Showing posts with label Selma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Selma. Show all posts

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Among My Countrymen

This evening I went visiting in the Swedish community in SecondLife, the reason for this nowadays rare venture was that Bara Jonson and Free Balan were performing a benefit live gig for Relay For Life at my friend Apollon Allen's bar, which is located on my ex-wife Iendi Laville's sim Yadkin.
The place was packed and I thought I had never seen so many Swedish avatars in the same place for a long time, but someone said that it wasn't much busier than a regular Friday evening.

For a long time after Ars had passed away, I sought refuge among the Swedes, where I felt safe and protected, which I was extremely grateful for and needed badly at the time. They involved me in all sorts of activities to keep me from brooding. They also responded kindly to and took part in some of my crazy projects, most notably the "Nakna avatarer i SL" ("Nude Avatars in SL") blog project. I think I had well over 100 entries where the Swedes dropped their clothing and sent me their wonderful and imaginative nudie-pictures for publication. I still have many friends among them although my visits are not as frequent these days.
I danced with Jasmine most of the evening, which was a pleasure, apart from the obvious fact that we looked great dancing together.

It was a fun evening and I had a very good time seeing and talking with friends I had not been in touch with for some time. People were generous to the cause, which made it even better.
Jasmine Cazalet, I and Apmel Goosson (He is wearing a hat, could he be losing his hair?)
"There was a young man from Nantucket..."
Above, Selma Edman and Iendi Laville show some of their moves.
NE0 Timeless's search is over
Tingeling captured between someones legs

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Celebrating "The Evil Twins"

My ex-missus Iendi Laville and our mutual friend Selma Edman share the same birthday in first life. When the two women are together you n--e-v-e-r know what will happen. They bring out the absolute worst in each other - in an amusing way - so they have therefor rightfully named themselves "The Evil Twins".
Posing with the birthday girls
Today a good part of the Swedish inhabitants of SecondLife and a few of the Dutch (Butch Diavolo), Belgians (Guyke Lundquist) and Canadians (Ziggy Starsmith) also came together at the Grenouille Inn to celebrate their birthday. 

The two girls boyfriends were there also. I must truthfully say that the two women have excellent taste, both Holy Archer and Sev Laval are stunning men even if they happen to be straight. Most stunning and breathtaking was however the always amazing Apmel Goosson

Unfortunately I did not get a picture of Apmel or any of the others because I suddenly noticed the bulge Apmel was toting in his swimwear this evening. I swear it looked like a good sized anaconda! I am not a size-queen ordinarily, but that sight totally took my breath away and left me completely dazed.

I am hoping that some of the others present at the party have taken more pictures that I can link to, hopefully some of them will show Apmel.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Selma & Sev

My buddy Holy Archer has posted some beautiful pictures on his blog Holy's Picture: Ceremony of Love. They are from the partnership ceremony between Sev Laval and Selma Edman.
Photography by Holy Archer
Below you can see how I make a damned fool of myself in the comments...
... but what can I say, I was distracted by Sev's beauty and a bit tired.

Oh, and Selma's beauty was a huge distraction too of course!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Planning the Weekend

When you are planning your weekend in SecondLife make sure to drop in at this event. Saturday February 12th, 01:00 PM SLT, at Grenouille Inn.

I have tried to get in at Mannen Darkstones events at Grenouille Inn before, but there was some security thing that blocked my sound. Instead I have been listening to him sing on his websites ( and I am so wishing that the same problem will not interrupt me tomorrow.

Mannen has a beautiful voice with a warm quality which touches your soul and makes you warm inside.

I was for a while contemplating telling you about the first time I remember seeing Mannen, but decided not to. Instead I will give you some leads and you can make up your own picture. The leads are

1. wedding party (cannot remember who got married to whom)
2. Selma dancing (Selma is Mannens SecondLife partner)
3. an avatar drops in on the dance floor
4. naked man
5. huge, humongous, enormous
6. erection
7. laughter
8. giggles
9. Selma and Mannen teleport away

Unfortunately I am not expecting Mannen to be naked tomorrow...

