Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Back in Second Life

Photography by Gary Hamburgh

Well after a few days away from Second Life - due to a very bad cold in real life and the Swedish general elections - I headed back to my Second Life yesterday.

While I was away it seems all hell broke loose and hurt feelings are soaring high! It will take me some time to sort out what has happened, especially since it seems there are people I trust, love and respect on both sides of the trenches.

Not even the fact that the people that I know by experience to be deceitful liars and backstabbers are ganging up on one side will force me to jump to conclusions - for as I said there are people I love there also.

I will take my time and talk to my friends and the people I trust and let the dust settle. Hopefully we will all find a resolution to this. I will not allow myself to be manipulated into actions or reactions until I myself feel ready to do so.

No matter what happens though I will always stick with my friends, whatever side they are on, and hopefully they will stick with me too whatever side I end up on - if I feel I must chose sides.


  1. no matter what, I still love my BIL! I'm here and there for you, do never hesitate to call me whenever needed.

  2. Love you too, my darling BIL! xoxoxo


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