Friday, March 31, 2017

Transgender Day of Visibility

Today is the annual Transgender Day of Visibility, a day to show your support for the trans community.

The idea is recognize the accomplishments of trans people around the world, to combat cissexism and transphobia, and to spread awareness of the trans community.

Unlike the Transgender Day of Remembrance, this isn’t a day for mourning: this is a day of empowerment, recognition, and love.

Thursday, March 30, 2017


Today we spent the evening floating around and chatting, it was wonderful because my brain was fried from a long day at work and I was rather tired.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

You Had Better Prepare Yourselves

I actually got a very helpful note card from one of the organizers of this event, none less than Mr Kahvy Smith himself.

This young man knows what we lazy bloggers want, so after deleting about 223 excessive exclamation-marks, and all the text in CAPS LOCK (and there was a lot of it, let me assure you), I am now ready to post an on-your-marks-post for this event.

Starting April 1, 2017! Mark your calendars now!

Amazing gifts by some of SecondLife's top designers, the least humble and least talented among all these Giants is The Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm, prince of Cascade Falls etc, etc.

The gifts contain furniture, decor, clothing, accessories, tattoo's, gadgets and poses!

Take a peek at this poster to see all the amazing designers that are participating!

Join us for a fun round of Easter Egg Hunting! Take me to The Land of Rainbows' Easter Egg Hunt (SLurl)

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Picture of the Day - 504

Smokin' Hue
"Smokin' Hue" by Virtual Kiwi

If you wish to see more of  Virtual Kiwi's photography, please visit his Flickr photostream by clicking the name under the picture.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Tell Tomais I Love Him

I haven't seen much of my darling Tomais during the last two weeks, except for the weekend, due to the USA switching to Daylight Savings Time two weeks before Europe and our different work hours.
I am giving all my readers a mission on my behalf, please tell Tomais that I love him on his timeline on Facebook. Just a simple "Bock loves you, Tomais!" will do perfectly.

Don't worry if anyone else has already done it, you do it too! After all, he cannot get the message too many times can he? Not even 10,000 times is enough, but I don't have that many readers that are also friends with us both on Facebook so I will take as many as I get and be grateful for your help.

Sweden and the rest of Europe will switch to DST during the upcoming weekend and everything will be normalized again. Thank the Babylonians!

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Seen At Steamworkz

Wayne: "Kahvy is fluffing his ass-hair!"

Oh, What An Amazing Party!

That was one helluva a party we had last night, to celebrate Kahvy and my tenth rezdays.

I would like to thank Garrett and Tomais for organizing it, Lee McKay for supplying us with great music and everyone who turned up for giving us the pleasure of their company at this momentous time in Kahvy's and my own SecondLife.

So, to be quite honest, Kahvy is a snarky little bitch sometimes, but then again so am I! I have known him for some 9,5 years and he is my oldest remaining friend in SecondLife. We are well-suited to each other and there is no one else I would rather celebrate my anniversary of a decade in SecondLife with.

Here are some pictures from the party supplied by my loving brother JJ Goodman. Please enjoy!
For many more pictures please visit my brother JJ Goodman's timeline on Facebook and check out the pictures in his album from the party.

Thanks everyone for making this a wonderful time! As my darling Tomais said, "How many other people can say that Madonna came to their birthday party?"

Hugs and kisses to you all!