Saturday, November 19, 2016

Grand Opening "Live's Outlook @ LEA16", Today 12-2 PM

All the awesom picture from Levi's Outlook @ LEA16 are by Dodo Ahanu, see his Flicr photostrea here.
"Hey guys, just to let you know this weekend my Linden endowment of arts Sim is open - its a NON commercial sim I have been working on hard for  four months expressing my outlook on life - this is the landmark, Levi's Outlook @ LEA 16 (SLurl)

From 12 on we have a music party to kick it off  - but feel free to visit on you leisure

Saturday 19 November we have planned 
DJ - .. R E G I   Y I F U ... (regi.yifu) - form 12 pm - 02 pm om sl time

Sunday 20 November we have planned
DJ - Prince Kel Claven-Darling (pkc) form 02 pm - 04 pm sl time"

This is Levi's own description of his massive project

On the Levi’s Outlook on life the sim is divided by  a diagonal gradient from total abstract pixels that flow out of a visualised ‘ fountain'  transforming in to shapes and  letting SL-realism emerge.

On the second abstraction level their is a walk way indicated by arrow - although note perfect it illustrates how i see different ways o view life.
When u arrive indicated with white arrows u start off with the 

Friday, November 18, 2016


The Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm, prince of Cascade Falls etc. etc. will be unreachable this afternoon and evening. The official reason given is an alleged summit meeting among the world leaders concerning ramifications on International security by the election of Mr. Donald J. Trump as president of the United States.

The unofficial - and more truthful reason - is that the laird yesterday received the full DVD-collection of Game of Thrones, season 6, and will spend the Friday evening kicking back and frolicking in frisky murder and mayhem with the characters of that wondrous production.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Picture of the Day - 495

"Fire!" by Tomais Ashdene

If you wish to see more of Tomais' photography, please visit his Flickr photostream by clicking the name under the picture.

Full disclosure: Tomais Ashdene  is my husband.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Bock & The Russians (Updated)

I am probably a Russophobe. I have a profound and insistent belief that president Vladimir "Little Father" Putin, his fanboy prime minister Dmitry Medvedev and the rest of the present Russian leadership wish to expand the Russian hegemony over their neighboring countries (like Ukraine, Finland, the Baltic states and also Sweden).
Trump & Putin by Liutauras Strimaltis
In 2013 the (then) Supreme Commander of the Swedish Armed Forces admitted that in 2023 Sweden would not be able to defend itself longer than seven days against a concerted attack by an enemy (and "an enemy" for your information is Swedish code for the Russians) against any given target, until 2023 the time frame was shorter.

The Russian people, as a collective, seem to share the notion of being Biggest, Best and Most Beautiful with a god given or historical right to subjugate the rest of the world, much like the Americans today. (Just as the British and French people in the 18th and 19th centuries and perhaps also the Swedish people - in the time of our former glory - in the 15th and 16th centuries.)

Although Sweden has never been a part of any alliance, our defense policy has hitherto always relied on an intervention by NATO in the event we were attacked. Our defense policy has been built upon the reliance that we only need to see to it that an enemy cannot just roll in over us without expecting any losses or delays until the NATO - in it's own interest - would come to Sweden's protection if nothing other than keeping a buffer between NATO and the Russians.

After Trump's victory in the presidential election that defense policy is being jettisoned, because president-elect Trump is perceived as not abiding by formerly accepted rules, seems disinterested in in NATO and is a fan of Putin. So as a result we are now getting signals that the Swedish defense budget must be severely increased.
Update, later the same day
The more I think about it, the more absurd it seems for a country consisting of some nine million inhabitants to keep up a defense against a country with 146+ million inhabitants.

Perhaps we should do as the Danish populist politician Mogens Glistrup (1926-2008) once suggested, that we replace our defense ministry and weapons with an answering machine that says "We surrender!", in Russian of course.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Still Shattered &Disillusioned

Following the American presidential election and Brexit referendum in Great Britain has now given me a sound skepticism towards opinion polls. I will never trust their results again,

Ever since I saw the final results in both these elections my thought wander off to somehow come up with as viable explanation - I am getting nowhere and then I just feel a great sadness.

I have to leave it behind or I will go crazy.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

We Will Survive!

I stayed up all night yesterday, following the elections in the USA. I was engulfed in a weird unreal feeling as time passed by. This couldn't be happening, it wasn't supposed to happen...

Well, it did happen and we must accept the results, however devastated or petrified we feel about them at this moment for the future of the American people or the world. An isolationist America is not what the world needs and we cannot let America slip into the grasp of the Russian bears warm and welcoming hug.

The election revealed an extremely divided America. Whites against people of color, men against women, old against young, uneducated against educated, straight against LGBT. Even the winners, the Republicans are severely divided. There is much that has been gained over the last 25 years that is at risk of being lost, universal health care (whatever deficiencies that still remain to be  corrected), same-sex marriages, a woman's right to decide what happens with her body, family planning etc., etc.

But I still remain hopeful and believe and hope that my American friends and family - after the first initial shock and devastation has ebbed out - will cooperate and form alliances to fight back at every turn and every step of the way.

The rest of us must encourage them and give them whatever support we can. The dinosaurs and the macho white supremacists will not prevail.

At the risk of being perceived as extremely cheesy...

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Picture of the Day - 494

Self Restraint
"Self Restraint" by Winter Jefferson

If you wish to see more of Winter's photography, please visit his Flickr photostream by clicking the name under the picture.