Thursday, January 19, 2012


Human Calicivirus - beautiful isn´t it?
Since Wednesday I have been sick as a dog and feeling nauseous all the time. My boss - who has no medical training at all but a phobia against vomiting and is a mother of two (not including me) - diagnosed me with suffering from an outburst of Calicivirus. We Swedes have a lovely name for it "the winter vomit disease", as it usually comes around in January-February.

I was ordered to stay well away from her and everyone else at work. I am now bored to hell, when I am not sick, and daytime television almost killed me off completely.

This is just a fair warning if you don´t want to catch the bug when I come into SecondLife this evening.


  1. I know HER feeling :) Jag är en sk emetofobiker, kräkfobi. Nämn magsjuka och min hjärna skriker åt mig att springa för livet. Bär alltid med mig en påse hela vitpepperkorn. Hjälper åtminstone psykologiskt så jag kan slappna av lite från paniken :)

    Krya på dig!

  2. Tack, Jasmnine!

    Ahhh of course it has a name, emetophobia! Strange that I did not think of that, I will blame my nauseousness. ;)

    When I googled the word I came across an online treatment and study that could be of interest for you, Jasmine.

    Griffith University (Australia) is conducting an international Internet treatment study into it EmetStudy

  3. Well, we have met (wonderful minutes as always) but I'm still feeling fine!:D

    Wish you get better soon BIL.

  4. Interestingly, Rabbit Calicivirus has been relatively successful controlling this devastating pest.

    Hope you get better soon mate

  5. Interesting, sarco, do they make a vaccine from the rabbit variation?


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