Showing posts with label Jannne. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jannne. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Swedish Invasion Adhoc Reunion

Yesterday evening I got a surprising teleport offer from Ambrooshia. The surprise was that she more or less left SecondLife a couple of years ago and has only been back at infrequent intervals.

Well, as my hubby wasn't online yet and I had nothing better to do, I took the teleport and landed in a gathering of avatars from the period of the big Swedish SL-Invasion in the spring of 2007.

At that time there was an article in the largest Swedish news paper about SecondLife and the Swedish Institute had decided to open a virtual Swedish Embassy in SecondLife that was going to be inaugurated by the Swedish foreign minister at the time, Carl Bildt.

Those of the avatars that don't still regularly come into SecondLife seemed to decide on coming back for regular reunions every Monday at 21.00 C.E.T. (i.e 9 PM C.E.T. or 12 PM SLT)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Don´t Forget Our Date Tomorrow

Tomorrow Sunday December 12th, 2010, at 11 am and 1 pm SLT I hope to see you all at the Swedish Embassy in SecondLife for the Celebration of Saint Lucia.

junivers Stockholm, Medora and The Imaginals with a lightshow by firemasters extraordinaire Jannne Janus and Ambrooshia DeCuir at about 11:30 AM SLT

Bara Jonson sings LIVE at about 12:10 PM SLT

Big party afterwards with amazing DJ Midnattsdotter Fride.

Come and see Bock McMillan in his first leading role as Starboy #3 (...or was it #4?).

We are doing this just for fun and for the fifth consecutive year in SecondLife. No competition with other pageants is intended.

Taxi to Swedish Orientation

Produced by: The Bock McMillan Entertainment Group Inc (part of the BMcM Corporation) Swedish People in SL
Funded by The Swedish Institute.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Ohh What a Night..

Starting of with the opening of Iendi´s and Apollon´s OneLove (with some of the hottest women in SecondLife) and ending with Eddi´s and Jago´s second anniversary party (with some of SecondLife´s hottest men). I danced, danced and danced...

Well I know I sat through the wonderful show that junivers Stockholm and his team of beautiful women gave us together with the firemasters extraordinaire Jannne Janus and Ambrooshia DeCuir, but that was not for long.

It was during the amazing light show that I got this picture from Lelle Kidd ... proving once again that I don´t always look as hot and cute as I think I do....

But I felt a little better when I returned his favor with this snapshot of him.

Which goes to prove that you only know what you see on your own screen, others may see it in a completely different way!

All in all, I had a great time last night. Thanks everyone for making it heavenly! 

"I could have danced all night!
I could have danced all night!
And still have begged for more.
I could have spread my wings
And done a thousand things I've never done before.
I'll never know 

What made it so exciting.
Why all at once my heart took flight.
I only know when he
Began to dance with me.
I could have danced, danced danced all night!"

P.S. HELL YEAH! I did try out dancing on the bar at the new Grenouille Inn, and I can attest to the fact that it is quite safe!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Sneak Preview of OneLove Events today

The amazing junivers Stockholm and firemaster extradordinaire Jannne Janus are going to give you all amazing shows today at the grand opening of the OneLove Events, Saturday November 27th, 2010, at 1 pm SLT..

Here are some teasers from their rehersals yesterday!

For fore information and updates please visit the website OneLove Events.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Nakna avatarer i SL 47

Mina vänner de båda fantastiska ljusmästarna i SL Ambrooshia DeCuir och Jannne Janus bjuder oss på denna lysande uppvisning av ljus, färger och kärlek.

Om ni någonsin får möjligheten att se en av deras färgsprakande och underbara fyrverkerishower rekommenderar jag varmt att ni tar tillfället i akt. Kom tidigt det brukar bli fullt!!!

"Peace, Love, Absinthe and Understanding from Ambrooshia and Jannne"

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Ewa & Jesper förnyar sina äktenskapslöften

Lördagen var en hektisk dag! Och det började naturligtvis med att jag försov mig. Bland alla saker som hände var dock den största händelsen Ewa och Jespers "renewal"-evenemang. Ars stod för musiken under festen efteråt medan jag hade ombetts vara värd.

Det var en oerhört vacker ceremoni! I sann efterföljd med den amerikanska traditionen utbytte och förnyade Ewa och Jesper sina löften under en stundtals rörande ceremoni med glimten i ögat. Eftersom jag är trött blir detta inlägg mest bilder och bildtexter.

Ewa och Jesper vid altaret under ceremonin

En översiktsbild

Brudtärnorna Kilara, Safir & Charlotte

Ljusmästaren Jannne Janus

Den "kyssbare" Styxl var där med sin hustru Suteruni

Selma var vacker som alltid

Mialinn representerade norska SL

Kay och Satorin delade bänkrad