Friday, June 28, 2013

Shopping For Bathroomware

When I came in-world today my decoration consultant Butch Diavolo told me I was late and why was not looking at furniture where he had told me to look. The fact that he had told me so 15 seconds earlier, was not considered an acceptable excuse.

So I got out of my bandages from last night party and into my building clothes and mindset (which took me close to 30 seconds) and hurried out to the store while profusely asking him to forgive me for my tardiness and promising that it would never happen again. Certain gay interior decorators, and mine is one of them,  are extremely touchy and you need to know when to shut up and just accept the abuse they are hurling at you!
We looked at and bought - among other things - bathroomware. Of course we had to try the animations out first, so I forced an unwilling Butch to join me whenever it was necessary.
We did not find an acceptable commode yet, so I must ask Ziggy to secretly check-up and report to me who made the one that Guykechen has in his home.

Iris Maskelyne
The awesome creators name is Iris Maskelyne and her store is DIGS - Furniture & Prefabs and is located in Terra Felix (SLurl).

I also bought a wonderful creative kitchen table, a day bead, five kitchen chairs, a lovers rug, two other chairs and some lighting appliances from DIGS. Iris also, at my request, supplied me with new versions of the bathtub and a bathroom cabinet with ash bases.

I completely love Iris, for being so wonderfully creative and giving me speedy and kind customer service!

Meeting Millimina

My beloved sister in SecondLife Millimina Salamander and I have not met much during the last few months. We have had different schedules and both of us have also had first life commitments to deal with. We have kept in touch by occasional e-mails but it is still not quite the same thing.

During the time we haven't met much, Millimina and the other Swedes living on Solace Island were, with short notice as always, evicted when the owner decided to shut down that sim. Three of the refugees from Solace Island,  Millimina and two of my other Swedish friends Apmel Goosson and Kandinsky Beaumont, in that situation decided to get their own homestead - Mount Whitney - and share it between themselves.

Yesterday I got a surprising Instant Message from Milli, who was in-world to pay her share of the monthly tier before some "very important" football match (that's soccer for you Americans) started on television. She asked if she could come by to talk a little and see my new home. I of course gladly welcomed this possibility to meet her again, even if it was only a brief meeting.

As it always is with old close friends we quickly caught up with what had been going on with each others life's and I showed her my new chateau. She of course loved it thoroughly, she also completely supported my decision to make the change and was not at all surprised that I had finally reached the point of no return. It felt good to have her support in this matter as some of my friends have been worrying about my somewhat "dramatic" and "surprising" decision to tear down the old home I had had together with Ars and put up this new building in it's place.
After a tour of my new home we teleported over to her new place so that I could take a look at it. It was quite a change from the place Millimina had previously owned at Solace Island but I fell in love with it. You can follow what she is made of the new place on her blog "Magasin Millimina".
As opposed to many "hausfraus" or even silly gay men in SecondLife (read as me, myself and I) she has understood that one does not need a house with a bathroom, kitchen bedrooms etc. in SecondLife. You need a place you love that is designed after your own liking which you can use as a starting and ending point, entertain friends at and rez stuff in. She hired a wonderful and talented landscaper Kaja Lurra to work with her on her vision of a place based on the word "abandoned". It has become a wonderful little place in a run-down and deserted sort of way,
However, I am maintaining that Millimina has built a bedroom and all the other rooms in some of the many containers that are standing in her abandoned harbour, these are of course also where she has stored her vast collection of sex-gens. I don't care if she denies it, because thats my story and I am sticking to it!

Our meeting ended with reciprocal assurances that we must meet more often in the future and that we would invite the other to a housewarming part as soon as possible before Millimina had to log off to see that oh so important football match on television. She is a complete and utter sports freak!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The White Party

At the end of the Second Pride Festival this year I was so fed up and tired with music and dancing that I promised myself and my avatars feet that I would stay away from both for at least a week. Well, the resolution lasted four days.

Tonight I did not want to work on the building or fix the alterations that had been made temporarily to get the house in place (such as moving plants and trees out of the way), Butch wasn't inworld, Guyke and Ziggy were cuddling on a float at their home in Second Norway, Dej was having first life issues and I was bored.

So when I got the notice from Julius Antonius (a.k.a. Joe Lycomedes) about a White Party at Sexology, I jumped at the opportunity of being with others even if I was not in a mood to talk. Do you people get that way sometimes also, where you crave the company but want them to talk amongst themselves and ignore you while you just relax and listen/read?

I had a new outfit in my Inventory, which I thought of t once when I saw the theme of the party. I added a pair of glasses that I changed the color of and one chucker with cream a colored sock and I was ready to go.

The party was exactly what I was looking for, besides greeting me and informing me that I had won a gift card to Red Devil I was left alone to enjoy DJ Ralphy's mellow music and the fun chat in the room. When I was tired and ready to prepare for bed I said my good nights like the good bye I am and logged off for the night from SecondLife.
Avacar & his man Rico

The host at the party Julius Antonius shows us a few of his seductive moves.

DJ Ralphy and his husband Scotty
HerrDirektor with Julius Antonius in the background
Rico and Avacar, now animated
Avatars in white linedance
Edward Snowden made an acclaimed surprise appearance

The Loophole (NSFW)

(via J.M.G.)

