Monday, August 19, 2013

Monday Lazies

Today I didn't feel like doing anything at all, just hang around and talk with my friends. I think Guyke and Butch felt the same way because we ended up just hanging in Butch's newly remodeled non-club, "Whim - part deux"

Butch has done a wonderful job in recreating his old club, although with my limited powers of observations I did not consciously discover all the small changes until just before I was leaving for the night.

Installation of the SP2014 Board

Yesterday I gathered, with many other members, to witness the installation of the SP2014 board.

It was a very civilized and undramatic affair with the new board directors dressed up in all their finery (Imagine, if you can, Hotboy in a dashing grey suit which actually covered most of his skin except the face, neck and hands!) while the rest of us there in our usual sexy "shabby chic" attires.

Khar Indigo (archive photo)
The most moving and interesting moment of the event was when Kharissa Indigo, the outgoing Events director, initiated the proceedings with a eulogy for the recently deceased Marcus Steeplechase:
"I want to take a moment to remember Marcus Steeplechase, whose brilliant mind inspired the 2010 board and the community. Marcus was a man that thought outside the box and inspired others to follow. He never judged anyone by gender or sexual preference but encouraged the very best from them. He was a kind-hearted man. He was passionate with a wicked sense of humor and my mentor. More than that he was one of my very best friends. Under Marcus’ leadership, Second Pride produced some amazing events: For example, Teahouse of the August Moon - an inspiring play  done by the Pride players. He spearheaded a fabulous Art Walk that lasted several days with over 80 participants on 3 sims; with a fundraising  party at the end. Marcus orchestrated the huge Haunted Mansion and party bringing together a community of builders. Second Pride Festival that year was inspired by the waterways of Venice. The water floats were a fabulous idea but  try as they might just couldn't seem to get around the waterways. Last year, Marcus returned  for a an encore performance of “The Six Wives of Henry VIII” at Pride.  Marcus was an amazing man in his real life and second life, a champion for those whose needs were greater than his own. He brought the community together like no one else could; people working together to create that special fun and excitement. Sadly he passed away on August 3,  2013, His accomplishments in Second Life and Second Pride and for those of us that knew him, his memory, will live on forever in our hearts.
Like Marcus and others before him,I encourage the new board to take the lead in  helping the community heal and come together. I encourage the community to invite your friends and neighbors to join you. Make something positive happen. I'm looking forward  to a bright future for Second Pride and it’s community. 
Thank you for listening"
The speech was greatly appreciated by the assembled members.

Following that there were a few other speeches and then the outgoing directors that were present passed over passwords etc. to  their incoming counterparts.I am assuming that the directors that were not present have done or will do the same at the earliest convenient moment.

The outgoing board of SP2013 were thanked for their hard work and devotion during the past year, while the incoming board of SP2014 were congratulated and showered with our heartfelt best wishes for the coming year.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Happy 6th Anniversary Gay Archipelago!

The founder Fabrice Snook (February 9, 2007 - November 23, 2011)
In 2007, Fabrice Snook founded the initial sims of the Gay Archipelago seeing a need for a place in Second Life where the LGBT community could live, create and share dreams together. The following years brought growth of the Archipelago by leaps and bounds and strengthened the LGBT presence in Second Life.

In 2010, Linden Labs recognized the need for LGBT residents in Second Life to be together and bonded with each other to create a feeling of community to further the Second Life experience. Thus the area currently known as the 'GA Prime' cluster was established so that LGBT sims and estates could live, work and play in close proximity as neighbors and friends on the SL Grid.

In 2011, Linden Labs recognized the needs of LGBT sims to be able to grow, expand and reorganize in a more 'Protected' and 'organized' area to further strengthen the LGBT community in SL. Thus the second SL Grid area known today as the 'GA Reserve' cluster was established and settled.

Today, the GA boasts some of the most active and popular LGBT clubs in SL as well as numerous galleries, performance halls, theaters, thriving commercial districts, prime LGBT residential areas, resorts, multiple tourist-attractions and amazing events which draw residents from all over the SL grid.

The GA Organization has grown as a strong LGBT Community and regularly welcomes new friends and regions from all over Second Life!

The Gay Archipelago proudly welcomes LGBT and LGBT-friendly regions from all over the Second Life Grid to join in friendship, fun, unity and creation of all our dreams together. If you are interested in joining the GA, please contact current GA Lead, Garth Raleigh for an application for your adventure to begin!

To celebrate the anniversary there will be a three hour party today (10 AM - 1 PM SLT) at Gay Fun World

For additional information about the party please visit Gay Archipelago

Neon - A Very Special Show

Yesterday I had the special privilege of being invited by my friend Holter to a special performance of "Neon" by the Spirit Light Dance Company in honor of WayneNZ's birthday month.
It was an extraordinary production with well synchronized dancing set to contemporary music. The dancers were all dressed in bright and colorful outfits to, and here I quote from the monologue for the show, "...reflect the beauty of our oneness, while rejecting the monotony of sameness, in bright expressions of diverse color and design. Spirit Dancers dance as one company, but unique bursts of light glow from each individual. Spirit Light."
Holter, WayneNZ & I
Despite my highly informal attire for an occasion like this I was heartily welcomed by WayneNZ and the rest of audience. We were a small select group as the marketing of the event had been deliberately careful to keep the lag at a minimum.
Now over to the show!

