As an oldtimer in both SecondLife and in first life, I know that sometimes shit happens. The important thing is how you deal with it, usually you just step over it and move on.
Sasha Laryukov as Madonna |
That is what the cast of The Madonna Virtual History Tour had to do this evening when their dance master - who was going to lead all the newer dances of the show - was hit by a power outage in his first life and dropped out and couldn't get back in. Sasha and the remaining crew championed on and did the best they could without him.
I have seen the Virtual History Tour three times earlier - without technical difficulties - but I must say that this was the time I had most fun and was most moved.
A big reason for enjoying it so much was the wonderful and warm interaction between the crew and the audience in the face of adversity.
The fact that the show also was a beautiful tribute to our brothers and sisters who lost their lives in Orlando in a very touching way that brought tears to my eyes. Unfortunately I couldn't get any pictures of that part due to a bit of weekend lag so the photos of their faces didn't rez for me.
I would like to thank Second Pride and all the performers for a wonderful experience!