Thursday, August 20, 2015

New Hair - Contenders

So Tomais and I have been looking at some options for a new hair, by the way my sincere thanks to everyone for suggestions of various shops.

These are two good options which we found at Exile, left "High and Dry" and right "Better Days".

I have more demo's to look through, especially some from an interesting new place called [bade].

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Message to My Wonderful Hubby

Hello my sweet lover,

I am afraid I will not be inworld today as I am going to bed now because I haven't slept at all the last 40 hours or so.

The damnable tooth was extracted today and I am going to try falling asleep before the anesthesia wears off.

I will see you tomorrow, my darling!
Love you!

...When Buds Are Breaking.

The last two weeks have been sort of horrible. It is as if I have something stewing and brewing within that I don't know where it came from, where it's leading or how to handle. The situation made me think of the Swedish author and poet Karin Boye's (October 26, 1900 - April 24, 1941) little masterpiece "Ja visst gör det det ont".

Add to that a tooth that has been acting up from time to time during the same period, and since Sunday all the time. Yesterday the whole left side of my face was aching from the eye down to the underside of my chin.

These psychological/emotional and physical pains have consumed most of my energy and rendered me speechless and disinterested in blogging for a while.

Today I had the tooth extracted, so at least that pain will no longer be an issue.

Yes, of course it hurts 
by Karin Boye 
Interpreted to English by David McDuff in "Karin Boye: Complete Poems"

Yes, of course it hurts when buds are breaking.
Why else would the springtime falter?
Why would all our ardent longing
bind itself in frozen, bitter pallor?
After all, the bud was covered all the winter.
What new thing is it that bursts and wears?
Yes, of course it hurts when buds are breaking,
hurts for that which grows
                      and that which bars.

Yes, it is hard when drops are falling.
Trembling with fear, and heavy hanging,
cleaving to the twig, and swelling, sliding -
weight draws them down, though they go on clinging.
Hard to be uncertain, afraid and divided,
hard to feel the depths attract and call,
yet sit fast and merely tremble -
hard to want to stay
                      and want to fall.

Then, when things are worst and nothing helps
the tree's buds break as in rejoicing,
then, when no fear holds back any longer,
down in glitter go the twig's drops plunging,
forget that they were frightened by the new,
forget their fear before the flight unfurled -
feel for a second their greatest safety,
rest in that trust
                      that creates the world.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Friday, August 7, 2015

Picture of the Day - 380

"Beats" by Wayne NZ

If you wish to see more of Wayne' photography, please visit his Flickr photostream by clicking his name under the picture.

A Good Hair

How bloody difficult can it be, really?

I have been headhunting for a new hairdo in SecondLife forever now, at least the last two-three years, but there is nothing I really like as much as my present - six years OLD hair - from KMADD.

What I want is something messy but still tidy-ish, something short but not shaven. Something like Jamie Dornan's...

Preferably in a nice Swedish Medium blonde color that doesn't look like it came out of a bottle.

Some of the content creators who make hairs just don't seem to "get" blond, they give us a whole shitload of strange, sickening, shades of yellows instead.

I wonder why that is? Sure blonde hair is an aberration that arose from a genetic mutation, but it has been around long enough so that everyone should be familiar with it.