The Opening Dance


You Raise Me Up

 True Colors

I a well aware of that I am sometimes accused of saying that everything I encounter is "awesome", "wonderful" and "beautiful", but I will not care about those evil minded bitches, because those exact words come to my mind when I am reliving this experience, together with "inspirational", "fantastic""exuberant", "explosive", "marvellous", "fabulous","moving", "well coordinated" and "breathtaking".

If you ever get the honor of being invited to a performance by the Spirit Dance Company, jump at it without hesitation. You will not regret it!

Let me link you to a few video recordings of their previous shows Spirit Dance Company - videos
Guyke, WayneNZ & Holter dancing after the show
Sexy redhead dancer after the show

At Sea With A Beauty and Five Beasts

We set sail at the crack of dawn and Ziggy had just informed us that he needed to masturbate while he should have been focusing completely on piloting our handsome captain Thomais and his beautiful sailboat "Wave Dancer" through the, for our captain, unknown waters outside Haug in the Second Norway archipelago.
I was a bit worried that Ziggy divided attention was going to land us in the middle of some poor Norwegians lobster party. With so many distractions close at hand, like Helene's heavy bosom, Thomais' perky ass, Guyke's adorable body odour, Butch's bare and manly feet, my deliciously exposed legs and Larz's hunkalicious body, it is a miracle that the man could speak at all.
But I needn't have worried, Thomais is an experienced sailor and safely found his way through to the Blake Sea despite Ziggy's somewhat scatterbrained directions, as soon as I realized that, I could relax and enjoy the experience and the pleasure of the good humored company.
For some reason Helene seemed to drop her hair in the water behind us at regular intervals, as you can see in the picture below where it is floating around by itself in the wake of the sailboat. Other than that it was just a glorious experience with the sun, the sea, the hard bodied men and the pleasant company of sweet Helene.
All seemed to run smoothly until I went for a smoke. When I returned I found myself standing with the others at the bottom of the Blake Sea, apparently the boat had decided to disappeared at some sim-crossing or something.
Our asses were soon hauled to safety on nearby land by the now focused Ziggy, it seems my buddy works best in unexpected emergencies, which is a good thing to know about a friend.
 We were soon out on the waters again, but this time on Thomais' motorboat "Capitan".
After a while, we decided to make a stop at the well-known and peculiar island which consists of a long dead monsters skeleton. I was hoping there would be a bar, because I was getting thirsty for a refreshing beer, but no such luck.
We were exploring the waters under the skeleton, when I got a call from my friend Holter who reminded me that a dance recital I was going to was about to start. I had totally forgotten about this previous engagement because of the wonderful time we were having.

I asked Holter if anyone would mind if I turned up in my skimpy swimsuit. Holter assured me that he was sure that they wouldn't, so I said goodbye to the gang and teleported to the show.

To be continued... (I had a very busy Saturday!)

For another point of view and more pictures, please visit Ziggy On The Edge...; Ohhhh What A Marvellous Kiki

Causing A Disturbance in Second Moscow

The Red Square and the Vasilij Cathedral in Second Moscow looked calm as usual from afar yesterday, but if you got closer you could see that there was something out of the ordinary going on.
A handful of women and three men had gathered outside the cathedral. One of the men was The Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm, prince of Cascade Falls and sovereign ruler of The Southern Enchantment Region with Outer territories. All of us wore the brightly colored knitted balaclavas that have become the trademark of the Russian feminist punk rock protest group Pussy Riot.

Pussy Riot is of course well known for staging unauthorized provocative guerrilla performances in unusual public locations. Their lyrical themes include feminism, LGBT rights, opposition to the policies of Russian President Vladimir Putin, whom they rightfully regard as a dictator.

The gathering had been - or so I believe - organized by Vanessa Blaylock, virtual world artist and blogger, today going under the name Yoko Ono. We were there for a Pussy Riot Solidarity manifestation and I was also there to protest the infamous and homophobic Russian "gay propaganda" laws.
We started crawling all over the place, some of us assembled on a statue while others somehow managed to get up onto the roof of the cathedral itself. A while later I jumped up on the roof of a police car parked nearby.
When my buddy, the sexy, sublime, brilliant, humble etc., etc., Butch Diavolo arrived I started using him as part of my protest by pointing at him and shouting: "Look at Butch Diavolo, he is the incarnation of GAY PROPAGANDA!"
I was at the manifestation for an hour and 49 minutes and had loads of fun. However, my bosom buddy Apmel Goosson, who was there in the guise of his alt Ms. Apmelina Slingshot, reports on his blog "My Avatar's Name Is Apmel" that the real fun didn't start until after I had left. Apparently all the protesters and the Moscowites that had joined them were thrown off the sim and banned.

It seems totally unfair to me that Apmel always gets to have all the fun. That man has been banned in more places than the infamous performance artist SaveMe Oh, whom I for some reason am starting to suspect is non other than Vanessa Blaylock, but it may be my post-election paranoia playing pranks with me.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

"Cockles and Mussels"

Sinead O'Connor sings "Molly Malone"

I am having difficulties sleeping, so I thank Petr Vanbeeck for tipping me about this o Facebook.