Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Due Dates

Recently I have been thinking about a classic definition of a bohemian I heard a long time ago from my maternal grandfather. He used to tell me that a bohemian is someone who regards paying taxes and rent as unexpected and totally unforeseeable expenses.

I have always had difficulty remembering all the different dates of payments both in real life and in SecondLife. In real life Internet banking has saved me by allowing me to just add a bill when I get it so that I then can forget all about it, payment is made automatically on the day I decide on. I have the same problem with birthdays, rezdays and anniversaries.

In the beginning when I first started renting land in SecondLife I used to have huge problems remembering due dates. I had post-it stickers all over my computer and on the refrigerator to remind me, but they usually got to be so many of them that they either covered each other or I did not seem them because of the sheer amount of stickers everywhere.

Ars had the same problem, so when we moved to Southern Charm we made an arrangement with the landlady. Instead of paying our monthly tier on the 17th or 19th, whatever it was, we made an additional payment so that the due date always came at the end of each month, which is much easier to remember.

Today my payment of sim-tier to Linden Lab is handled by my credit card, which is also a relief. The correct amount is charged to my card monthly whenever it is due and I just pay the card bill.

I sometimes tell people that the invention of Internet-banking, the Global Positioning System and the electronic calenders have improved my quality of life with at least 15 %, just because my bills get payed on time and I can show up where I am expected to be at the correct time.

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