Saturday, January 4, 2014


Pages Matam reads his poem "Piñata" at the National Poetry Slam 2013.

Tomais Saves Zeus

After having attended a wonderful masqued ball at Dimi and Mark Tarantello's Venetian palazzo yesterday, I felt like being alone with my husband for a bit of heavy breathing. Little did I know...

When we arrived at our summer house we changed into appropriate attire, i.e. buttnaked, and decided that we would go out into the woods to play. As we arrived at the camping site my ever alert Tomais noticed that something was wrong and pointed it out to me.
The strait between the Zeus sim and our summer home was completely covered by globular prims that had been rezzed by a griefer - and kept on rezzing. The huge spherical prims went far up into the sky and deep down into the ground, covering most of the strait and much of the Zeus sim.

As Tomais started searching for the source of the attack (which was later located to a corner of the Zeus sim that was empty and listed as for rent), I pointed out to him that he was naked and would need to put something on before going over to handle the emergency.

My valiant and fearless superhero went right into the middle of the mess created by the griefer and located the source and also came up with a working solution on how to solve it.

The solution in this case, after it had turned out that Tomais despite having managerial rights could not return the objects belonging to the hacked account, was for someone to rent the parcel and with owner rights return the prims and disallow building.

Later when I talked with Tomais' brother Nikolai, he asked me if Tomais was wearing one of his superhero outfits while performing the heroic deed. I had to confess that he had not.

I made a mental note - as the superhero's official sidekick - to be more specific in my instructions in the future. Instead of just reminding him to get dressed I had to tell him to wear his Superman, Batman or any of the many other superhero outfits in his Inventory.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Laird: "I Don't Mind Aging..."

"I don't really mind aging", the laird said when asked for a comment on his birthday today, "except for the fact that those days seem to creep up and pounce me faster and more often as I go along!"
I want to thank you all for the friendly congratulations on my birthday! Love you!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Creating A New Blogheader

Urban, trendy, edgy and even sexy, were some of the words being thrown about when I discussed the new header picture for Bock in SecondLife with my boyfriend Tomais - and at the time soon to be husband although we were unaware of that - when he had agreed to help  me.
Header  for Bock in SecondLife,. Photographer Tomais Ashdene.
Although I at one point halfheartedly suggested that I perhaps should be naked while draped over the O, that was vetoed by both Tomais and Guyke. As both of them are well known for their good taste, I did not force my will in the matter.

At my brother Dej's request we added a "Dej was here" on the condom vending machine, which I thought was a nice touch.
Otherwise this shoot was a another backbreaking experience with my Tomais muttering to himself while taking shots and fiddling with lighting and Photoshop, luckily Guyke was there to entertain me through it all.

I am extremely happy with the result and hope that you like it also!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A Wonderful Beginning

The wonderful Tomais has completely swept me off my feet since he has come into my life. For a short while I have been contemplating whether I should propose to him or not, as my dear readers know I sometimes have  an issue with procrastination. This time I was not as slow as usual to make up my mind though.

Once I had decided on what I wanted and how to proceed, I discussed it with my son Guyke and my brother Dej, separately,  yesterday afternoon. I am happy to report that they were both enthusiastic and supportive of my decision.

During the New Years Eve evening yesterday I was thinking of how, when and where to actually go through with the proposal. If I should do it immediately or wait a little while longer - just to be completely sure... (Tendency to procrastinate remember?)

After the New Year had started in Sweden I just got so fed up with myself I knew I did not want to and could not wait any longer. it had to be now. I asked Tomais if we could take a break in our party-hopping and go somewhere to talk alone for awhile. Once we had landed at the terrace of Tomais home, I plunged into the proposal without further ado.

I cannot remember the words anymore as I was terribly nervous but I know that I told Tomais how much I loved, adored, admired and lusted for him and how much I wanted and needed him to be a part of my life.

I am certain I was rambling a lot but Tomais listened patiently and when I was finally done there was a short pause. It felt like a long time, but was probably no more than a few seconds. And he said "Yes!".

Glory halleluja, I felt my nervousness leave my body as happiness overflowed me and filled my body and soul. My soul was soaring around the skies and my feet hardly touched the ground the rest of the evening.

Thank you my sweet, darling Tomais, for making this one of the happiest days in my life!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Swimming, Submarining & More

Just a couple of pictures with captions from late last night and early this morning.
 After sending Guyke to bed Tom and I enjoyed some alone-time at his home.
I played "Submarine", Tomais is waiting for the periscope to come up
Later on we were joined at Tom's party beach by his family members Rylan Sirnah and Nikolai Warden and my brother Dej for an impromptu party.

Ry's music was great except when he briefly played a song by Army of Lovers, I never could stand them. So sorry for my outburst Ry!

I want to thank Nikolai and Ry for the warm welcome they gave me and Dej into their extended family and Ry for his many kind words about me, which I dare not repeat for fear of being called conceited.
Nikolai, Rylan, I, Tom and Dej
We had a wonderful time at the beach until I discovered that it was 5AM my local time and I suddenly realized how tired I was. I hope the guys kept going a while longer!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Happy New Year!

At the end of last year I expressed some hopes for 2013 in this post My Hopes for 2013. With only one more day left it is now high time to evaluate the outcome.

I expressed my hopes in the following categories Universal, Global, SecondLife, Metaversal and Personal.

Fulfilled hopes
1. As far as I know the universe as we know it still exists, so thats a check for the Universal hope..
9. SecondLife is still improving technically, little by little.
13. Bock in SecondLife is still here and thriving, the Metaversal hope is thus accomplished.
14-16a and 17. All of the Personal hopes are on track, except for the 16b. I haven't had sex in first life yet, but it will come, it will come...

Unfulfilled hopes
2-8 (all the Global hopes).
10-12. Most of the SecondLife hopes.


I will abstain from expressing any hopes for 2014, however, I would like to wish all my readers a wonderful 2014 with lots of interesting and exciting moments that we can share together!

Happy New Year, my dear family, friends and readers!

The picture was made by my SecondLife lover and boyfriend, the amazing and wonderful Tomais, SL photographer extraordinaire. Love you so much babe, thank you for being a part of my 2014!