Showing posts with label Kiri. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kiri. Show all posts

Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Re-Opening of Whim

During one of our talks last week I mentioned to my son, that he and I had known and loved too many DJ's in SecondLife. The statement is of course true, I would never lie to you all about something so important as love. I am, however, not quite sure what I meant with the comment, because I would not wish not having known and been given the opportunity of loving any of them.
Anyway, last night one of the DJ's my son and I know and love, the incredible, brilliant, sublime and - not to forget - humble Butch Diavolo invited us to the re-opening of his Club Whim, which for no particular reason, other than a whim of the genius himself, was shut down before the summer.
Butch wishes us to think of this as a new club "The Whim - Part Deux", but to me it's still the old Whim in a more dilapidated condition. (Dilapidation is actually more difficult to get right than making something look fresh and new, as the genius will willingly tell you.)
Myself, Guyke, Kiri, Nicky, Butch and Spanki
Guyke, I and the rest of the patrons were treated to one of Butch's best sets of trance music in SecondLife yet. I was almost knocked speechless, which is no easy feat.
Butch and Spanki
Aisha with Pite behind

Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Amacci Party

Yesterday it was time for my buddy Butch Diavolo to DJ at the Amacci Party at Second Pride. I had been looking forward to it ever since Butch told me he would be playing a set at Pride.
Butch started out hard and then he kept nailing it in deeper with every song he played. I thought he had an exceptionally good evening, but when I asked him afterwards how he felt about the set he said it had felt "OK". I told him he was silly and should stop bashing himself. The man was in all likelihood just exhausted after having played two sets

The fast working charmer I had met also came to the party. We had a long and pleasant conversation - or so I thought. However, I must have said or done something wrong because when I got online again later he had dissolved our friendship. "Well, easy come, easy go", I thought to myself even if it saddened me a little, but it really is better if people pull out sooner than later from something they do not believe they will enjoy.

I feel a bit ashamed writing this on the blog, and may possibly remove it at a later time. But as I have said many times before, this blog is mainly written as a journal for myself accounting what I experience in any of my lifes. I do not like failing at something and this was obviously something I did not handle well. As it is a learning experience it belongs here so I can remember it and learn from it in future relationships.
Aisha, Spanki, Wolf & Butch
Nicki (right) and her wife Kiri
Fun Loving Aisha dressed up for Pride
The charming Cody Bolero showing skin and a great physique
Weylin grooving with Zim
Dodo (Please note that the man changes his underwear everyday)
LeBelier, a pleasant new acquaintance from Canada
Spanki (right) and a friend with a name starting with C (I forgot it I am sorry!
Zim & Weylin  preparing to teleport to the main stage
for the next party after Butch had finished his set

Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Tag Crisis

My sweet friend Butch seems to create and dissolve a fan-group in SecondLife every third month or so. Recently he created a more general fan-group that - hopefully - could encompass all his future ventures and/or clubs, Butch Diavolo | Info Group.

I was of course invited to join, as I am one of his biggest fans. All would have bee good and well, if it had not been for his unfortunate choice of group tags. Butch tagged himself as "The Weird One" and the rest of the group members as "Party Weirdo". Can you believe it? One would really have expected more of this otherwise pleasant, intelligent man with exquisite taste.

The situation was, as you can imagine, completely unacceptable and unsatisfactory for my station in life, so I started a rebellion in the group chat. Here is a slightly edited (mostly only shortened) extract of the group chat.

Bock McMillan: Party Weirdo, huh? I think a laird deserves a much classier tag than that! Pfffffffft
Aisha Ceawlin: LMAO
Harli (harliquin.taurus): I like party weirdo tag
Amanda269 Allen: I complained also
Aisha Ceawlin: I complained too
Bock McMillan: I feel so belittled - almost as if I was walking in the middle of a street at high-noon in only nappies
Amanda269 Allen: I mean....Party Weirdo??
TἶTἶ Lυςαѕ   (titianna.omizu): Fits us
Amanda269 Allen: Pfff
Amanda269 Allen: No comment
Harli (harliquin.taurus): I love the tag, wear it all the time  lol
TἶTἶ Lυςαѕ   (titianna.omizu): Could have been worse
Butch Diavolo: Hmm... the plebs are revolting?
Aisha Ceawlin: O.M.G. it speaks :P
Bock McMillan: Well, Harli, I am sure it could be suitable for some people - but after all I am a laird, mind you
Butch Diavolo: Y'all are weirdos, so the tag fits
Bock McMillan: Pffft if only I was tagged "The much Honored Weirdo" or something similar I would not complain
Harli (harliquin.taurus): A laird of x?
Butch Diavolo: In your case, that title is implied, Bock ;)
Bock McMillan: I am Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm, prince of Cascade Falls and sovereign ruler of the Southern Enchantment region with all its outer territories etc., etc.
Kiri Dasmijn (kiri.cisse): The Outer Territories being the rest of SL?
Bock McMillan: Nahhh, Solace Island, Mount Whitney and a few more unknown places...
Butch Diavolo: SL and RL
Kiri Dasmijn (kiri.cisse): What about the Moon?
Bock McMillan: The supreme ruler of this group is trying to admonish me in IM
Spanki Moulliez: I've got a feeling Bock's title is not going to fit on the tag :P
TἶTἶ Lυςαѕ   (titianna.omizu): lol
Butch Diavolo: Since you cancelled the Kiss-a-Swede day, you will stay a party weirdo <--- admonishment="" i="">
Spanki Moulliez: Every day should be kiss a Swede day! perhaps that can be your title
Bock McMillan: The Moon is only a U.N. Protectorate in my realm, Kiri
Bock McMillan: That day is cancelled due to bad weather
Kiri Dasmijn (kiri.cisse): Yeah it's a protectorate til we run low on cheese, then it's every nation for itself.
Butch Diavolo: ( Lairdy Weirdo? )
Bock McMillan: The Right Honorable Weirdo would be sufficient even though I would feel common 
Butch Diavolo: That won't fit
Butch Diavolo: Or better yet... A Right Weirdo
Bock McMillan: The Honorable Weirdo then if it must be shortened

A few days later I got an offline message from The Weird One informing me that my tag had been changed.

I find the new tag satisfactory and appropriately respectful! Thank you so much for your responsiveness to my needs, Butch!