Showing posts with label Kilara. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kilara. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Remembering Our Friends Memorial

I didn't know that a place like the Remembering Our Friends Memorial (ROF) existed in SecondLife until a few days after Doug/Ars had died when his brothers Dej and Jeb told me that a few of Ars´s friends had placed a plaque for him there.

Later the same week I was contacted by Kilara Banning, whom I had met at a function a few weeks earlier, who asked if she could place a memorial for Ars at Linden Park (SLurl thanks to Ziggy for reminding me) another memorial site in SecondLife. Linden Park is made available by Linden Lab.

Since the inception of Remembering Our Friends Memorial by Carlo Dufaux, Tina Barrett and Mike Burleigh , they have provided space in their Chapel and Annex Wings for plaques for loved ones that were SecondLife residents as well as those who never were residents.

Personalized memorial plaques are created with no cost obligation to the requester. Freestanding custom built monuments are also available at a small fee.

Remembering Our Friends Memorial is funded through donations and sponsorship. They do not profit from this revenue and any excess funding, after expenses, is used for expansion, upkeep and the causes they support.
All plaques and monuments feature an oil lamp, that can be lighted in memory of your loved one for a nominal fee. There are of course also a few donation boxes around the venue, but if I have the time I prefer the lighting candles method. You can light the candles of anyone you choose, I have made it my task to keep the candles in the section where Ars´s plaque is lit.

For more information you can visit Remembering Our Friends Memorial´s website (url).

The landmark to the sim Remembering Our Friends Memorial (SLurl) and to Ars´s memorial plaque (SLurl) (Their is a fixed landing spot, so the best way to find Ars plaque is to first look up the location on a map then red arrows will guide you once you land there.)

P.S. Yes, I detest the white angelic figures all over the place, but I try to ignore them for the good cause, mostly I succeed.)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Ewa & Jesper förnyar sina äktenskapslöften

Lördagen var en hektisk dag! Och det började naturligtvis med att jag försov mig. Bland alla saker som hände var dock den största händelsen Ewa och Jespers "renewal"-evenemang. Ars stod för musiken under festen efteråt medan jag hade ombetts vara värd.

Det var en oerhört vacker ceremoni! I sann efterföljd med den amerikanska traditionen utbytte och förnyade Ewa och Jesper sina löften under en stundtals rörande ceremoni med glimten i ögat. Eftersom jag är trött blir detta inlägg mest bilder och bildtexter.

Ewa och Jesper vid altaret under ceremonin

En översiktsbild

Brudtärnorna Kilara, Safir & Charlotte

Ljusmästaren Jannne Janus

Den "kyssbare" Styxl var där med sin hustru Suteruni

Selma var vacker som alltid

Mialinn representerade norska SL

Kay och Satorin delade bänkrad