Sunday, June 11, 2017

Second Pride Festival 2017 - The Logo

Poster by LLedge Eames
Below is the logo of this years Second Pride festival, which was recently released. 
I like it! Its powerful and illustrates that we still have to stand up and be counted in the fight for our own and our International sisters and brothers rights and protections.

Sure, pride is a celebration of who we are and how far we have come in some countries, but we must also always remember there are places in the world where the situation for our sisters and brothers our far from comfortable and easy as it is for us.

We are here to celebrate and to give them hope and show support in their struggles. We are here to be in the faces of their and our oppressors, to show we exist and we are here to stay. We will be loud and proud because we cant!

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Putin: No Shower With A Gay Man In A Submarine,uk reports: 
The Russian President (...) was speaking to filmmaker Oliver Stone for The Putin Interviews. In a discussion about the military, Stone had asked the leader: "If you’re taking a shower in a submarine with a man and you know he’s gay, do they have a problem with that?"
According to the Daily Beast, Putin responded: "Well, I prefer not to go to shower with him. Why provoke him? But you know, I’m a judo master and a SAMBO master as well."
He added: "I can tell you this, that as head of state today, I believe it’s my duty to uphold traditional values and family values. But why? Because same-sex marriages will not produce any children. God has decided, and we have to care about birth rates in our country. We have to reinforce families. But that doesn’t mean that there should be any persecution against anyone."
Putin is often hostile to Russia’s own LGBT community, signing the country’s ‘gay propaganda’ law back in 2013.
Interesting answer isn't it?

Notice how Vladimir "Little Father" Putin, expects every gay man to want and not be able to resist his luscious and delightful body, how he will be able to deal  with the assault with his athletic prowess in martial arts an combat sports. And he does it all because "God has decided." And to calm us gay and liberal westerners he concludes that this doesn't mean there should be "any persecution against anyone".

The last part sounds extremely fake coming from a man who legislated again "gay propaganda" and doesn't lift a finger or much less does anything else to control his Chechen henchmen in killing, maiming and abusing gay men. 

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

So, It's The Swedish National Day...

... and we don't really give much of a damn because - as most of the old countries in the world - it's not really a big deal here.

Sure since 2005 we get a day off from work, because the politicians thought we should celebrate it more, and our royalties are busy handing out Swedish flags to various deserving organisations all day.

But nah, we still don't think its anything to celebrate. Swedes aren't big on nationalism. We certainly like our country but it's not at all a big deal as with some other nations.

If we heard somebody try to launch political slogans as "Sweden First" or "Make Sweden Great Again" most of us would probably laugh our asses off until we peed in our pants.

SL14B Official Shopping Event, June 5-26, 2017

Linden Lab is hosting a shopping event to celebrate the fourteenth anniversary of SecondLife. It's promising you can get "free gifts and exclusive items from many of Second Life's top designers".

The locations to pick up your loot are presented here: SL14B Official Shopping Event.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Cancelled Due to Lack of Interest

The 6th International Kiss-A-Swede Day in SecondLife, which was scheduled for tomorrow June 6th, 2017, on the National Day of Sweden has been cancelled due to lack of interest.

The otherwise completely shameless Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm, prince of Cascade Falls etc. etc. is pouting.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Get Ready: Second Pride 2017 Is Coming

Basic information on the upcoming Second Pride event as supplied by persons close to - but not on - the board.
The amazing Second Pride Festival is coming to the grid again, ✯ ✯ June 23 - July 2, 2017 ✯ ✯

For the 12th edition of Pride we are going to be better, stronger and faster! One entire sim filled with Parties - Shopping - Amusement Rides - Lounging in cafe's and parks and much more! Amazing Content Creators - The Best DJ's and Hosts - Superb Live Vocalists and more, this years Pride cannot be missed!

Get your outfits ready as free pride outfits emerge all over SecondLife - Mark your calendar - Get your avie in shape and JOIN us to show Pride! LGBTQ+ - Gay - Straight - In Between or anything you want to be, come show support and inclusion! 

Help Pride and the charities we support, together we are stronger!

Check our the Second Pride Website or this Facebook page Second Pride on Facebook for updates, schedules and sponsors when the festival nears. Check these page for more info in the weeks to come!!! 

JOIN the in-world Second Pride Festival Group today!

Parties from as early as 10 am till as late as midnight, all we need now is YOU!

DJ slots and Vendor Spaces are sold out. We can always add more sponsors though! For more information please visit us in-world: Second Pride HQ (SLurl).

Deep Sorrow, Frustration & Anger

The horrible news from London yesterday fills me with deep sorrow, frustration and anger.
My thoughts go to the families of the innocent victims and their families. This was yet an outrageous attack on a western democratic state to create havoc and incite hatred.

Do not for a moment let yourself be lured into believing that this has anything whatsoever to do with religious beliefs or cultural norms. It has as little to do with Islam and Muslims as the Crusades once had to do with fighting for Christianity or Christians.

No, these horrendous and vile acts of terror are all orchestrated to intimidate and disrupt the people of the western democracies as a part of a struggle for power, influence and money. The puppeteers behind this unprovoked violence are more likely to be found in Moscow, Peking and Pyongyang than in Baghdad, Beirut or Tehran.