Saturday, May 18, 2013

2nd Annual DJ-Athon at Spurt starts NOW

From now until noon on Sunday there will be a DJ-athon at Spurt (SLurl) benefiting Second  Pride with 12 fabulous DJ's in 24 hours!

I will not join until after the ESC has finished and - hopefully - Hungary has won!

ESC 2013 Finals Tonight - My Top Three

Tonight's the night we have waited for, the night when the Eurovision Song Contest 2013 will be decided. Twenty-six countries are taking part in the final at Malmö Arena in Malmö, Sweden.

According to the bookies, the favorites to win are Denmark, Norway, Ukraine, Russia and Azerbaijan. I think those five songs are pretty awful and will now present my top three favorites for you:

First place
Hungary - ByeAlex with the song "Kedvesem" (★)

Second place
IcelandEyþór Ingi Gunnlaugsson with the song "Ég á Líf" (★)

Third place
Malta - Gianluca Bezzina with the song "Tomorrow" (★)

I must vigorously point out, because I have already been criticized for this by narrow-minded people, that the fact that the singers are all cute guys is purely coincidental. The singers beauty has of course not influenced my decision one bit!

WANTED: Kissable Swedish Avatars

The time is quickly approaching for The Third Annual International Kiss-A-Swede Day in SecondLife. As you all may already know this event occurs yearly on the Swedish national day, June 6.

The much honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm, prince of Cascade Falls and absolute sovereign ruler of the Commonwealth of Southern Enchantment with all distant territories etc., etc., is now calling for all kissable Swedes in SecondLife to join him in catering to the hankerings, desires and wanton lusts of the International community.

"Our Swede-deprived International guests need to be met by the most awesome lineup we can muster to provide them with the charming experience it entails to kiss or be kissed by a Swede. Let's give them a lasting memory and have them coming back for more. If you have kissed a Swede once, there is no turning back!", says the laird with a shy smile.

When: Thursday June 6, 2013, 12 PM - 2 PM
Where: The Southern Charm sim (SLurl will be supplied at a later date)
Who: Any and every avatar who identifies as Swedish and has a humanoid shape (farm equipment or other machinery need not apply).
What: Kiss, hug and have fun to great music and with old and new friends. (Clothing is optional, but bits and parts should be covered - at least at the beginning)
Why: Just for the hell of it and for sharing your charm with humankind.

Please send your information to Bock's email or just drop a note card on the laird's profile in SecondLife. The email or the note card should include your full SecondLife (searchable) name and if you have special needs or requests the organizers need to arrange for.

Participants should immediately start moisturizing, exercising and puckering up their lips to be in perfect condition for the event. 

Friday, May 17, 2013

"Ben in Farmland: An Homage to Tom"

Benjamin Glendale was kind enough to send me this press release for his upcoming exhibition.

"Commencing from May 18th 12 noon SLT at Gallery Assis is hosting Benjamin Glendale's new collection of images "Ben in Farmland: An Homage to Tom".

A long time resident of Second Life, Benjamin is rediscovering exploration in Second Life and taking snaps of his adventures, primarily for his own enjoyment but also to be shared with others. Ben doesn't confine himself to one form of image over another, he takes photographs of people and/or places, landscapes or buildings, as inspired by his surroundings and the events taking place.

The collection at Gallery Assis is entitled "Ben in Farmland: An Homage to Tom". Comprising five pictures, it hopes to capture the spirit of Tom of Finland imagery. All in a monochromatic retro style, it features scenes of overt masculinity, fun and plain hot sexiness, as it shows Ben's adventures working the farm and the men he meets there. Thanks go to the guys who own and run The Stud Farm, which was used as location for the images.

The exhibition (...) exhibits together with new collections by Erik Bayn and Joseph Nussbaum. To launch the event there is a 1950's party at the Gallery, hosted by gallery owner Eli Wallace (dress code Jailhouse Rock - 1950s)."

Your bucking bronco to Gallery Assis (SLurl)

IDAHO Day 2013 (Updated)

Today is the International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia (url).

