Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Welcome England & Wales

PinkNews, Europe's largest gay news service, today reports:
"The equal marriage bill for England and Wales was today given Royal Assent, and is now officially law.
The Queen’s Royal Assent was granted to the bill on Wednesday at 15:06, turning it into the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act, after clearing the final stage in Parliament yesterday, following two hours of debate, and the introduction of government amendments.
The bill officially became law once its Royal Assent was announced in both the House of Commons and the House of Lords.
Conservative MP David Burrowes had tabled an amendment and was yesterday again accused of trying to delay implementation of the bill. Pro-equal marriage MPs padded out their speeches so that Mr Burrowes could not propose his amendment.
The equal marriage bill was passed in the House of Commons, and as all amendments added in the House of Lords were accepted, it will not be required to go back to the Lords.
The first same-sex marriages in England and Wales will take place in summer 2014."

It was especially pleasing to note that Queen Elizabeth II didn't waste any time in giving her assent to this legislation. As a commenter at JoeMyGod says, "As a Queen she knows, queens don't like to be kept waiting."

As I understand it the reason for the long delay before same-sex marriages can begin in England and Wales is the impact the new law has on many other laws which now also need to be amended  to be consistent. For a Swede this may seem strange, as we always take the necessary changes into consideration and amend them at the same time as we adopt a new law.  Every country has its own traditions and as long as they get it right in the end all ways are acceptable.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Worst Headache In Living Memory

I had the worst headache this millenium that I can remember on Monday. It started around midnight and kept on - despite medication - until late Monday evening. The cause is most likely my need for new glasses/lenses after the transplant of the lens in my right eye a few weeks ago.

I am however now back again with a somewhat reduced capacity and have booked an appointment with an optician next week to get a new prescription for glasses.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

There's No Accounting For Bad Taste

Boobs the sizes of two small European countries and asses the size of a medium sized country in Africa.

I had to teleport home because I felt getting sick to my stomach. when I encountered these avatars in a store that shall not be mentioned Butch just laughed cruelly at me!

I am reminded of the time when I saw the Italian director Federico Fellini's film "Amarcord " at a cinema and threw up during the scene where this older woman juggled with her humongous boobs at a little boy (Or is it a young man, I cannot remember I have blocked it out?).

Joyeux Quatorze Juillet!

Clearance Sale at "Tatty Soup"

Tab Tatham
The amazingly talented furniture builder Tab Tatham is closing her store "Tatty Soup" to embark on new ventures.

All of her wonderfully designed, cute, tasteful, whimsical and beautiful furniture is being sold out this weekend for ridiculously low prices before she is deleting everything to clear her Inventory for what is to come.

As I understood it when we spoke to her yesterday she will continue with furniture design.

I shopped until I almost dropped (well, I had to take a nap afterwards) at her yard sale yesterday. Go there, or you may regret it for the rest of your SecondLife.

This is the landmark, Take me to "Tatty Soup" (SLurl)

Spontaneous Clubbing

After a long and busy day of overseeing my master builder-interior designer-landscaper-gardener all rolled into one hot packet of dynamite, the brilliant and sublime Butch Diavolo, and shopping for more plants and more furniture I was knackered. When Guyke and Butch dropped out for bed I was going to leave too, I just had to buy some new eyes because the ones I had were doing weird stuff and then I  also had some stuff I wanted to put out over by the barn - or so I thought.

I  ended up fiddling about with stuff at the barn until I got the notice that DJ Wes and Khar were starting their party at The Tribute, so I thought I might as well go there to relax and look at men a little before hitting the sack. I ended up staying for over an hour, the place was wall-to-wall carpeted by the most wonderful men.
The Hasting- Vanbeeck's , Tasty and Petr, with a stranger 
DJ Wesley Spengler & Kharissa Indigo
Sexy Baz Ceawlin & Kolin Wylie
The always stunning couple Shepherd & Larz Kas
Some dude, it could be me
 A study of an Australian patron who had a great body and beautiful moves. I have seen Muhu around the scene earlier, but he has never caught my attention as he did last night. Horniness could have played a role in this., mine not his.
 And lets finish off this post with a cute couple.
Angel & Divi

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Avatar Physics?

While I was installing the latest version of the Firestorm viewer about a week ago, it suddenly dawned on me that I had not seen the options for "avatar physics" in a very long time. It was all the rage in SecondLife about two (?) years ago.

Does anyone else remember "avatar physics", the thing that could make women's boobs bounce and both sexes asses jitter about 8 minutes 28,6 seconds after they had stopped dancing or walking? 

"À chacun son goût!", I always say, but did even the most heterosexual man ever find that appealing I wonder.

Anyhow, what happened to it? Did it turn out to be one of those impasses in technical development that lead nowhere so that it was later scratched or is it somehow integrated into the viewer somewhere out of harms way so that the most ridiculous uses are prevented?