Showing posts with label ex-friend. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ex-friend. Show all posts

Saturday, May 30, 2015

An End

I usually believe strongly in the power of forgiveness and that a healing process can occur over time.

However, on rare occasions things are said or done that are utterly unforgivable and cannot be taken back or forgotten, no matter how much any of the parties concerned may wish it. When that happens it is final.

You can only tidy up the threads, sear the wounds shut and move on with your separate lives.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

A Failed Friendship

For several weeks now, I have been mulling over a friendship that ended disastrously. What went wrong? Could I have said or done some thing differently to stop this from ending with unfriending, blocking, muting and banning?
© Pink Sherbet Photography
I am getting nowhere and am just winding around in circles, most likely because the breakup is still too close in time or that I am too involved and unable to be objective in my inquiry. It simply hurts too much to think about it. Nonetheless I blame myself for the failure.

Every failed friendship should be followed by an autopsy of sorts to establish when, where and how everything went totally wrong, so that we can learn and avoid the same pattern from occurring again.

I may return to this subject in the future, but for now it seems pointless. All I know is that, to paraphrase the Roxette song, "there must have been love, but its over now". A residue of the love we had still remains and a hope - at least on my part - that somehow this will not be the end.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Conversation on Facebook

I hadn't been on Facebook for a while, and about ten minutes after I logged on I had this wonderful conversation. (Spelling errors have been corrected.)

Oh yes do poke me
Make sure not to like any of my posts
I will go like you(r posts) afterwards
People might see that
Stop it
You are beginning to start (sounding) bitter
I haven't been on here for a week, 
I need to go through my own 
updates before I get to yours
Honestly do you really think I'm that stupid?
No I don't!
Honestly, do you think I am a liar?
Nah you are just a people pleaser...
...and that's ok
Fuck you to bits
When were you over at the parties at 
The Grindery when I was around?
But now you suddenly are all the time
I am actually starting to believe 
that you are paranoid
It's all about you Bock
Go jump in a lake and cool down
...or take another glass of cava so you pass out
LOL asshole!
Hope you feel better now!
Well do you?
Go hang with the ugly people please
I was waiting for the honest answer by the way

I did not see any point in continuing the conversation, so I liked every post and comment this person had made that I could find and then jumped off Facebook.