Last Saturday my Tomais and I had the pleasure of having you, our families and friends, over to celebrate our elopement and share our happiness with us at
The Elopement Party. To those of you who couldn't be there we say, we missed you dearly and hope that you can be with us next time.
"Selfies" Photography by Tomais Ashdene |
You came in droves in a way that completely surprised us and made us feel more loved than ever before. You actually came in such quantities and simultaneously that the sim couldn't take it and crashed under us, but as I have always maintained
"Every good party needs at least one crash!"
With the kind help and speedy assistance of
TJ Linden the sim was soon up again and - as it seemed - moved to a much better server, because after the crash there was no lag at all even when most of you came back and we were joined by even more friends and friends of friends. Someone told me later that we at some point peaked at 64 avatars present at the sim.
Ryder Yowman and
Rylan Sirnah, the Masters of Music for the evening, with their awesome tunes insured that we would all have a wonderful time.
You came in the most fabulous outfits or outrageous costumes and in excellent moods for a party, it was indeed a pleasure having you all there. Even the performance artist
SaveMe Oh turned up to see what was happening and "improve the artistic qualities" of the party. Alas I was forced to kick her off the sim when she started large flocks of sheep on the dance floor, despite this unfortunate incident we are still friends and SaveMe could be freed up to get kicked off a couple of more sims before her evening was over.
We requested that you did not give us gift but that you instead share your generosity with two charities and you were indeed overwhelmingly generous!
Chaz Longfall, our liaison with
The AIDS Committee of Toronto) informed us after the party that you had donated
L$27.600 to that cause, while I myself have calculated that you donated a few dollars shy of
L$21.000 to
Second Pride. We would both like to thank you for your kind generosity to these worthy causes.