Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Hanging at JJ's & Wayne's Pool

After a bit of motorboating with Tomais, JJ, Wayne, and Lazurus ("Call me Laz" his profile says), we ended up at JJ's & Wayne's pool in there new home. We were joined by Petr,
Heads from left to right, Tomais, Petr, JJ, me, Wayne & Lazurus
Lots of fun and laughter while discussing everything between heaven and hell (both non-existent), some friendly bickering, and informing Laz about the great benefits of having a Premium Account. Among other things, you get into crowded regions easier, which is worth a lot. Between motorboating and the pool, I managed to get into Ûber and buy the fatpack of Deadwool's new jacket. Beautiful textures and colors, as usual, Masa Plympton is a wonderful designer.

Friday, April 24, 2020

The Cure

So, yesterday "doctor" and President Donald J Trump rambled about his thoughts on cures for Covid-19. The comedian Sarah Copper, gives us this hilarious reenactment of those moments.

I cannot stop watching it and two moments, in particular, break me up 1) when she administers the light anally and 2) when she is Dr. Birx reacting to his questions.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

New Header for Spring/Summer 2020

The blog's creative director, and my spouse, Tomais Ashdene has today supplied me with this wonderful new header for Spring/Summer 2020.
P.S. Yeah, the way I hold my cigarette is kinda girly, but we are using a female pose. When we tried changing it with the Animare HUD (a tool to adjust poses) it became even worse. So you should focus on the exceptional beauty of the two men instead.

"The Liar Tweets Tonight"

I couldn't withhold this little gem of a tweet from you, my faithful readers.

P.S. I've watched it about 200+ times already, and still love it!

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Linden Lab Releases EEP

Linden Lab yesterday released a new SecondLife viewer with uses an entirely new way to create and use environment settings for the appearance of the sky, day cycles and, Linden Water, within the viewer. This is called the Environment Enhancement Project (or in short EEP).
Photo by Inara Pey (as used in her blogpost)
But instead of me trying to explain this wonderful feature for you, please head on over to the infinitely more technologically savvy Inara Pey on her blog "Inara Pey: Living in a Modem World" (URL).

As I understand it Firestorm will release a compatible viewer in the near future.

Thank you, Linden Lab!

Friday, April 17, 2020

Z Returns To The Aviary

The renowned SecondLife singer Z Sorbet (formerly known as ZDiva) is returning to The Aviary to reprise her fabulous concert in May 2015.

Saturday, April 18th, 2020, at 2 PM SLT, Z will - by popular demand and the laird's command - be performing at The Aviary at Southern Charm (SLurl). Clear your calendars, you will be sorry if you miss this event. (Wear clothes, any clothes)

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Linden Lab Keeps Promise

I love Linden Lab, they always keep their promises, at least since Ebbe Linden has been at the helm!

Yesterday Linden Lab announced on the SecondLife Community blog (url) that last names, by popular demand, are now back again after being gone since 2010.

Those Premium Members who wish to change any part of their names, both first and last, can do so for a fee of $39,99. Residents will be able to choose from a rotating list of available last names, which will be on display on your SecondLife account page under "Change Name".