Thursday, April 2, 2020

Preparations For Influx of Refugees

"As residents of SecondLife, we must prepare ourselves for an influx of refugees from First Life due to the constraints on living conditions and mobility brought on by the raging pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus. The new arrivals must be taken care of, housed, fed and clothed, and be made to feel welcome amongst us. However, we should also be aware they may have been living in difficult circumstances and may suffer from some post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Suitable security measures are therefore advisable.", says The Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm etc., etc., who has already set aside the building named "The Aviary" on his large estate
 as temporary housing for some of the refugees. (See picture above). 

When the blog was visiting, all - or at least fourscore - little princes and princesses in his realm were busy cleaning, furnishing and putting the place in excellent order. Fresh linen on 14 beds, and lots of flowers and candle lights. 

Although the building has no privy of its own some will be prepared in an adjacent outhouse. The building is located between a large lake and the sea, which can be used for hygenic purposes.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Social Distancing In SecondLife

So what do four gay men, from different corners of the world, do when they are together in SecondLife, in these the end times when world events will reach a climax and we will either meet our makers to attain redemption or be sent straight to hell or perhaps just peter out into gaseous steam into the all-consuming universe?

Well, these four men listened to music, danced and played with the "It's Not All Mine"-Cum HUD for Men (link to SL-Marketplace).
The creator of this HUD must have had a lot of fun when they got this brilliant idea. The user can disperse their cum at a selected body part in or on someone else nearby. The cum only comes off with Linden water (i.e. stepping into it or taking a shower) or if someone licks or sucks it (choice also available in the HUD).

Photos courtesy of JJ GoodmaNZ.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Wookey Project Corp. Buys Sansar

Linden Lab announced today that the virtual world of Sansar has been sold to The Wookey Project Corporation.
In their online statement about themselves Wookey says:
Wookey started from our own experience. Just like you, we saw the limitations of flat, one-dimensional internet interaction. With each experience, the frustration grew. It’s evident that algorithms are telling me what it wants, not hearing what I need.
What if we could create online experiences that were unbiased and arranged by relevance to us, not by advertisers or bias of company? We realized, with the right team and the right investors, we can.
Wookey was born. We endeavor to create a new generation of online AR/VR experiences that allows users the power of collaborative interaction through knowledge immersion.
That sounds rather exciting, doesn't it? Perhaps I should not give up my Sansar account yet.

P.S. This might be a good time to rebut all the many rumors that The BMcM Corporation had any interest in acquiring Sansar. (The fact that it was the only shareholder of the company who was disseminating the rumors did not help either, but how does one tell a laird to STFU?)

Thursday, March 19, 2020


When the news broke that Prince Albert II of Monaco had tested positive for the novel coronavirus, The Much Honored Bock McMillan, Laird of Southern Charm, immediately went into a voluntary self-quarantine.
"Bock in Quarantine" by JJ GoodmaNZ
The laird and the prince had been cavorting in Paris during the weekend, so the measure was taken out of an abundance of safety. Neither the laird, nor his Prince Consort, are - as yet - displaying any symptoms of Covid-19.

P.S. No alas I am not singing to entertain my neighbors, my consort will not allow me...

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

A Message from Ebbe Linden re. SecondLife & Covid-19

Ebbe Altberg, a.k.a. Ebbe Linden, the CEO of Linden Lab, today published a message regarding the novel coronavirus and SecondLife operations on the SecondLife community blog (URL).

"Second Life will continue to be available without interruption as we get through this tough time together. Due to our previous crisis contingency planning and the flexible nature of our distributed workforce, we are not expecting any changes to response times for support inquiries and payment processing. 

We know that Second Life serves a great purpose for our community as people seek ways to stay in touch with their friends and co-workers, as they grapple with new social distancing protocols, mandated remote work requirements, and other precautionary measures. 

With the closure of many universities and displaced conferences and events, Second Life also continues to be an option for disrupted organizations looking for new remote work, classroom or event solutions. To help, we recently implemented a reduction in pricing to a flat $99/month per region for qualified education and nonprofit organizations."

Read the full message at the link posted above!

Friday, March 13, 2020

Covid-19; Yet Another Reason For Using SecondLife

In these, the latter days, with all the panic caused by the pandemic of the Covid-19 virus, and the calls for social distancing to inhibit the spread of the disease virtual realities like SecondLife can fill the void with our needs as humans for safe social interaction.

Although Sweden as yet has only 775 (8 per 100,000 inhabitants) confirmed cases and no deaths so far, signs of the ongoing panic are emerging. When I visited the pharmacy today, I was informed that they were rationing paracetamol to only 2 items per person as people had been stockpiling the medication. I am sure there are other things being rationed also, but I haven't encountered them.

My elderly mother lives in an assisted living facility where relatives have been asked to completely avoid or severely limit visits until further notice, especially if they have upper respiratory symptoms.

Neighbouring Denmark is closing its borders from 12 PM (noon) tomorrow Saturday, March 14th until April 13th. Travelers will be rejected at the border if they cannot show that they work in the country or have an exceptional reason for entry.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Ars in Memoriam 2020

Joseph Douglas Wilson Jr., in SecondLife known as Ars Northmead.

★ April 21, 1953 (First life)
★ October 25, 2006 (SecondLife)

† March 12, 2010

Ars Forever, Forever Ars!