Monday, May 27, 2013

Rhino Writers to Attend SL10B

The gay SecondLife-bloggers group Rhino Writers will  attend the celebration of SecondLife's tenth birthday on June 23, 2013.

The Rhino Writers involvement in the celebrations came about through the ingenuity of Avacar Bluestar who sent in an application which was accepted by the organizers. Yesterday he, together with teno theriac, went to claim the parcel our group has received for the event.

Avacar has called the group to a meeting next Sunday June 2, 2013, at 12 PM (noon) SLT at the Rhino Writers HQ in SecondLife. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss and decide how we want to present ourselves at the event. Be there or be square!

It is a little unfortunate that this event happens to partly coincide with the Second Pride Festival, but hell we are men we can do it all!
The SL10B Community Celebration is Second Life’s 10th anniversary resident-run gala celebration, and it happens from June 16 to June 29. This year there will be 20 sims filled with art, exhibitions, information and events.

The theme for this years celebrations is "Second Life – Looking Forward, Looking Back".

For more information on the event please visit the official webpage SL10B Community Celebration (url).

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Like Riding A Bicycle

Just a picture of a hot guy I once found on Torro Spyker's blog The Bullring
It is often said that sex is like riding a bicycle, that once you have learned the skill it is never forgotten.

I don't believe in that wisdom any more. The more I think about it, the more nervous I become. And - to be quite honest - I have started thinking about it a lot lately.

I of course remember the basics of bicycling. There is a handlebar that you steer with, two wheels (usually), a saddle, two pedals and a bell. You have to get your body on to the saddle and start moving the pedals to move ahead while keeping your balance. The momentum has to be enough not to keel over.

It's a bit more difficult with sex, because then you are dealing with a person and not an object. It is all about the interaction and not so much what to do but when it is the right moment for both of you to do it, what ever "it" happens to be, whether it is kissing, hugging, licking etc.

When I was around thirty years old I willed myself into celibacy for a whole year. The reason for this was that I felt I had wasted myself on too many meaningless and boring one night stands. I felt sordid and seedy and had lost all respect for myself and my body.

I made it through the year, even if it was a struggle. Sometimes - especially during the weekends - I would rub myself so raw and chafed that I could hardly walk normally from the pain. When the year had ended it was a great relief although it took me about two weeks to get my act together again.

This time we are talking about over three years of celibacy. I joke about it sometimes, but in many ways it is as if my virginity actually had grown back and I seem to have lost all my former confidence.

The Prouder, the Better!

My friend Garth Raleigh once convinced me that there really cannot be too much pride in the world, any world!

I am therefore extremely happy to post this press release from him about the upcoming Summerfest at Gay Archipelago.

"I’m very pleased to to extend an invitation to YOU to JOIN in the planning and operation of the upcoming LGBT Summer Festival in Second life!
The GA is widely considered to be the leader in the LGBT Community in the virtual SL platform and, as in past years we’re getting set to present the SL Community with a major Pride festival which will be enjoyed by thousands of people – from all over the real world and all over Second Life!
There’ll be fun and entertainment for each and every taste; shopping; exhibits – and well……whatever YOUR ideas are can become reality. This IS Second Life, after all. ㋡
Like people? Like to make new friends? Enjoy learning new skills? Have talents that you would like to lend to the LGBT Community in Second Life? Not sure, but you like to be involved somehow?
I will be hosting an informal ‘organizational’ gathering this weekend (Sunday May 26, 2013 – 12:00PM NOON slt) at the GA Office on Caicos (part of the West Indies Gay Islands cluster in the GA).
I’m inviting you to come and join the Festival Team Group in one of several areas. Here’s a brief summary for you to consider. where we have openings:

HOW DO YOU GET INVOLVED? Contact me directly with an IM or a notecard and let me know you wish to join in with the creation of this wonderful & traditional event for the LGBT Community.
After I hear from you, I can make sure you have a nice chair to relax in while we talk, laugh and brainstorm together as a group (I’ll pass you the LM too)
Can’t make the meeting I have planned? No worries – there will be more. You are always welcome. Stay in touch!
Be safe. Be Proud!
Garth Raleigh
Lead, Gay Archipelago"

Saturday, May 25, 2013

On "The Boys are Back in Town"

The Boys are Back in Town from Tremendum Pictures on Vimeo.

