I was looking at DJ "Non-Smelly Feet", a.k.a. Butch, and his supporting team of dancers starting to lay down on the floor with Butch himself fondling and stroking and indeed smelling a foot of the club host Devin while his own feet were being played with by the lovely Aicha Aisha..

Monday, May 6, 2013

My Feet Examination

Today I - as a part of preparing for the forthcoming changes in my first life - had my feet examined by an orthopedic technician (Profession corrected after reading Eddi's comment below).

The orthopedic technician was so absolutely enthralled by my feet that for a minute I was almost expecting him to start kissing, licking or - at least - sniffing them.

Luckily for me we had company so, with a deep sigh and a shudder of restraint, he controlled his urges and instead went ahead to inform me that I had the most beautiful high arches he had encountered during his ten year career. Likewise the hyper-mobility and over-supination of both my ankles was way past anything he had seen before.

In his judgement I would need very steady shoes to walk and/or run much without the risk of getting injuries. At least we would start there and see if I needed additional aids as time passed. He kindly assisted me to choose a pair of running shoes that were extremely comfortable and should help me with keeping my feet steady despite their hyper-mobility.
The chosen footwear
After today's experience I am bound to look at my feet in a completely new and more respectful way, Im sure.

NOH8 Liza Minnelli

Liza Minnelli
(via J.M.G.)

For more information about the The NOH8 Campaign and how to join it in SecondLife please read my previous post The NOH8 Campaign in SecondLife. There you will also find instructions on where to find the necessary duct tape and cheek painting free of charge.

If you would like to be a part of the NOH8 Campaign on this blog please send me your picture (fullperm), I will be happy to post it. Name the picture NOH8 and your avatar name and drop it on my profile or send it to my email lundamats@gmail.com.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Kim Ho - A Man to Reckon With

Eighteen year old Australian born actor and writer Kim Ho is certainly a man to keep your eyes on in the future. A young man who can write a story like this and perform it as compellingly, convincingly and breathtakingly is definitely someone to reckon with.

Read more about this project and how it came about here Kim Ho On The Language of Love.

My deepest gratitude goes to blogger Daskadasenibordet,  loosely translated "Slap-the-schlong-on-the-table" for bringing this to my attention on his blog at Qx.se.

Sharing A Gift

My sweet sister Millimina Salamander, one of +Joe Jervis @ J.M.G. faithful contributors, sent me this awesome video as a gift yesterday, I am sharing the love with you, my dear readers.

Please enjoy!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

In My Dreams...

...I will be in New York, N.Y om Thursday. Will you join me?
(tipped by Bock in SecondLife non-reader +Joe Jervis @J-M-G.

Check out Gotham's hot ruggers, and their date packages in the Bachelor Catalog soon to be published.

Hosted by: David Albiero
MC: Peppermint
Date: Thursday May 9th, 2013

Bachelor meet and greet: 7pm
Auction: 8pm

Location: Splash Bar, 50 W. 17th St, Located between 5th and 6th Ave., New York, NY

Friday, May 3, 2013

Selma & Sev

My buddy Holy Archer has posted some beautiful pictures on his blog Holy's Picture: Ceremony of Love. They are from the partnership ceremony between Sev Laval and Selma Edman.
Photography by Holy Archer
Below you can see how I make a damned fool of myself in the comments...
... but what can I say, I was distracted by Sev's beauty and a bit tired.

Oh, and Selma's beauty was a huge distraction too of course!