Saturday, September 24, 2011

Is Bock A God?

God is - at least in monotheistic religions - usually defined as a power (for lack of a better word) that is infallible  omnipresent, omnipotent (and therefore also omniscient) and perfectly good.

It is sometimes rather strange - and at times amusing - to read about myself on other blogs or in comments, where people seem to believe that I am all-powerful and all-knowing or the incarnation of goodness in the world. If they don´t think it themselves they imply that I do so myself.

I would like to address these allegations.

At the header of "Bock in SecondLife" there has since it´s creation always been these words (either in Swedish or in English): "Wherein this avatars fates, adventures and experiences in, his thoughts and feelings about and also his reactions to his first and second life are depicted with written messages, images and other visual tools."

  • I have never assumed to be all-knowing or infallible. 
  • I have never deluded myself with the notion that I know everything that is going on in any of my worlds, whether in deed or in word. 
  • I have never assumed to know what anyone does or says to anyone else in private chats, IMs or in e-mails. 
  • I have never pretended to be able to see into the hearts and minds of men, women or avatars. 
  • I do not assume the role of judge and jury, even if I am a lawyer and sometimes throw in my legal opinions.

What I always have tried to do, however, is to honestly share my admittedly very subjective and personal points of views on things I experience, observe, read or witness in any other way. I also avoid relying on second hand information.

I have also repeatedly stressed and disclosed the fact that I am a fallible human with moods, likes and dislikes and weaknesses that can distort my clarity of vision.

I admit I sometimes make snap judgments and could use a kinder or politer way of communicating with my readers, but I firmly believe in being outspoken and honest and I expect others to be so too.

Now you tell me, am I - or do I pretend to be - a God or a man? Leave your answer in the poll and any explanations for your vote are welcome in the comments!


  1. No Bock you are a man! Gods can create woman can :)

  2. Det är några få Bock och du kommer aldrig att nå dem eller ens få dem att vilja förstå.

    Andra älskar dig för den du är och kommer att så fortsätta. Fortsätt vara den du är.


    /Tina (PG)

  3. Even Gods need hugs! Hugs Bock, buddy :)

  4. Alla får vara hur dom är, men tack och lov kan man hålla dom ifrån sig vars beteende man inte sympatiserar med.

  5. Thanks Vanadis, Tina and Apmel, hugs guys!

    Thanks also to Ms. Gittrika Mint for sharing your thoughts on a completely different subject, where the discussion is actually running wild on another blog.

  6. No, No god but a man that i would have as a friend in Rl any day, and do have as one in SL

  7. Jasså var det ett annat ämne jag skrivit om tycker du? Säkerligen för att det inte faller dig på läppen. Det där var en ganska generell åsikt anser jag, som går att tillämpa överallt.
    Ms Gittrika Mint

  8. Thank you for sharing, Ms. Gittrika Mint

  9. Bock, as I said inworld, you are a God among men! I am fortunate to have you as my friend.

  10. Dear Diana, what would the world be like without friends who showed indulgence with our shortcomings? Hugs! ;)

  11. Nicely put , Bock. It's just great to see a man putting out his views, and in general, bringing things to our attention that sometimes get lost or hidden in the mass of stuff pumped out every day. you are a big picture- little picture sort of guy. Always good to listen to you. ; )

  12. Thanks Torro, you made me very happy buddy!


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