Friday, July 12, 2013

Early Notice: Housewarming Party

The palatial mansion at Southern Charm
"Hear ye, hear ye! The Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm, prince of Cascade Falls and sovereign ruler of The Commonwealth of Southern Enchantment with Outer Territories, hereby announces that there is to be a housewarming party of the newly erected palatial mansion on Saturday July 27 in the year of the Lord 2013. The time has not yet been set, but it will not start earlier than 12 PM."

In the earlier stages of the party you should be able to meet the cranky but brilliant and sublime builder and interior designer Butch Diavolo, who will take you on a tour around the mansion and share his thoughts and ideas with you regarding building and design. (Butch may be open to answering any question, however this cannot be guaranteed with regards to his volatile personality.)

Invitations will be sent out during the next weeks!

Short Summary of details
What: Housewarming Party at the lairds new palatial mansion
Where: The Southern Charm sim (landmark to be supplied in a later announcement)
When: Saturday July 27, 2013 (exact time to be announced in a later announcement)
Who: Family and friends of the laird are expected to attend, friends of family and friends are also welcome.
Additional Information: 

  1. Summer leisure clothing (bring along swimwear). The laird expects to see lots of skin.
  2. Gifts are highly discouraged! Any bearer of gifts should expect to be kicked of the sim and possibly banned from it no less than six months.
  3. B.Y.O.W. 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

O Captain! My Captain!

I dropped in at my sons place today for a surprise visit, alas everything was very decent and he was only rezzing a new peacock on his land.

Guyke has also been working on landscaping on his parcel since the latest breakup with Ziggy. The two of them are now neighbors. I love them both.

After showing me around his beautiful place I asked Guyke to take me on a sailing trip around the archipelago of Second Norway on his boat "Paradijs". Which he agreed to but telling me that he was not as good at it as Ziggy.

Well, let me tell you, my son is an awesome sailor, much better I should think than he believes himself! The voyage was a pleasant experience and I felt safe in his hands.
After the sailing we decided to hang around a little on his newly acquired toobies and talk a little more when he did not have to focus his attention on speed and direction.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A Lazy Tuesday

Yesterday I was tired, lazy and lonely. I called out to my friends and they came to sit with me and cheer me up with a bit of inspired trash talk.
The laird in the role of "The Dying Dandy"
Guyke as "The Flemish Farmer Boy" and Butch as "The Dutch Pin Cushion"
Close up of the sweet Butch's punctured face
Ziggy as "The Canadian Stallion"

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Bock McMillan: I washed a pair of pants today, with a package of cigarettes in a pocket
Bock McMillan: I am rewashing them now
ƓƲƳƘƐ™ : lol
ƓƲƳƘƐ™ : It happens to the best of us
ƓƲƳƘƐ™ : I once washed with my mobile in
Bock McMillan: LOL
ƓƲƳƘƐ™ : An old Nokia

Bock McMillan: Did it still work?
ƓƲƳƘƐ™ : ...and it still worked!

ƓƲƳƘƐ™ : yes!
Bock McMillan: WooHoo

ƓƲƳƘƐ™ : Finnish quality!
Bock McMillan: Finnish quality!

Bock McMillan: hahaha
ƓƲƳƘƐ™ : lol

ƓƲƳƘƐ™ : great minds...
Bock McMillan: two great minds...

Bock McMillan: OMG
ƓƲƳƘƐ™ : omg

Bock McMillan: IKR
ƓƲƳƘƐ™ : it's getting spooky!

Bock McMillan: ROFL
ƓƲƳƘƐ™ : lol

Bock McMillan: thats going on the blog
Bock McMillan: just so you know
ƓƲƳƘƐ™ : lol great!

Monday, July 8, 2013

SP Annual Membership Meeting 2013

The annual Second Pride membership meeting was held yesterday. It was a well visited meeting that was conducted in an orderly fashion. Extra seats had to rezzed as more members than expected turned up.
My pictures are all  taken at an early time in the proceedings,
I should think we were twice as many when the meeting ended.
Larz Kas looking hot in a new cap with Jarred, in the second row
I and Jared Palianta and at the far back to the right Eric Quimby.
Nigel Riel (far left), Marcellias (center) and HerrDirektor /far right)
From left to right, SquirtN, Mr. G. and Dextrum
From left to right, Doc, Baz, Tootsie and Kharissa
The most important stuff that occurred at the meeting was the information pertaining to the upcoming elections of the new Second Pride Board.

