Saturday, November 10, 2018

SP Board Meeting 11/10/18, 12 PM SLT

The Chair Rez Vale-Starfall™ has called a board meeting for today at 12PM SLT. 

Proposed agenda:Call to Order
Move to adopt the minutes from the last meeting

Major topics to be discussed:

1- Dates and theme of Holiday Event
    a) Vendors?
    b) Theme ideas
    c) Dates
2- Event ideas for 2019?
    a) Easter?
    b) Valentines Day?
    c) 4th of July?
3- SP Festival
    a) Dates
    b) Theme (15th Anniversary)
    c) Vendor/Sponsor Pricing (Done)
    d) 1 sim or rent a 2nd?
4- Based on decisions
    a) All departments submit budget to Treasurer by     15NOV18
    b) Anyone not submitting a budget gets no money

Friday, November 9, 2018

A New York Minute

I've learned a new expression, "a New York Minute", which is supposedly defined as the smallest measurable amount of time in the universe. The time lapse is approximately equal to the time between a traffic light turning green in New York City and the cab driver behind you honking his horn.

"No burden is carried as easily as much knowledge", says The Hávamál.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

sirhc DeSantis: "My Friend Stopped Running Today"

Lucien Maven, in first life a.k.a. Jeffrey Miller
When I came home from work and opened my email, at the very top there was a group notice sent out by my Sergeant in Arms and friend sirhc DeSantis McMillan titled "My friend stopped running today".

The sad title of sirhc's message was explained in another group message sent out just a few minutes earlier by his spouse Mrs. Vampi Twine McMillan McMillan (honorary) where she informed us that they had received the bad news that Lucien Maven had lost his battle against cancer and passed away today.

Lucien was a wonderful, warm, sweet and kindhearted man and a stunning DJ. He will truly be missed. I was very sorry to hear of his passing.

My warm condolences to his families and close friends in both his first and Second Life. 

Your battles are now over, dearest Lucien, rest in peace with the universe. We will remember you and celebrate you.

P.S. Later today I learned that sirhc was quoting from the British author Richard Adams' novel "Watership Down" (1972), where the character Hazel says, "My heart has joined the Thousand, for my friend stopped running today."

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Cold & Tired

I had a great day today, but it's been dark, cold and very windy outside all day long. On my way home from work I just felt like pulling the covers over my head and sleep.

So that's exactly what I am going to do, see you all tomorrow!

Monday, October 22, 2018

A Straight Eye For The Queer Guy

I still haven't gotten over how truly stunning, fabulous and amazing I looked at the "It's A Party"-event, so I am giving you all another chance to admire me.
Photo by JJ Goodman
The fashion-forward CheerNo jumpsuit fitted me really well and kept me cool despite dancing nonstop for two whole hours.

Now that you've gotten your fill of the astounding me, why not surf on over to get The Not-So-Naked Apmel's report from the event: My Avatar's Name is Apmel: "It was Bock's party and notwithstanding Apmel's ass being there Bock's appearance would have made him center of attention at any party" (url). (Don't you just the lovely long title of that post?)

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Party Pictures by JJ Goodman (Now With Longer Video)

A nifty thing my computer just showed me, I don't know how to edit or play with it yet and not sure it will work either.

Edited and added all JJ's awesome pictures and set it to music. Enjoy!

And here is my second try, a bit more energetic and with funkier music.

It's A Party... Today 12 PM (Noon) SLT

I hope you all can make it to the celebration of Life, Love and the opening of Static Frenzy's new exhibition at The Northmead Gallery today, 12 PM (noon) SLT.

For all the details please revisit my post It's A Party... And You Are All Welcome (url), where you will find how to get where you need to be and more about the event.

Wear whatever you feel like wearing to celebrate life, love and the amazing art of Static Frenzy!