Sunday, April 29, 2018

Second Pride Festival, June 15th – 24th, 2018.

Get ready to rumble, boys and girls, because Second Pride 2018 is afoot.
This year's theme is "This is Me. This is Us. A Celebration of Community." 

And to all those of you who say "Well, I surely don't belong to any community, especially not yours!", let me tell you this. Whether you effing like it or not, WE consider YOU to be part of OUR community. Chew on that for a while, darlin'.

It's time for you to get your booth or show your support. Second Pride is a charity event for equality and unity in Second Life. The LGBTQ+ Community is wide and divers in Second Life and they need your support!

Go to the Second Pride webpage (url) where you will find all the information you need on how to sign up and all the options for how to support this major event, but the main thing is: Second Pride NEEDS you! So don’t wait, sign up now!

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Picture of the Week - 1

This week I am starting a new series of posts, it's a variation of my previous "Picture of the Day"-series, the difference being I am only going to select a picture from my or Tomais Ashdene's - the blog's art editor and my loving husband - Flickr feeds once a week. 

My husband is gracefully (that's just the kind of great guy I am) allowed to make suggestions but the decisions are always all mine.

Let's get going!

A League of Their Own
"A League of Their Own" by Tomais Ashdene (url)

You can click the photographer's name to get to their photostream and on the picture to embiggen it.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

I Blame Kip!

So, this evening I was innocently going about my business in SL, whilst my - otherwise - sweet husband was browsing on Facebook. There he saw a suggestion from Kip Ashbourne which he thought was completely appropriate for me. I am not sure I agree...
OK, so I have a phobia against chickens, but should my husband really send me "Crazy Chickens" from Marketplace, or as he himself claims "Delightful items like this" (a dead rubber chicken).

Monday, April 23, 2018

Unpacking Petr's Gift

My dear old friend Petr sent me a box of gifts he had picked up at a kinky event. He insisted I send him pictures when I had unpacked them. I promised to do that.

Somehow I knew it might be a bit risque, and it turns out my suspicions were correct. Wouldn't you agree?

Sunday, April 22, 2018

New Blog Header - Spring 2018

The blogs art director my spouse the multi-talented Tomais Ashdene has kindly agreed to remake one of his beautiful pictures as the blog header this time.

Enjoy, and please let him know he is an amazing artist. You can find the complete and unadulterated version on Flickr: At the Quay (url).

Self Rape?

Rape is defined differently in various countries but I should think all of the legal definitions would contain the following necessary conditions sexual activity/sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury, or against the will of a person, or with a person who is beneath a certain age, or in other ways incapable of valid consent.
I'm not sure if this is a joke or sarcasm, someone told me it could be... (I've always have difficulty with sarcasm as I usually take things too literally. I know, I know, so spank me would'ya!)

To equate masturbation to rape is to give a false or misleading meaning to the nature of both masturbation and of rape. How insane anyone must be to even compare the two actions is beyond me.

I just saw that there is actually a Facebook group for this cause, Christian Mothers Against Masturbation/Self-Rape.

Oh my, I may just give up breathing in the face of all the silliness in the world we live in. And then there are Trump, Putin and al-Assad on top of it all. Well, all I can say is that I have always given consent, enthusiastically I might add, every time I have played with myself.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

On Funerals

Today I am thinking about funerals.
This is because I read about Mrs. Barbara Bush's funeral today and how the current president Donald J Trump had been asked please not to attend which made me think about this quote from Yogi Berra*: "Always go to other people's funerals; otherwise, they won't go to yours." 

I hope there will be droves and droves of people at my funeral and that no one will have to be asked not to attend. There is nothing quite as sad as a funeral with very few people.

*) Lawrence Peter "Yogi" Berra (May 12, 1925 – September 22, 2015) was an American professional baseball catcher for the New York Yankees.

P.S. "Food, serve them good food and drink and they will come!", I thought. So now I am going to set aside a good sized amount in my will for food and alcohol for the funeral lunch.