This is from the Second Pride website. Please note it contains important information about 
1) eligibility to the board, 
2) voting privileges in the election, as well as 
3) a need for you - in certain instances - to update your personal information on the Second Pride website so that your vote will not be discarded. 

Election Dates and Procedures:
  • Candidate declarations will be accepted from July 7th through midnight SLT July 21st. per the by laws.
  • Only Members of the Second Pride Group will be considered and their declaration must be accompanied by a “candidate Statement” which will be done on the website. (No one will be able to declare after midnight on the 21st)
  • Candidates will be announced on the website and their candidate statements published on the forums on July 22nd. Members will be able to question the candidates for a period of ten days ending at midnight August 1st.
  • On August 2nd Candidates may make their final statements
  • From August 2nd through midnight slt on August 4th the forums will be closed from further discussion . Members are encouraged to view the candidates final statements .
  • Voting will commence at 00:01AM August 5th through midnight August 9th
  • You must have joined the Second Pride Festival Group by midnight August 4th to be able to vote for your candidates.
  • At this time the election committee will certify the results of the election and announce to the membership those results no later than midnight August 12th.
  • On August 18th at 11AM slt The new Board will be installed and have their 1st meeting as a Board of Second Pride. The existing Board will step down at that time and any transfers will take place at that time.
  • Candidates: Candidate Declaration Form

You MUST be a member of the Second Pride in-world group before Midnight August 4th to be eligible to vote. The election committee will be cross referencing the online votes received against the in-world membership list. Please be sure to click on your name at the bottom of this screen [on the website, my remark] (to view and/or update your online profile. Make sure your Second Life Avatar name is part of your profile so that your vote can be verified against the in-world membership.

Picnic At Marcellias'

My newly acquired friend Marcellias invited me to a Sunday picnic at his beautiful retreat in the skies yesterday. The food was ample and the bar was open, so all was good!

As Marcellias had told me I could bring along some friends my son Guyke, Jared Palianta and Butch Diavolo came along. We had a splendid time meeting and chatting with Marcellias other friends, who all seemed to be a really friendly, sociable and gregarious group of people.
 As I am a bit of a "time-fascist" (as the Swedish expression goes), i.e. I believe that one should arrive when one is asked to by the host. I arrived on the premises about three minutes after the time stated on the invitation, which of course meant I had to wait for the others, who have a more lax attitude, to arrive at their convenience.

This time I did not mind it at all because there were friendly people to talk with and lots to look at.
The beautiful Harlow Collins arrives
When all the 15 or so guests had assembled the entertainment started. First with some beautiful fireworks and later on with pleasant chat and - on my insistence - even some dancing.
When some of the friends I had brought along started bragging about how accomplished builders they were I simply had to prove myself so I pulled out one of my very few builds in SecondLife, the famous and absolutely fabulous "The Jester's Hat" (this time the Rainbow-version).
Jared, Tex, Guyke, David, Harlow, myself and Finn dancing
in the fabulous Rainbow Jester's Hat by BMc; Creations
It was of course an immediate success as it always is when presented to people with impeccable taste and a great sense for fashion, i.e. the most daring and fashion forward, the true fashionistas.

I had originally only planned to stay for an hour, because I had to log off for bed early as I was starting work today, but ended up being at the picnic for more than two hours and very late for bed. When I had to rush away all the rest stayed on and I would not be surprised if they stayed all night!

Thank you so much for inviting me ,Marcellias!

Bara & Free Are Back

Star grooves
Vampi sings along

Yesterday we witnessed the long awaited and longed for return of Bara Jonson and Free Balan to SecondLife.

The two have been on your in first life to Germany and they have therefore not appeared in-world for several months.

I was - of course - at the venue of the "comeback" together with two of the other most adamant Bara-supporters, namely Mrs. Vampi Twine DeSantis McMillan McMillan (honorary) and Starlight "Star" Gentil

At the venue were also assembled a modest but enthusiastic crowd of other live music lovers. 
Before I could enjoy the show I was forced to derender three huge waterfalls that surrounded the main stage. These were beautiful to look at, but the loud sounds of water falling was a real nuisance at a venue where one comes to listen to live music. Sometimes I just don't understand what certain people are thinking of when they design their venues. (I am now stopping myself from going into a rant about another live music venue that has/had about 1,013 frogs and toads emitting sounds.)
Bara's and Free's voices marry wonderfully and give you warm shivers down the back accompanied by warm and fuzzy feelings. All of us at the show had a great time and enjoyed a good show together. 

Welcome back to SecondLife Bara and Free, now please wait awhile before you both go on prolonged tours in first life again!