Monday, February 6, 2017

The Pronunciation of "Urinal"

My otherwise wonderful husband Tomais has been giving me some hassle concerning my way of pronouncing "urinal".

I got it solved here, it seems I am using the British English pronunciation, whereas he is - of course -using the American English version.

Listen to this: How to pronounce urinal.

Amazing Giraffes

My friend Kahvy Smith just shared this amazing video by Nicholas Deveaux on Facebook.

I totally adore this beautiful video and had to share it with ya'll! This is the kind of crazy imagination I love.

Bock & Urinals

I had no problems with urinals whatsoever until the summer when I was 22 years old. Up until then I thought of it as extremely convenient fixture. You go in, take a broad manly stance in front of the fixture (so as not to cramp the flow), pull down your zipper, haul out your tackle and just let it flow.

However, the summer I was 22 I was out backpacking through Europe for a month. On the evening before the last day of the trip I was at "Gare du Nord" in Paris and was going to take the night train to Copenhagen.

While waiting to board the train, I felt an insistent need to relieve myself and knew I wouldn't be able to wait until I got on the train, so I went looking for a restroom.

I soon found a huge "Gentlemen's" in the cellar of the railway station. The first part of the room consisted of two lines of 15 urinals on the opposing walls. Almost all the slots were filled, except one almost at the end to the right, so I went there and started doing my business.

Just as I had started, I felt a nudge on my right shoulder from the man standing next to me. I looked at him, wondering what he wanted. He looked me in the eyes, then looked downwards. As I followed his gaze I saw that he was masturbating. Not only that, but all the other occupants were also erect and playing with themselves and looking towards me. Not only that, but as I looked over my shoulder I noticed that the row of men behind us were also jacking off and looking at me.

To this day I'm not sure why, but my external urethral sphincter - which supposedly controls the voluntary peeing - immediately cramped shut and my body started shaking as I felt more than 25 men looking lustfully at me.

Although I was gay, by no means a virgin and in my best shape ever, 5'8" (172 cm), 132 lb (60 kg) and fit, my mind started screaming "Danger! Danger! Get your ass out of this place - NOW!"

Maybe I thought I was going to get gang-raped or otherwise molested, but whatever I rushed out of there, without even tucking in before. I did that outside the room, luckily before anyone had seen anything.

Anyway, since that evening I am not able to use the bloody contraptions without getting feelings of panic and my sphincter shutting off, except when I am very, very drunk or very certain that I will be alone.

200 Million Living Victims

Today is the International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation 2017 (FGM).

The UNICEF estimates that there are at least 200 million women and girls now living with female genital mutilation.

Although female genital mutilation is carried out in many countries, the report says that more than half of those who have undergone it live in just three countries -- Indonesia, Egypt and Ethiopia. 

Data shows the highest rates of genital mutilation among women between the ages of 15 to 49 are in Somalia, Guinea, and Djibouti. In most countries, the majority of girls subjected to the practice are younger than 5. About one fourth of all cases worldwide were girls under the age of 14.

UNICEF hopes that with the support of governments, communities and religious leaders, the practice will be widely abandoned by 2030.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

All For A Wailing Kitten

Ever since I introduced ya'll to my new appearance with my Bento mesh head from Catwa, there have been repeated, very loud and disgruntled wailings coming from a certain young cat.
He's claimed that my new look is too strict, severe and even goes so far as to call it "evil-looking". Well, we can have none of that, because as you all know I am an absolute hug-whore and he refuses to hug me.
With the assistance of my loving husband Tomais and my trusted brother JJ, I have yet again update my appearances. There will be no more modifications for a while, so deal with this Nikolai!.
Photos by JJ Goodman Esq.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Linden Lab on Trump's Ban on Immigration

Statement issued by Linden Lab on Trump's Executive Order on Immigration 2017-02-02 00:00:00 UTC

"We at Linden Lab are extremely disappointed in and adamantly opposed to Trump’s recent executive order on immigration. We reject racism, intolerance, and xenophobia.

We are proud to include immigrants among our leadership, colleagues, and customers, as well as our families, friends, and communities. We value diversity, compassion, and understanding, and we are proud that our products enable people to come together and form meaningful connections regardless of differences in their offline lives.

Trump’s order is counter to what we value and antithetical to American ideals. We join the many voices calling on the US government to remove this restriction as quickly as possible and to refrain from imposing additional barriers that threaten opportunities for immigrants, under-represented minorities, and women."

You make me proud guys!