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Fifth Special Award

It is with great joy I present to you all the winner of the fifth "Special Award" Selma Edman.

Along with the honor Selma will also receive the diploma above and 2.500 L$.

You can see the original contribution here.

Tomorrow Sunday December 12th at 12 PM (noon) SLT, I will post the third place winner as decided by the votes of the jury.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Nakna avatarer i SL 106

Well this is a warning to you all, I roam the web for contributions to my project and am not below stealing when I see an awesome picture like this. (If the girls protest too much I will remove it of course!)

On this wonderful picture you see the two beautiful and gorgeous Selma Edman (photographer) and Iendi Laville take a bare-assed dip with a giant tortoise. The girls are lovingly known as "The Evil Twins" by their friends.

Do not ask me which ass belongs to which woman, they are both cute!

Jadå, ni är fortfarande välkomna att skicka era bidrag till mig antingen inworld eller till min mejl
Yes, you are still welcome to send your contributions to me either inworld or to my mail  

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Nakna avatarer i SL 49

Mitt enda egentliga minne av Mannen Darkstone hittills var den gången när han droppade in på ett party där Selma Edman också befann sig. Han var helnaken och hade den mest gigantiska erektion jag någonsin har sett, och då kan jag försäkra att jag har sett en del! 

På några bloggar har jag nyligen läst att han skall vara en talangfull sångare också så jag ser fram emot att uppleva även den sidan någon gång i framtiden.

Nu har jag fått denna underbara bild från Selma, plötsligt blir han mycket mer levande för mig. (...och ja, jag har försäkrat mig om att Mannen har godkänt publiceringen!)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Invigning av Blå hallen & Kit Kat Klub

Idag var det dags för Invigning av "The Ice Hotels" nya nattklubb "The Kit Kat Klub" och festsal "Blå hallen".

Alla var där! Stämningen var på topp hos alla utom en tradig människa som började bråka mitt under föreställningen av "Cabaret". Fast hon gav sig turligt nog av efter lite ståhej, inte utan några väl valda ord från mig.

Nattklubben var vacker och gick i 1920-tals stil men mest beundran väckte nog ändå den bedårande kopian av festsalen i Stockholms stadshus. Vi blev alla ännu lite vackrare där, här kommer bevisen på det.

En överblicksbild över den nya vackra nattklubbslokalen med scen.

Den underbara Millimina Salamander i vacker pose.

Selma Edman och jag i dansens virvlar

Vackra Selma Edman lyfts till skyarna

Den undersköna och tålmodiga rultan Zeplin


För övrigt noterade jag att Irwin Blanchere, var i yppersta form! Lättviktsdraken var under kvällen lättare på foten än någonsin tidigare och raggade stenhårt på en sexig främling som jag tyvärr glömt namnet på. Tyvärr blev jag för upptagen av alla mina trevliga danspartners för att lägga märke till hur det slutade... *fingers crossed and rooting for ya Irwin*

Tack Ewa Aska & Jesper Prinz för ännu en underbar kväll!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Ewa & Jesper förnyar sina äktenskapslöften

Lördagen var en hektisk dag! Och det började naturligtvis med att jag försov mig. Bland alla saker som hände var dock den största händelsen Ewa och Jespers "renewal"-evenemang. Ars stod för musiken under festen efteråt medan jag hade ombetts vara värd.

Det var en oerhört vacker ceremoni! I sann efterföljd med den amerikanska traditionen utbytte och förnyade Ewa och Jesper sina löften under en stundtals rörande ceremoni med glimten i ögat. Eftersom jag är trött blir detta inlägg mest bilder och bildtexter.

Ewa och Jesper vid altaret under ceremonin

En översiktsbild

Brudtärnorna Kilara, Safir & Charlotte

Ljusmästaren Jannne Janus

Den "kyssbare" Styxl var där med sin hustru Suteruni

Selma var vacker som alltid

Mialinn representerade norska SL

Kay och Satorin delade bänkrad