In almost 80 countries around the world, loving someone of the same sex is still considered illegal, at times involving lifetime imprisonment and, in nine countries, it is even punishable by death!

And in many more countries still, citizens are denied their right to live according to their preferred gender identity.

As well as legal discrimination's  social homophobia and transphobia serve to daily deny millions of people across the world their basic human dignity.

The International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO) was created in 2004 to draw the attention of policymakers, opinion leaders, social movements, the public and the media to this issue.

It is not one centralized campaign; rather it is a moment that everyone can take advantage of to take action.

The date of May 17th was specifically chosen to commemorate the World Health Organization’s decision in 1990 to declassify homosexuality as a mental disorder.

Today is the day to take action in your local area, talk about it or simply mention it, just spread the word!

Update 1
The European Union´s Agency for Fundamental Rights today presented a report of a survey among 93 000 gay inhabitants in the EU and Croatia (read the summary here)

The lowest rate of discrimination occurs in the Netherlands followed by Denmark and Luxembourg, while the highest rate of discrimination occurs is in Lithuania followed by Croatia and Poland.

Update 2
Read my friend Garth Raleigh's suggestion in the comments below about how to take part in the manifestation in SecondLife today!

Happy National Day, Norway!

I posted this last May 17, it will work fine today also!
May 17 is the National Day of Norway.

Norway and Norwegians are undoubtedly the country and people Swedes love most in the world, feel closest to - and love to joke with and about the most also.

As has become my tradition on this blog I give you the most loving joke with Norway and Norwegians ever produced with this classic clip from Swedish television in the early 1960s, "The Helmer Bryds Eminent Five Quartet" with their protest song "Norway".

The Norwegians don´t appreciate us Swedes as much we do them, but then love isn't always mutual, is it?

Happy birthday Norway!

"Norway" - the protest song 
(translated from Swedish by Bock McMillan)

It is said that one should not gene-ra-li-ze,
and say for example that "Germany is not good"
One really shouldn't generally do that, I don´t think, but this doesn´t apply
to the country where Norwegians live.

Norway, Norway,it is a rotten country.
Norwegians, Norwegians, a fucking band of robbers.
Norwegians, Norwegians, they fish bad cod.
So if you see a slob, and he stinks like rotten fish
He is undoubtedly Norwegian.

Yes, the Norwegians they are terrible,
so ugly and so small.
With ties that are disgusting with Norwegian flowers on.
They fool around and fuss, and yodel and go on.
One wonders when one see´s them, how stupid can you be?

Norway, Norway, it never rises "frem".
Norway, Norway, with the thousand "hjem".
Norway, Norway, you stain on our earth.
We can feel the stench all the way down to the Dogger Bank
from your Norwegian smorgasbord.

We should give a real blow to Norway as a nation,
because they have so ugly mountains and have bad pensions too.
They don´t make cars and the bikes they make are lousy
and their only great poet, he is named Peter Dass. (Note: Dass is slang for toilet in Swedish)

Norway, Norway, is the world's worst country.
Norwegians, Norwegians, they should be taken care of.
Norwegians, Norwegians, the people that the Lord gave
a hopeless mind and a forehead that is so low
so that the hat keeps falling off"

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Kedvesem with ByeAlex

Oh my goodness, I cannot believe it is true! The results of the second semifinals of the Eurovision Song Contest 2013 were just presented and my favorite, Hungary's "Kedvesem" with ByeAlex is going to the final on Saturday! That usually never happens...

OK, yes! He is terribly cute and "my scruffy type" (if I have one), but that isn't at all the reason this song is my favorite. Well, not the only reason...!

ByeAlex is his stage name, his real name is Alex Márta and he was born in 1984 on "Kiss-A-Swede-Day" (June 6). Hmm is 14 years too big an age difference? Stop it, Bock, the poor guy you are lusting for is most likely straight... or taken...or both...

(P.S. I am sorry that the video shows too much of the darn ballerina and too little of Alex.)