Saturday, July 8, 2017

Superfruit - Imaginary Party

"Imaginary Parties” is the first single from a forthcoming EP from Scott Hoying and Mitch Grassi, the two gay Pentatonix members who make up the pop duo Superfruit.

Garrett & His Ass

My friend Garrett is strutting about in the new male mesh body from Belleza (The Jake). It has a delicious ass, but here is an instruction if Garrett should ask you about it.

Five Naked Guys In A Pool x 2 (NSFW)

I was hanging out with Tomais, JJ, Wayne and Garrett today and we ended up in the pool at Wayne's & JJ's home.

This is my snapshot from the event.
Five Naked Guys in a Pool
Snapshot by me
And below the fold you will see my brother JJ's version (NSFW) of the same event. Only click "Read more" if you are willing and prepared to see male nudity.

The Southern Belle

As you all may know already, my husband Tomais is an avid collector of SecondLife machinery and vehicles of all and any kind. I wouldn't go so far as to call it an addiction - yet, but...
Happy Tomais
Anyway! Two and a half years ago we visited the wharves of the Bandit store and saw that Analyse Dean was building a ginormous riverboat. Tomais at once said "I want it!" and I, in a moment of codependency and weakness, told him I would get it for him as a present.
Nice ass!
When I checked in with the creator Anneliese for information on when the boat would be released, she said it might happen after that summer. Well that was two years ago, and Tomais has been taking regular trips to the wharf to check on how things were proceeding.

For a long time nothing happened, but then finally, about a week ago, Tomais told me that the boat was now released and that he was going to buy it. I reminded him of my promise and told him i would reimburse him when I got inworld, because he told me he simply couldn't wait for me to get there to buy it. (Addict much, eh?)
The beauty herself
Tomais has been happy as a ten y.o. with his new toy since he got hit. Learning how to work it and re-texturing it to suit his purposes.
I am the proud portmaster of the boats home port
I have enjoyed a couple of trips on The Southern Belle also, despite the fact that the captain makes me work my way over the Blake Sea (there is no Mississippi river in SecondLife), mostly in unsuitable gear.
My preferred manner of travelling
My actual manner of travelling

Friday, July 7, 2017

Memorial For Dano

A week ago we all learned that the man behind the SecondLife avatar DanR Raymaker, in first life known as Scott Spencer, had passed away after struggling with a painful disease for a long time.
DanR Raymaker-Mirabella
(a.k.a. Scott Spencer)
March 19, 2007   June 30, 2017
I knew him as Dano and first met him at Boots Gay Beach in 2007 (when he looked as his profile picture above).

Dano was one of the most charming, kindest and caring men I have ever met, with a weird sense of humor and a contagious joy of life. Being around Dano, meant you had fun, whatever mood you were in when you got there.

Even his last post on Facebook bears witness of his amazing sense of humor despite the pain and adversities he was struggling with in first life.
Dano was also one of a handful of non-Swedish avatars who dared take part in my blog-series "Naked Avatars in SL" in 2010. You can see his beautiful contribution in this post from May 21, 2010.

Yesterday I was invited to, and took part in, the memorial service for him and the celebration of his life. We were about 20-22 assembled, under the guidance of Evan Greymyst and Ezzie Mirabella. I am sure we would have been many more if people didn't have first life responsibilities to contend with during a weekday, but I am happy I could be there.

As I understand it, Dano had in length discussed with Evan Greymyst how he wished his memorial to be conducted. It was a memorable service.
Evan Greymyst conducting the memorial
Dano's husband Nibz and their two sons

Rest in peace, Dano, you will be sorely missed!

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Lesley Gore - You Don't Own Me

I heard a snippet of this song today, and since then I cannot get it out of my head. It's wonderful and haunting in its defiance, and being made in 1963 it must have been one of the earliest expressions of the women's liberation movement.