Monday, January 2, 2012

Where Do I Go From Here?

After reading the mudslingers vicious attack on my Ars memory yesterday I was in turmoil and totally confused because I could not see it coming.

It is true the mudslinger and I have a history of miscommunication but that she would - or even could wish to - drag my Ars into the equation was totally unexpected and extremely hurtful.

After I had sent out the note card to everyone on my friendslist in SecondLife asking them to bear witness to Ars existence, I got many questions about the identity of the mudslinger and kind advise telling me to ignore the foolish person and let it lay.

I am not going to name the mudslinger at this point in time, as I wish her no harm. Her identity and her blog is however known to many of the other Swedes in SecondLife and they can also testify to the fact that she has actually brought forth the accusations that I have stated.

The mudslinger is dust to me now and has lost any credibility she may have had. I wish no further contact with her ever again. Should she, however. at any point in the future,  leave a comment on my blog again I will name her, her blog and link to the post where she sullies the memory of Ars.

The same of course applies to her crony, the extraterrestrial hag from InWorldz with her many avatars. Both of theses two harridans of the virtual worlds have spit on me and the memory of my Ars. The extraterrestrial hag did so only a few weeks after Ars passed away by raising the question if love in the virtual worlds was at all real love or even possible in any correct interpretation of the word.

As to the kind suggestions from many who wish me well, that I should ignore what had happened and let it lay, I can only say that it was never an option for me. I am sure it is a personality disorder of some kind, but I don´t care.

Once again I would like to thank all those of my family and friends in SecondLife who rallied to protect Ars´s memory. I would also like to thank all those friends and strangers who have sent me kind messages inworld or by e-mail. I will try to get back to you all as soon as possible!

I am sorry this post comes so late, but as an aftermath of yesterdays experiences I was completely exhausted when I got back from work today. What should have been a one hour nap turned into a three hours one.

Now, I am going to leave this behind me and never revisit it again. The middle part of yesterday was not a day I wish to remember. I will see you inworld tomorrow!

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