"All my life I've been good.
Do what my mom and dad and god say I should.Go to church and bible school to live by god's rule.So whatever people tell meThat the bible tells me, I will do.
Walk the halls at my school with my purity ring.Unlike those other girls, I got my morals intact.It was easy to do 'til I got a boyfriend
And pardon my French, but he's cute as heckAnd I made a pact to keep my hymen intact and Jesus and I are tight.
Never learned about the birds and bees.I was taught to keep an aspirin in between my kneesBecause the bible says premarital sex is wrong,But Jason says that guys can't wait that long.I don't want to lose him to someone who will do him.
I need to figure something out.
Well there's a loophole in the scripture that works really wellSo I can get him off without going to hell.It's my Hail Mary full of grace.In Jesus's name, we go to fifth base.
Oh thank you for making me holy.And thank you for giving me holes to choose fromAnd since I'm not a godless whore,
He'll have to come in the back door.
Therefore, fuck me in the ass because I love Jesus.The Good Lord would want it that way.That sweet sensation of a rock-hard rationalization.It's just between you and me.
Because everyone knows it's the sex that God can't see.
It's hard to be as pure as me- to resist the urge to lose my vaginal virginityI'll wait until my marriage bed to give my husband my un-salty maiden headSo take out your cock, shove it in my ass, fuck me until you come.Oops. I mean let's join our souls and unite our bodies and fly on the wings of love.
Whatever you do, don't touch my clitoris. If you ring Satan's doorbell, God can't ignore this.And no prophylactics when you put it inBecause birth control's for sluts and it's a sin.I've emptied my bowels and laid out the towels and I'm ready for romance.Now I'm praying to the power that's the highestBut of all my holes, this one's the driest.
And we can't procreate if we anally copulate and God's okay with sodomy, but only if you're straight.And I'm staying here no matter what so I'm okay with everything but...everything but...everything butt.
Woah. Fuck me in the ass because I love Jesus.The Good Lord would want it that way.That sweet sensation of a rock-hard rationalization.It's just between you and me.
Because everyone knows it's the sex that God can't see.
I do whatever the Bible tells me to...Except for the parts that I choose to ignore because they're unrealistic and inconvenient, but the rest I live by for sure.So let's not talk about how the good book banned shellfish, polyester, and divorce and how we condone slavery and killing gays because those parts don't count of course.Let's cherrypick the part about losing my cherry and the many ambiguities to circumvent any real sacrifice and still feel prized in my arbitrary and varied imposition.And don't you dare question my convictions.And don't look closely at the contradictions.Just focus on the sacrificial crucifixion.And have faith in his complete jurisdiction.As the only way to measure if you're good or not.And if you didn't have faith, just say you have faith.Because up against logic it's the only card you've got.So close your eyes.Take a deep breath.
And... fuck me in the ass because I love Jesus.The Good Lord would want it that way.That sweet sensation of a rock-hard rationalization.It's just between you and me.
Because everyone knows it's the sex that God can't see.
Yeah my chastity belt has locks,So sometimes you need to think outside the box"

A Day in the Life of an Overseer

Exhibit A. No harness or safety line used while working on a unprotected place.
 As you all may know, I am at the moment highly involved in the project of getting my new home at Southern Charm built and decorated.

For the menial and the creative work I have enlisted the services of a friend of mine, Butch Diavolo, who is a builder/interior decorator all rolled up into one hot and hunky avatar. The man is actually brilliant at everything he does, but being brilliant does not mean he is an infallible god, no way! As every man he sometimes makes mistakes - huge boo boos in fact!
Exhibit B. Working in an unsafe position
Exhibit C. No shoes worn on building site
Being overseer of the work force at the building site, my most important duty is to see to it that the regulations surrounding workers safety are adhered to and that the builder/interior decorator gets through this project alive and without permanent mutilation or severe injuries. It is by no means an easy thing to try to steer a renegade Dutch "artiste" (which is how he - for some reason beyond me - prefers to refer to himself, with the French pronunciation no less) to a safe and steady working schedule without unnecessary risks involved.

"A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do", so I try to manage the rebellious Butch, with some small success so far. I cannot even get him to wear shoes at the building site, in spite of the fact that he has already stepped on several nails and almost had to have his right foot amputated yesterday.
Keeping the work force happy
But I will persevere and hopefully we will soon see the end of this project with Butch still alive. Meanwhile I will do my best to keep the laborers safe and happy.

The New Residence

The pictures above show the new abode of the Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm, prince of Cascade Falls and supreme sovereign of The Commonwealth of Southern Enchantment with Outer Territories.

Although the house is large it reportedly only has one bedroom, but as the laird is supposed to have told his nephew Matt McMillan "it can host an orgy of 60 avatars and still has room enough for all to roll about in".

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Ziggy On The Firestorm Viewer Release

Ziggy Starsmith, the renowned straight talker and adventurer in SecondLife whom I am also proud to call my friend and son in-law, has kindly tested the latest Firestorm Viewer 4.4.1 (34164) that was released today for our convenience.

Read about his findings and recommendations at Ziggy And Guyke On The Edge Of Second Life; Test Driving The Brand, New Firestorm Viewer Release....