Showing posts with label Mardi Gras. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mardi Gras. Show all posts

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Mardi Gras at Second Pride 2021

As tradition bids, there is a Mardi Gras celebration at Second Pride this year also. 

The event will be running on Friday-Saturday, February 12th-13th, and Tuesday, February 16th. 

For times and performers see posters below.  

SLurl to the event: Mardi Gras at Second Pride

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Last Day of Gluttony

In Catholic times, "the Fat Tuesday" was the last day before the forty days of fasting until Easter started.

The purpose of Lent is the preparation of the believer for Easter through prayer, doing penance, repentance of sins, almsgiving, and self-denial. As the name suggests, one would eat ravenously - preferably seven meals a day - to stand firmly prepared for the 40-day fast. The traditions around the calorie-rich feast day remained even after the rules of fasting disappeared with the Protestant Reformation.

Since it was the last chance before the fast to eat milk, eggs, and white wheat flour, perhaps a dessert in the form of a fixed bun was on the menu.

That is why we Swedes to this day, in one of the most secular countries in the World, stuff ourselves with the delicacies in the picture. There are variations of semlor (sehm-lohr is plural, sehm-la is singular) throughout Scandinavia and in Sweden they go by several different names: 'semlor' in the north, 'fastlagsbullar' in the south, and 'hetvägg' if they are eaten with warm milk and sprinkled with cinnamon.

Here's a recipe for fastlagsbullar in English that I found on the (url)

Second Pride: Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday), Today 2-10 PM SLT

Today's Event Schedule
2-4 PM: DJ i0n
4-6 PM: DJ Regi Yifu with host Lady Mei
6-8 PM: DJ Shepherd with host Larz Kaz
8-10 PM: DJ Lee McKay with host Kaiden

Your taxi to the event:  Second Pride - Mardi Gras 2019 (SLurl)

This event is BYOBBB, i.e. bring your own beer, booze and bead necklaces!

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Today: Mardi Gras Carnival, 4 PM - 10 PM SLT

Second Pride is celebrating carnival on our virtual recreation of the Big Easy!  

Come join us with your most festive clothing! It's BYOB ("bring your own beads") if you have them! 
Today's Event Schedule

  •         4pm - 6pm:  DJ Nicco and Host Jai
  •         6pm - 8pm:  DJ Cole Delpiaz and Host John
  •         8pm - 10pm:  F-Squared 

Your Taxi:  Second Pride - Mardi Gras 2019 (SLurl)

There will be another celebration on Fat Tuesday (Mardi Gras). More on that later!

Friday, February 24, 2012

At Ewa´s Mardi Gras

Tonight I dropped in at my friend Ewa Aska´s Mardi Gras celebration at the Gimli Theater. The event was packed with avatars from Sweden, Norway and everywhere else when I arrived but I had "grey issues" so the pictures I took where pretty useless.

The picture above is from later in the evening, when the crowds had thinned out, and shows me enjoying the music of DJ Peppe, who was a good surprise. He played great slow music that put the couples in a romantic mood, if they weren't there already.

An acquaintance of mine complained "Not all of us have someone to hug!". When I offered him to come to me, he just laughed and teleported out of the place. Imagine... well, better luck next time perhaps...

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Ewa´s Mardi Gras

My friend Ewa Aska is throwing a combined housewarming party and carnival tomorrow, Friday February 24, 2012, at 1 PM.

Mardi Gras beads are compulsory and clothing optional if I choose to deliberately misread her invitation. (Although knowing Ewa as well as I do, I think you will be kicked off the sim if you come only wearing beads - if they do not cover all of your interesting parts (boobs, penises and asses).

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Mardi Gras at The Bullring

Although it was Fat Tuesday yesterday I was preparing for a peaceful evening at Southern Charm, perhaps some light gardening but nothing at all adventurous when I saw my friend missK calling us to a Mardi Gras party with DJ Hotboy at my co-blogger Torro Spyker´s club The Bullring.
Torro Spyker checking out a patron
I had never been to that club before so I thought to myself, "What the hell, the gardening can wait...". I threw off my shirt, threw on my beads and a mask and took the teleport.

When I arrived the small room was already filled by a few very good looking women and the hunkiest men in SecondLife, the pride of the gay community in our world. My fellow Swedes sometimes complain about my exaggerated height, but I believe I was the shortest man in the room this night.

Strangely enough there wasn´t much conversation going on although the room was packed so I am guessing it was all in IMs. The music was good and the sights were just fine too, so I stayed until it was time for bed and thoroughly enjoyed myself.
DJ Hotboy and Mercedes
Bock, shirtless with beads and mask
Blogger Jeff Ellsworth hiding in the rafters but I found him anyway