A post on Ziggy's blog yesterday (Ziggy On The Edge Of Second Life: "The Boys are Back in Town" (url)) reminded me of the discussions my Ars and I used to have at irregular intervals about our son Guyke and his SecondLife love life. Our son's love life was always a major concern for Ars,

"When is the kid finally going to settle down? Why can't he just stick with the great guys he has found?", he would ask me worriedly. This was after Guyke had in close succession been in long-lasting relationships with two men - who had both been to Ars and my liking - and had suddenly broken the relationships off. "He brings along new men and expects us to befriend them and love them and take them into our family and then ends it all for some mysterious reason. I am not having this anymore, babe, the next guy he brings along we will not allow into the land-group until we really know it will last!"

"Kiddo is still young, babe, and we may know a lot of what is going on between him and his men but I am sure we don't know everything. Besides it's his love life, we cannot choose whom he should love, now can we?", I used to say to try and calm him down. "And remember, babe, he is good at picking up easily likable  men - well except for (name withheld, an avatar whom Ars never trusted or liked.)"

"Don't be a damned fool, Bock, of course it is his love life and he gets to choose, I am just hoping that he at some point will stick with his choice, just like we have, and not keep looking for greener grass somewhere else."

"I love you too, babe! Like all parents I think we just have to go along for the ride and try to be there for him when things go awry. I am sure he will settle at some point."

"Yeah, but we will still not let any of his new guys into our group until we decide so ourselves, not because he wants us too"

"Of course not, Ars, it is our group and we decide whom we let in or not!"

Friday, May 24, 2013

Call for Festival DJ’s & Entertainers

This came to me via a press release by the Second Pride Festival.

Thank you for your interest in DJ-ing at one of the largest LGBTQ Community Events held in Second Life.

This year the Festival runs between June 14th – June 23rd.

Kharissa Indigo, the Second Pride Events Director, is in the process of filling in the schedule for all the Events and is looking forward to adding your name.

Attached is a note card for you to fill out if you would like to be scheduled to play at the 2013 Festival. Every DJ will be getting the same note card. DJ’s will be scheduled on a first-come first-serve basis after the opening and closing events and events by our sponsors have been scheduled. (In the event a sponsor does not have a preferred DJ for their time slot, a DJ will be provided for those sponsored time slots at the discretion of the Second Pride Festival Event Director).

Please make sure to either submit the online form below or send an in-world note card to Kharissa Indigo to be scheduled for a set during the festival.

If you know of any DJ’s that need a note card, please feel free to pass on this information.


DJ's are each allowed a single 2-hour time slot, after all the DJ’s have been scheduled – remaining time will be scheduled to DJ’s wishing for additional time slots. This makes it fair for all DJ's who want to play at Pride.


This is a fund raiser and charity event for Second Pride.

DJ’s should encourage donations to Second Pride and should direct those donations to the Second Pride Kiosks.

TIP JARS will be assigned to DJ’s at the Pride Festival and will be a 50/50 split. When you log into your assigned tip jar, your profile picture will be displayed.

Entertainment Application

Swedish Boycott of Bock?

A while back I asked for applications (post url) from kissable Swedish avatars to join me in catering to the International community on the third annual International Kiss-A-Swede Day in SecondLife.

To date I have received a positive response from only one (1) Swedish avatar, the sweet miss Helene Dragoone. Although I am certain the two of us - with enough time - will be able to manage the onslaught of craving International guests, it would be better and faster if we were joined by a few more kissable Swedes.

I am not at all sure what has caused the Swedish community to drag their heels or if this is an outright boycott of me. If it is a question of something I may have said and done, it would of course be much better if I was informed about it and was given the possibility to make amends or at least clarify.

Anyway, if you should happen to be interested please send your information to Bock's email or just drop a note card on the laird's profile in SecondLife. The e-mail or the note card should include your full SecondLife (searchable) name and specify if you have any special needs or requests that the organizers need to arrange for.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Hooray, the Laird Is Back!

This evening the much honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm, prince of Cascade Falls etc., etc., to the great joy of his underlings returned home safely after his tour to the far eastern regions of his territories. It is rumored that the laird himself seemed extremely pleased both with the trip and with being back home, although he went to rest without too many words.

His personal assistant is reported to have said that the laird was sleeping with a smile on his face.