Thursday, September 5, 2013

"Define Me"

Ryan Amador, featuring Jo Lampert

I usually tell myself never to allow someone else to try to define who or what I am. If I am going to walk through life with a mark impressed on my forehead it is most certainly going to be one of my own choosing.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Eddi Haskell Is A Meanie

According to that rascal Eddi Haskell, previously my dear friend and mentor in blogging, this is how I was looking today when I visited Stockholm - in disguise - to greet President Barack Obama despite having a case of "political flu".

He tried to butter me up by telling me "You are much prettier than Princess Madeleine btw lol!". Eddi's flattery was of course not sincere so it did not help alleviate my enormous pain by being ridiculed in this fashion. (*joke*)

Eddi Haskell hereby wins the trophy as "The Meanest Man in The Western Hemisphere", it would have been the whole world but Vladimir "Little Father" Putin, President of Russia, saved him from that disgrace by snatching the title as "The Meanest Man in The Eastern Hemisphere".

Welcome to Sweden, Mr. President!

President Barack Obama arrives to Sweden this morning for the first bilateral state visit to Sweden ever by an incumbent American president. We had President George W. Bush here a couple of years ago, but that was for an International summit meeting.

Although we are well aware that the American presidents short visit to Sweden occurs only because of the the gap that arose in his plans when the Americans decided to show displeasure with the Russians for granting a temporary refuge to Edward Snowden (who leaked information about America's massive surveillance online) and cancelled a scheduled meeting with the Russian President Vladimir "Little Father" Putin.

Nonetheless we are thrilled to receive Obama as a guest and hope that he will have a wonderful stay with some straightforward and serious discussions with the Swedish representatives.

Alas the Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm, prince of Cascade Falls and sovereign ruler of The Commonwealth of Southern Enchantment with Outer Territories, will not be able to meet with the American President due to a "political flu", which has been brought on by the prevailing enmity between the beloved laird and the awful Silvia, Queen of Sweden. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Congratulations Ziggy!

This blog and it's editor in chief wishes to congratulate one of it's most devoted readers for a remarkable accomplishment.

The wonderful Ziggy Starsmith, my dear buddy, celebrates his first anniversary as an X-Smoker today. This man is a gay icon in his own right and now also a role model for us all with his will of steel and his balls of marble! Way to go my sexy, sweet and now even sweet-smelling friend!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Impromptu @ Whim

Butch has gotten in to the excellent habit of inviting us to an impromptu set at Club Whim every Sunday before it is time to log off for the Euros. Mellow trance music is soothing and an excellent way to relax.

This Sunday Butch, Guyke, Dej and I were joined by Harli, Eeva, Micky, Jasmine and Amara. (Amara is not in any of the pictures as she came in at the end when I had stopped photographing.) 

The Vernissage of "Art Erotic"

My friend Ewa Aska, formerly best known as the co-owner of the once famous Ice Hotel and as an actor in several plays and musicals in SecondLife among them the successful ABBA SWEDEN show, has now found a new furrow for her creativity as a photographer of erotic art.

Ewa's exhibition "Art Erotic" opened with a vernissage yesterday, As the chairman of the Bock McMillan Art Foundation (a part of the BMcM Corporation) I was naturally invited. Most notable - and noticeable - among the other guests was an apparition of my bosom-buddy Apmel Goosson, this time present as his alt Apmel Meerson.

Apmel was - in my humble opinion - the most erotic work of art in the room, especially since he had chosen to dance an extremely enticing and alluring dance and somehow seemed to work his way around me the whole evening. I claimed he was hitting on me, but he emphatically denied it. (You can read our conversation on this subject on his blog, the link is supplied at the end of this post.)
Apmel plays coy but I know what he is contemplating
Apmel hits on me
Apmel in the act of sexual harassment against innocent me
Our gorgeous DJ Rultan and her likewise gorgeous hubby Alf
Paola spots me but keep her distance, in the beginning...
Fia Wycliffe surrounded by erotic art
Apmels favorite piece of art, I named it "A tethered man"
Photographer Ewa Aska in an erotic pose
I avert my eyes from the sexiness of Paola
Guyke comes to my rescue to save me from more sexual harassment by members of the audience
For more pictures from the vernissage and my hilarious conversation with Apmelito please visit "The models hide nothing, but what does Bock hide?"

If you wish to visit the exhibition it goes on through September 15, 2013, Landmark to the exhibition (SLurl)

Sunday, September 1, 2013

400,000 Pageviews


...and thats only since June 1, 2010!